Chapter Six

Modernism-The Greatest of all Heresies

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." Rom. 1:25

This particular chapter is by no means the definitive statement on Modernism. I only scratch the surface. Please read the recommended reading at the end of the chapter. They are but a few of the many excellent books on Modernism. Most important read Pope Saint Pius X's encyclical on Modernism. When I gave the talk, the response was phenomenal. People want to know the truth, and when they know, they act upon it. The following is the talk on Modernism, the Greatest of all Heresies.

To understand what is going on in the Church today, you must understand what is Modernism. Pope St. Pius X, who defined modernism, and wrote an encyclical on it, stated, "Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies". In his encyclical, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Pope St. Pius X not only explained the doctrines of the Modernists but he also condemned them.

Since the foundation of the Church there have been heresies, but before going any further, (in his book Modern Catholic Dictionary), Father John Hardon S.J. defines heresy as,

"Anyone who, after receiving baptism, while remaining nominally a Christian, pertinaciously denies or doubts any of the truths that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith is considered a heretic. Accordingly four elements must be verified to constitute formal heresy; previous valid baptism, which need not have been in the Catholic Church; external profession of still being a Christian, otherwise a person becomes an apostate; outright denial or positive doubt regarding a truth that the Catholic Church has actually proposed as revealed by God; and finally the disbelief must be morally culpable, where a nominal Christian refuses to accept what he knows is a doctrinal imperative." 1

In order to understand St. Pius X's statement that Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies, you need to know about the past heresies, therefore I will briefly explain a few of the past condemned heresies.

There have been over 100 heresies since Christ founded His Church. The first heretics were called the Simonians. They were the followers of Simon Magus, a magician of Apostolic times. He is called the Father of Heretics, because he was the first heretic. He originally went to Peter and the Apostles, to purchase from them, what he thought was magic. He told them he would give them money for the secret on how to cure the sick people. The incident is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Later Simon Magus was converted and baptized, but he recanted back into his old heresy and died, trying to jump off a high tower. Besides these imagined powers, he did teach heresy. He denied free will, and his followers taught that the world was created by angels. They believed in the transmigration of the souls, an idea being promoted today, especially by the actress Shirley McClaine. They denied the humanity of Jesus Christ. The Corinthians another group of heretics during this time, denied that God was the creator of the world and they denied the divinity of Christ. This all took place after Christ was crucified and ascended to heaven.

In the Second century there was the rise of 14 heresies. Without going into the names of the individual heresies, I will just state some of the proposed beliefs. The humanity and miracles of Jesus were denied along with the resurrection of the body, the world was created by angels, the divinity of Christ was denied and they advocated the practice of immorality as a means of union with God. They denied that Mary was the Mother of God; taught justification by faith alone, and that there were two gods, a god of good and a god of evil. They advocated free love. The Incarnation was denied and matrimony was condemned. They denied the Mystery of the Trinity, practiced idolatry and denied that Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Christ.

The third century saw the rise of five heresies. Confirmation was not considered a sacrament, mortal sins committed after baptism could not be forgiven, the blessed in heaven could be expelled for faults committed while in heaven. They believed in a plurality of gods, rejected the Old Testament, stated that Christ had no real body, denied free-will, and held each man had two souls.

In the fourth century 11 heresies were condemned. Baptism was declared invalid unless given by a Donatist. The main heresy, Arianism denied the divinity of Christ, and taught that God the Son was not eternal. Jesus was made divine as a reward for the work of the redemption. The divinity of Holy Ghost was denied. The sacred character of the priests and bishops were denied. The virginity of Mary was denied, after baptism one could not sin, they condemned the veneration of images and relics and the invocation of saints, and claimed it was useless to pray for the dead.

By the fifth century, the attacks on the Church are becoming different. Adam would have died if he had not sinned and his sin injured only himself, not the whole human race, because all are born innocent. The idea of predestination arises for the first time here. Faith itself and its increase depends entirely upon God. Final perseverance is not a special gift of grace but depends upon man's own strength. Nestorians claimed that in Christ there were two separate persons, one divine and one human, Mary was only the mother of the human person. This was condemned at the council of Ephesus in 431. The Monpophysites claimed that Christ had only one nature. This was condemned at the Council of Chalcedon in 451.

In the seventh and eighth centuries it was taught that Christ was not crucified and there was more than one God. The heretics denied the incarnation, believed Christ was an angel, denied the sacraments, and claimed veneration of sacred images was idolatry.

It is in the ninth century that the beginning of the Great Schism takes place. The Eastern Church denies the supremacy of the Pope and teaches the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father alone.

The 11th and 12th centuries have the denial of the Real Presence for the first time. Infant baptism is rejected, altars and churches are condemned. They prohibited veneration of the Cross and rejected the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. They believed in only two sacraments, Baptism and the Eucharist. A sinful priest could not absolve sins, while a lay man could. There was a rejection of the indulgences, fasts and ceremonies of the Church.

The 13th century saw the rise of the Albignesian Heresy. This heresy held that there were two gods, rejected infant baptism, and declared marriage sinful. Everyone had the power to forgive sins, they denied the Trinity, Incarnation, Redemption and the sacraments; declared all penance useless and that an unworthy priest lost the power of consecrating the Holy Eucharist.

From the 14th century on, most of the heresies brought about the founding of new churches and sects. John Wyclif held that the universe and God are one (modernism today), that creation was an emanation of God, Wyclif believed in predestination, denied the real Presence and rejected the episcopacy of the Church.

The Hussites denied that St. Peter was the head of the Church. The Anabaptists practiced polygamy. The authority of the Pope, free-will, the sacraments, good works, purgatory and the forgiveness of sin are all denied along with the teaching of justification by faith alone. These and many more heretical ideas were taught by Zwingli, John Knox, Martin Luther, Calvin and a host of others. These ideas developed and became their own churches, that have splintered and fractured into hundreds of churches today, that it is impossible to keep track of them.

The 20th century was ripe for the heresy of Modernism. The proponents, the one who brought forth this heresy, did not just pop into 1960 and start creating them. They started the ball rolling at the turn of the century. Pope Pius the 10th warned the people about this heresy. In 1907 he wrote the encyclical Pascendi Domimici Gregis, halting it's progress, but not completely stopping it.

The proponents of this heresy were George Tyrrell S.J. and Teilhard de Chardin S.J.. The Jesuits are considered the Pope's men, the soldiers of the church, the guardians of the faith. Anyone who attacked the teachings of the church, had an adversary in the Jesuits. This is the main reason the Jesuits were founded. Today, instead of defending the truth, many Jesuits are promoting falsehood.

Tyrrell, at the turn of the century, wrote and taught at Oxford. He held teaching positions of influence and helped to write a Jesuit monthly magazine. Because of this, he had great influence. His spirit of influence covered a broad area. Unfortunately for the Jesuits, Tyrrell did not believe in God as you I believe in Him. He did not believe in the Virgin birth or the Resurrection. He did not say this boldly, (for he would have been expelled from the church), but very slyly, very careful at first, so as not to arouse suspicion. Because he refused to recant his heresies he was suspended and dismissed from the Society of Jesus. He was excommunicated in 1907. What was going on in his heart, when he died, it is not known, but he did die unrepentant.

Tyrrell's protege, Chardin and his works, were also condemned by the Church. Chardin was a great proponent of the Theory of Evolution, through this theory he attacked the doctrine of Original Sin. Chardin claimed he found the missing link in our evolution. On one of his many excavations in Hastings, England near the Piltdown area he claimed to have found a 100,000 year old skull of a man with the jaw of a chimpanzee. He called this man the Piltdown man, claiming he was the missing link. This was one of his contributions to the theory of evolution. The whole episode was proven fraudulent and is universally recognized by anthropologists today as an elaborate deception. In a later expedition to Peking, China, he discovered what is called Peking Man. This particular discovery took place December 1. 1929. Many, many skeletons and skulls were found. This so called find was packaged up in many boxes and put on a train and then lost.

Chardin went on to attack the doctrine of original sin. As we get in the discussion, you will see that by attacking original sin, Modernists literally chip at the foundation of everything the Church teaches. There are people today though that will tell you that both Tyrrell and Chardin are both saints, but their errors are the problems of the Church today. For example, there is no commitment to dogma. Publicly a Modernists will not deny Catholic Doctrine. They just will not mention it. They will use a genuine Catholic term, but not define it clearly. They stress the secondary effects of the sacraments, thereby denying the primary effects. Baptism is an initiation rather than Regeneration from Original Sin. You are initiating the child into the Church of God. You are bringing him into the Christian community. This is Protestantism. What they fail to tell you, (and totally deny), is the primary purpose of Baptism is to make the infant, a child of God, and to wash away the effects of original sin.

The Mass is a meal or agape rather than the Holy Sacrifice. You will never hear them say the mass is the Holy Sacrifice. If Modernists did this, they would have to admit that Jesus Christ died for our sins. They then would have to admit we are sinners, thus confirming the doctrine of original sin. Modernists call the Mass, a meal or a celebration, a love feast. The priest is not a priest, but a presider, that is one who presides over the events which are about to take place on the altar.

They put down external religion. They call it unimportant. This includes, the rosary, blessed statues, medals, holy water and altar rails. Why? This is what keeps the people in touch with the Church. Because of our human nature we need externals to feel, see, and touch. This is why Christ instituted the Sacraments. He gave us outward signs of the Sacraments, so we could see the manifestation of grace through the outward sign. For example water for Baptism, bread and wine for the Eucharist and Chrism for confirmation (that is the Holy Oil).

The modernists have also made God and man one entity. God is not a person, God does not have a divine nature; God is the air we breath. This is pantheism, God and man being one entity and this dates back to the early 19th century. Shortly before he died, Chardin wrote in 1954 that he was a pantheist in his thinking and in his temperament. Karl Rahner, who is a disciple of Chardin, calls us all Anonymous Christians, (some of you may know Rahner, and his writings, which are condemned by the Church). What is an anonymous Christian? Rahner says we are Christians if we do not know it, and if we do not want to be and even if we do not care to be. By calling us anonymous Christians, Karl Rahner grabbed onto the idea that the universe was transubstantiated, which was first put forward by Chardin.

Today the Modernists believe that "Christ's presence in each other is the only presence that counts." They believe that Christ is everywhere in the same sense that He is in the Eucharist. They believe Eucharist is a symbol, which is why they have done away with benediction, 40 hours and vigils.

A few years ago, I spoke to a nun, about a conference on the Eucharist that our local chapter of the World Apostolate of Fatima was putting on. I was a speaker on Eucharistic miracles, and I went to the diocese to get the conference pointed. This means that CCD teachers can come and get points towards their certification. The cannon lawyer for the diocese was one of the speakers, and his talk was pointed. Father Vincent Miceli and Doctor William Mara, a professor of philosophy, were also speakers at the conference. The dioceses would not point their talks, because they were considered "devotional talks".

It was at this point that this nun looked at me, and asked, "What are you speaking on Mrs. Moran?"

I said, "I am speaking on the Eucharistic miracles, you know, how the Host has been preserved, turned to human blood and human flesh, all implying that Jesus is truly present in this Holy Sacrament.

She looked at me and said, "Oh that so sweet, but it is not for me. My Eucharist is the poor man out on the street."

I just sat there and thought, this is heresy, and this is coming out of a nun, who is in charge of religious instruction of the diocese.

There was another priest whose talks I sat in on and listened to. He was instructing future deacons, for the diocese. Father and I had lengthy discussions on peace in the world. He stated that in order for there to be peace in the world there had to be action. We had to get out there and work for it. Prayer was secondary and not even necessary. I told him that he was wrong, that we must pray for peace in the world, and then ACT upon it. Our Lord in the Gospels many times would go off by himself and pray. In fact, he spent forty days in the desert praying and fasting before he began his public life. I further told this priest that your prayers should be in front of the Blessed Sacrament where they are the most powerful. His only reply to me was we had our thoughts and processes mixed up. Basically we thought the same. I again, very strongly told him he was wrong. He concluded that we can pray but it's really not going to do much good. It was at this point I said " Father do you pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament?" He wouldn't answer me and I can tell you why, he no longer believed in the real presence! Prayer first, action second! If possible, your prayers should be in front of the Blessed Sacrament where they are the most powerful.

Chardin's fundamental teaching is "There is no Adam." Pius XII in 1950, in his encyclical, Humani Generis, condemned this teaching. The Church teaches that Adam is a real man, (Christ called Himself the Second Adam). Chardin's thought there was no Adam; therefore, there is no Original Sin, thus doing away with the need of being redeemed. Chardin refers to the Sacrifice of Calvary, as the "Significant Act" of Calvary. Significant Act? What does that mean? If there was no redemption, then we are all walking demigods. We can do no wrong. We are perfect.

Matthew Fox, a Dominican, who has been allowed to come into the Youngstown diocese to preach, has taken this idea a step further in his condemned book "Original Blessing" referring to Original Sin. This book and his teachings have been condemned by the Church. If there is no original sin, there is no fall from grace and no need to be restored to grace. This makes the mass just a meal, needing only a presider not a priest! The priest at every Mass becomes Jesus Christ, who is the priest and victim at every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! Matthew Fox has been silenced by Rome. He is not allowed to teach or preach, but he has chosen to defy Rome. His cohort, confident and close associate is a woman he calls Starfire, a witch!

Hans Kung, another theologian of this day, whose teachings have been condemned, was once asked, "What happens when the priest says over the bread and wine, the words, "This is my body; this is my blood?" He replied tersely, "Nothing!"

With no Adam and no Original Sin, gone are the effects of Original Sin. The modernists teach sex, with all it's concupiscence and death are part of God's original design for man. The Church on the other hand teaches that our well ordered inclinations, were made imperfect by original sin. Jesus Christ, who was not touched by sin because He was God, had a well ordered human nature. The only other person like Our Lord was his Mother. The rest of us come into this world with a tainted human nature. Concupiscence is part of the make-up of fallen man, not a part of God's original design. We must control our appetites through self-restraint and prayer. Death is not a goal of life but a punishment for sin.

These false teachings of the modernists have continued to snowball. They teach because our human nature is perfect, our instincts are trustworthy, therefore there is no need of mortification, self-denial, abstinence or fasting. Instead they promote a joy of general promiscuity and a hedonistic approach to life. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may be dead. An example of this is, the clergy supporting "Dignity". It is a valid instinct they claim, not a part of man's fallen nature. It's all right to be a homosexual and to live this alternate lifestyle. Please keep in mind the Church never condemns the person. She never does, she condemns the act.

Karl Rahner's version of the "Single Act" theory of Quietism, (which was a heresy in the 17th century, condemned by Innocent XI), states that God and man are one and the same thing. Interestingly, the creator and the created are now one. We have become transubstantiated, that is, are individual human natures have become mixed-in with the Divine nature. Accordingly, when he says man, he is saying God. Karl Rahner teaches:

    1. You do not have to worship the Eucharist. Why? It's just a symbol, because God is within you.
    2. If you are attracted to someone, you may love him/her and have a 'meaningful' divine relationship by engaging in sex acts.
    3. Just love anybody in any sense that you wish, including your love of the poor - even if you live in the upper class suburbs and the poor are miles away in the ghetto - then you are always loving God.
    4. Become a person, ie, give vent to all instincts and inclinations. Don't worry about the old-fashioned Church's rules and regulations. 2

According to Saint Pius X in his encyclical Pascendi Gregis, "Modernists place the foundation of religious philosophy in the doctrine which is usually called Agnosticism. According to this teaching human reason is confined entirely within the field of phenomena, that is to say, to things that are perceptible to the senses... that is what the religion of the Modernists is, the senses. This is only the negative part of the system of the modernists. The positive side of it consists in what they call 'vital immanance'...when Natural Theology has been destroyed, the road to revelation closed through the rejection of arguments of credibility and all external revelation absolutely denied...the explanation will be sought in vain outside man himself. It must, therefore, be looked for in man." Pope St. Pius X explained that the Modernists deny man's knowledge of the existence of God, the Natural Moral Law of right from wrong or Divine Revelation. Man only "senses" these things.

Since this "sentiment originates in man, not God, every "sentiment" is unique". Every man's religion (sentiment) is equally good. One RELIGION IS AS GOOD AS AN OTHER!. In other words, you make yourself God, because you are not accepting things on faith, that is heaven, or the Trinity. Can you experience these in your senses? According to the Modernists, you can't. God revealed this to us, but we can not experience this on our own. To the modernists, if you can't experience something, they throw it out. For example you can experience and see a tree, therefore you believe in it.

How you sense God, is your unique approach to God. What you feel (God), is what you believe. This is the problem with Renew, which is condemned by the church! Renew has you come together in little groups, with a leader, who could be a priest, a layman, an educated or uneducated person. When you meet as a group, you may read or study sacred scripture. Everyone present is then asked to voice their opinions on what they have just read. At this point you will get a multitude of ideas and they can't all be right. The leader doesn't say to the individuals, you are wrong, you are wrong, you are wrong, you are right, this is what the Church teaches! He says that they are all right, because this is what each person feels inside and because of this, everyone is right!

Every man's religion is sentiment, and is equally good. This is what the Protestants teach. One religion is as good as another. That's what the modernist's teach. Those of us who have the Catholic faith, are truly blessed by God with a great grace. We have the fullness of the faith. To say our Protestant brethren are the same as us, is wrong, because they do not have the fulness of faith. They are separated from us. They can not trace their roots back to Christ. If they start to trace their roots back, they are going to find at some point on the way, there was a human person who founded their church, not Jesus Christ.

Pope St. Pius X stated:

"If anyone says that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, cannot be known with certainty by the natural light of human person, by means of things that are made, let him be Anathema! If anyone says that it is not possible or expedient that man be taught through the medium of Divine Revelation about God and the worship to be paid Him, let him be anathema."

There are four ways to obtain knowledge and information, which is important to know, because this is the approach that the modernists take.

    1. - Information, not knowledge, is attained via the five senses; stored in the memory (phenomenon experienced)
    2. - Knowledge attained when reason interacts with sensate information and is verifiable in time and space. (physical science)
    3. - Reason inducting or deducting from previous knowledge, but not verifiable in time and space. (metaphysical science)
    4. - Knowledge attained from an other person (divine or human). Divine revelation cannot be verified in time or space. We can't prove what God tells us, what Jesus has told us, we must accept it on faith. It is above, but not contrary to reason: accepted on faith in the revealer. (faith) 3

Modernism holds that man cannot attain knowledge by the latter two methods, Rational and Supra-rational; only by phenomenon experienced by the five senses.

Modernism contends that faith and religion begin in man, his subconscious, not in his consciousness. Religion and faith is a "sense", a "feeling" a "sentiment' for the divine. This is not what the Church teaches us. It is not knowledge the modernists state, but "Vital Immanence". It's a very difficult concept to grasp. If you read the writings of the modernists you may wonder what are they talking about. This is because it is so subtle and confusing. The modernists believe if you can't figure it out, you will accept it. Vital immanence is not knowledge. It's a feeling in what you sense. It does not come from God as Christians believe faith is a gift of God. They believe we give ourselves faith.

The following are a comparison of Christian Doctrines and Modernist Doctrines taken from the pamphlet called Modernism by Robert J. Conlon.

I will first state the Christian Doctrine and then follow with Modernist Doctrine.

KNOWLEDGE - Three types; empirical, rational, supra - rational, attained by reason and revelation.

-(Modernist) only on type-empirical.

Attained by phenomenon experience.

SCIENCE - Three kinds; physical, meta-physical,

theological. Philosophy and theology are sciences.

(Modernist) confined to physical-natural

sciences. Philosophy and theology are not sciences.

GOD - Can be known by reason and revelation.

(Modernist) Cannot be known, only sensed in

sub- conscience.

BIBLE - is the revealed word of God

(Modernist) is a human book-a myth

CREATION - is reality

(Modernist) is only a theory-unknowable.

PRAYER - human communication with God

(Modernist) human communication with God

is a myth.

REVELATION - necessary to overcome Original Sin

(Modernist) is myth - impossible.

LAW - exists as Laws of Nature, Natural Moral Law

(Modernist) only human & laws of nature


CHRIST - is both God and man, second Person of

the Trinity

(Modernist) was a good human

CHURCH - established by Christ. Is one, holy,

Catholic and Apostolic, is the Mystical Body

of Christ composed of those who share in His

Divine Life. Is hiarcharachly structured.

(Modernist) established by men, is plural,

secular, evolving, and human. Is "People of

God", is shared by those who choose to

belong, is democratic agency of the State.

PRIESTHOOD - two- Sacral (ministral) and lay,

Bishops have authority from Christ.

(Modernist) is one - lay

SACRAMENTS - outward, sign which gives grace.

The inward, spiritual, unseen grace is the


(Modernist) are signs which help self

experience religion.

BAPTISM - is being born into the Divine Life of

Christ, partaking in Divine Life.

(Modernist) is a religious experience, is

'sensing' God in the sub-conscience.

CORPUS CHRISTY - Body, Blood, Soul and

Divinity of Christ is received in the Form of

bread and/or wine.

(Modernist) a symbol of Christ Divinity

received as bread - as a symbol.

CONFESSION - is stressed to overcome sin

(Modernist) is good psychology

SIN - except Christ and Mary, all men are sinners;

original, actual, mortal, and venial.

(Modernist) myth which prevents self

fulfillment. Is myth because man cannot know

right from wrong.

CONVERSION - Turn away from sin to the Way,

Life and Truth of Christ

(Modernist) is 'to renew', to change, to be

open, to experience

REPENTANCE - is necessary; as is prayer

(Modernist) sorry you were not 'open' sooner.

MASS - is sacrifice where the lamb (Christ) is

consumed and is regulated by Magisterium.

(Modernist) mass is a meal, a banquet, a

celebration, is regulated by the celebrant.

MAGISTERIUM - is the teaching authority of the

Church. Its teaching authority comes from


(Modernist) is myth, teaching authority comes

from self or the laity.

FAITH - accepting what has been revealed by God.

(Modernist) a religious sense in the sub-


CHARITY - supernaturally infused virtue by which

we love God. Love of God first, His creation


(Modernist) is confined to human love,

physical sharing - helping neighbor.

RELIGION - recognition of God and practicing the

virtues which follow.

(Modernist) - the conscious feeling for the

divine in self.

REDEMPTION - man is redeemed from sin by

Christ's sacrifice.

(Modernist) feeling good about self

HOMOSEXUAL - acts are sinful

(Modernist) is a human right

Knowing the above differences helps you understand what the modernist is really saying. For example; Revelation says it's necessary to overcome original sin. When a modernists uses the term revelation, it means myth. When a modernists uses the term bible, they mean a human book that is a myth. The Bible, according to the Church, is the revealed word of God. Corpus Christi means body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, received under the appearance of bread and wine. To the modernist it is just a symbol!

Faith is what has been revealed by God. Faith to a modernists is a religion that comes to your subconscious. Homosexuality, according to the traditional Church, is an act that is sinful. According the modernists, it's a human right. Religion is a feeling for the divine for ourselves.

The following are issued through the code of Cannon law of 1983. They are the Liturgical Directives. You are not allowed to add or modify the Liturgical texts. What does that mean? That means a priest is not allowed to get up there and make up his own Canon before the Eucharist. They are not allowed to change the words or to do their own thing. When my sister and I did a craft show last year, I had to look for a church to attend Mass. I found a church and when we got there and went in it, it was resembled a huge cave. It reminded us of a large dungeon. We looked around, asking ourselves, where is the Blessed Sacrament? I thought, my goodness, Jesus is no where in the main body of the Church. We found the chapel and still no Blessed Sacrament? Finally, I asked somebody, where do you keep the Blessed Sacrament? The lady answered, "Oh, you go through that door, and then go through the next door, and it's in that little room over there.

You will notice she referred to Our Lord as " it". I want to state here and now that the Church condemns this practice. The Blessed Sacrament is to be in a place that is visible to everyone in the church, whether a side altar or a main altar.

My sister and I then sat down. The priest came out and started the mass. Within minutes I realized he was doing his own thing. He was not properly vested and he continually walked among the people. He then proceeded to make up his own canon before the consecration. A daily mass that should have been a half an hour was close to two hours because the priest just went about making up his own Mass. I came out, not hearing mass that day. Why? Because the priest did not obey the liturgical directives.

Non-scriptural readings during the liturgy are forbidden. I had someone complain to me that their parish was using velveteen rabbit for the school children to read for the gospel. You must use scripture for the gospel reading. Some of this may sound a little far fetched, but these are taking place today. The congregation is forbidden to join in the concluding Eucharistic prayer, "Through Him, with Him in Him..." This takes place a the end of the consecration. I have been in so many churches when the congregation joins in with the priest, and they are not allowed to do this. It is against the liturgical directives.

The gospel and homily is to be given by a ordained priest or deacon, not an lay person. Only the prescribed wine and bread may be used for the Liturgy. Now you may think to yourself, how are they getting around that one? My sister went to a mass in Columbus, Ohio a couple years ago, where instead of using the proper form of bread, they used sweet rolls, and crumbed it all over the altar. This was not a valid mass, because they did not follow liturgical directives.

Dancing is forbidden at the Liturgy. How many high schools and churches have dancing? They bring the school children in, and dress them up in see-through clothing, and have them dance up to the altar. Certainly, many of them will tell you, King David danced in the Old Testament, but the church says no dancing in the church. Priests and deacons must also wear the liturgical vestments prescribed by the rubrics.

Adoration of Blessed Sacrament is recommended, this includes, benediction, exposition, hours of adoration, and processions. Some churches flat out deny it. My girlfriend asked her pastor at her parish, "May we please have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during lent?"

"No", he curtly replied. "I don't go for that stuff".

We must genuflect (bowing only if genuflection is not possible) before the Blessed Sacrament. A tabernacle must be kept on the altar or in a VERY PROMINENT SPOT in the church! What does that mean? When you walk in, you had better be able to see that tabernacle. You should not have to ask somebody where is the Tabernacle. The only reason why it doesn't need to be on the main altar, is because in Europe, especially in Rome, in the big huge cathedrals, they kept it on a side alter, because of coronations and other events which took place at the main altar. People walking in saw the Blessed Sacrament. In most churches in America it is not like this. Many times you have to go and ask, where is the Tabernacle?

The tabernacle should be solid, unbreakable and not transparent!! There must be a tabernacle veil and lamp perpetually burning as a sign of honor paid to Our Lord.

Frequent reception of the Confession is encouraged. General Absolution is forbidden, except in extreme circumstance, for example in times of war and death. General Absolution occurs when everyone sits in the church, and are silently sorry for their sins. The priest absolves everyone in a clean sweep. General Absolution can be used, for example, if a disaster came to town, like a flood, and many people needed their confessions heard. A priest can absolve them by General Absolution. Another example is when a nation goes to war, and there are thousands of soldiers who are going into battle, and there are not enough priests to hear confession. General Absolution can be given then. It is forbidden to get everyone in the church and have the priest forgive everyone there, without hearing personal confession.

There is a true and funny story that comes to mind. I was in church one day. (A small city with only two catholic churches.) The priest in this particular church was upset, the reason being, he found out that there was General Absolution being given at the other Catholic parish in town. He raised his voice very loud and said, "A certain parish, in this town, which shall remain nameless is dispensing General absolution during Lent. I am afraid many of our parishioners will take advantage of this. This is an abuse of the Sacrament." He was very upset and then with a sarcastic voice he added, "Because of this no one will come here for confession. What do you think Confession is, fast food at McDonalds?"

You must be in the state of grace to receive communion. The confessional's are empty, but the communion lines are long. I don't understand it. It makes you want to ask everyone of these people if they can perform a miracle, or walk on water!

Extraordinary Lay ministers are to be used only when there is no priest, deacon or acolyte or when the priest is impeded by illness or advanced age or when the number of the faithful going to communion is so large as to make the celebration of Mass excessively long. I stress this point! In other words, God forbid if everyone should have to stay in Mass for an hour and five minutes, instead of one hour. Let's get some lay ministers up here, let's get four more. Better yet, let's have Father sit on the altar and watch. I got even a better idea, let Father sit in the rectory and not help at all! This is against the liturgical directives. You can't have lay people giving out communion, when the priest has ample time to give it out himself. I have yet to be in church, on a Sunday Mass, when the priest can not handle the crowd himself.

Children must go to confession first before they make their first holy communion. Some parishes say, they are so innocent, let them go to communion first, they can make confession four or five years down the road. The Church is very adamant in teaching confession first when the age of reason has been reached. If they are old enough to know what they are receiving, they are old enough to sin.

Communion may not be given to non-catholics. This is a liturgical directive. I know of a church in my area where communion is given to a protestant minister on a regular basis.

These are a few of the directives. As you can see there are many abuses and they are widespread. But these abuses are not the fault of Holy Mother the Church, it is the fault of the people of the Church; the cardinals, the bishops, the priests who are betraying the Church, and the people who sit back, like lambs led to slaughter, who don't even think or question what is happening by saying, "Wait a minute! This isn't right." They just accept it. It is the fault of those who are so proud, (and I'm not pointing a finger), who think, I want to be able to do these neat things, who cares if they could be possibly wrong! You have that kind of group of people everywhere, because pride goes before the fall. You have to question their principles. If you hear something that you do not think is right, question it. If the person talks down to you, then go and find out what the correct answer is. Go to the library, or call a priest (make sure he is first theologically sound). After you can prove that you are right, and the irritated person still says you are crazy, you wonder what do I do now? Do you look for a new church or continue to fight? It's up to you at this point. But don't let them put you in a corner and make you feel stupid, which is exactly what they will do.

When Pope John Paul II was elected Pope in 1981, it was a blessing from heaven. His teacher was Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, professor at the center of Thomistic Study, the Angelicum in Rome. He is a faithful, devout priest, a professor of dogmatic theology. Pope John Paul II was trained by the watch-dog of de Chardin's errors, a champion of orthodoxy.

Pope John Paul's first official decree was Redemptor Hominis, the first encyclical in 29 years that insisted upon the real existence of Adam. When Pope Paul VI, issued the Credo of the People of God in 1968, it was a strong papal statement on Adam and Original Sin and referred us back to the teachings of the Council of Trent.

Because of "Modernism", today the seminaries and convents are empty, the religious are disobedient and rebellious, immorality has run rampant, the Holy Sacrifice is fast disappearing, and the practice of the Catholic Faith, qualitatively and quantitatively, has diminished to an unthinkable degree.

The solution to this problem was given to us in 1917. What was that solution? Prayer! What kind of prayer? The ROSARY! Our Lady came and asked us to pray the rosary as a solution to these problems. I personally believe the third secret of Fatima dealt specifically with this great apostasy and denial going on in the Church today. The Crisis in the Church today is Modernism. The Evil One has taken all the heresies of old and molded them into one great heresy. As I have shown you, this heresy is very subtle. There is no blatant denial of any truths, (like in the past heresies) but a distortion and a side stepping of the dogmas and doctrines of the Church. But we have Christ's promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.

It is going to reach a point when you will have to decide whether you are a Catholic, faithful to the Holy Father and the Church founded by Jesus Christ or are you in the other camp, a modernist following the Church of America. There are too many bishops no longer faithful to Rome and the Pope. They feel the Holy Father should have no authority over the Church in America. (Again the age old heresy of denying the authority of the Pope) If you stay close to Our Lady, pray the rosary and obey faithfully all the teachings of the Church you will be able to make the right decision. Remember God's grace will always be sufficient!


1 Hardon, John A., S.J., (Garden City, N.J.,

Doubleday and Co., 1966) p. 247

2 Wickens, Rev. Paul A., (Rockford,_Illinois, Tan

Books and Publishers, Inc. 1982) p 37

3 Conlon, Robert J., (Pamphlet reprint, Cincinnati, Ohio)

Recommended reading:

(This is also my Bibliography.)

Rev. John P. Markoe, SJ, The Triumph of the Church, (Scafati Printing Co., Inc. Bronx, N.Y. 1960)

Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis and the Syllabus condemning the errors of the Modernists, St. Paul Editions

Rev. Anthony Cekada, The Problems with the Prayers of the Modern Mass, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Ill. 1991

Liturgical Directives of the Church

Rev. Paul A Wickens, Christ Denied, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, IL 1982

Randy England, The Unicorn in the Sanctuary, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. Rockford, IL 1991

Hilaire Belloc, The Great Heresies, Tan books and Publishers, Rockford, IL 1991

Rev. John A Hardon SJ , Modern Catholic Dictionary, Doubleday and Company, Inc. Garden City, NY 1979

Rev. John A Hardon SJ, The Catholic Catechism, Doubleday and Co. Inc. Garden City, NY 1975

Philip Hughes, The History of the Church, Sheed and Ward, Inc. NY 1935

Salvany, Fr. Felix Sarda Y., What is Liberalism?, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Illinois.

Carre, Marie, AA-1025, Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Illinois.

Smith, Wolfgang, Teilhardism and New Religion, Tan Books and_Publishers, Rockford, Illinois

Lemius, Rev. J. B. OMI, Catechism of Modernism, Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Illinois

Hitchcock, James, What is Secular Humanism?, Servant Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982

Miceli, Rev. Vincent, Woman Priests and Other Fantasies, Christopher Publishers House, Norwell, MA

Davies, Michael, The Liturgical Revolution, The Angelus Press, Dickinson, Texas. 1983

O’Gara, Rev. Cuthbert M. C.P., D.D., The Surrender to Secularism, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Inc. St. Louis, Missouri. 1978

Swift, Mark, Will the Real Vatican II Please Stand Up?, The Wanderer Press, St. Paul, Minnesota.