Medjugorje Evaluated In New
James Likoudis
British author Donal Anthony
Foley, a well-known author on Marian apparitions, has written Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions
or Religious Illusion (Theotokos Books,
English-speaking readers will
find it an excellent summary of the evidence for and against the authenticity
of the apparitions alleged to have taken place 25 years ago in the
The historical background of
the apparitions is given, noting the destructive consequences of World War II
atrocities of Croatians against the Serbs and the more recent Communist
oppression of the Croatians under Tito, who died in 1980. The psychology of the
population of Medjugorje and surrounding communities still plagued by murderous
vendettas -as well as the mentality of rebellious Franciscan Friars together
with the young “seers”, who came under their commanding influence, may have
been seriously affected. In other words, conditions were ripe for the
appearance of Medjugorje’s “Queen of Peace” in the apparitions claimed by
“young adults” living in a troubled environment “exposed to the corrupting
influences of the modern world, including television”. As the author also
perceptively observes,
“We are not dealing with a
normal Catholic culture here, but one with a strange and checkered history,
comprised of heretical sects, pagan religion, seemingly endless violence, and a
long running dispute between official Church authority and local Franciscans.”
(p. 24)
Our author notes the profound
influence exerted by the Charismatic Movement in certain of its questionable
aspects on the local Franciscan priests promoting the visionaries’
apparitions. Moreover, it was the
world-wide Charismatic Renewal and some of its leaders (especially priests Fr.
Rene Laurentin, Fr. Edward O’Connell, Fr. Robert Faricey) who from the very
beginning gave full support to Medjugorje’s authenticity as the fulfillment of
charismatic “prophecy”) and helped publicize it by a “rush of books” and
pamphlets throughout the Catholic world. The publicity engendered would all
contribute to the financial benefit of airlines, travel agents organizing
pilgrimages, the disobedient Franciscans led by Fr. Josef Zovko, and the seers
The grave doubts concerning
Medjugorje expressed by many critics (E. Mike Jones, Michael Davies, Fr. Robert
Fox, Fr. Vittorio Guerera, Fr. Ivo Siric, O.F.M.) and other observers as well
as simple faithful are amply reinforced in the author’s calm and systematic
examination of the seers’ credibility, the duration of the apparitions (some
30,000 “messages” still going on 25 years after and with no end apparently in
sight!), and the relation of the seers and their Franciscan supporters to
Church authority.
There remains the question as
to what validity can be given the “Queen of Peace’s” appearance in 1981when but
10 years afterward (from 1991 to July 1992) Croatia (declaring its
independence) would see horrific ethnic/genocidal conflict in
Bosnia-Herzegovina and with villagers in the area around Medjugorje slaughtering
one another. The outbreak of this war occurred after the Yugoslav Bishops’
Conference published their April 10 1991 Zadar Statement declaring that after
10 years of alleged visions it could not
be affirmed that “supernatural apparitions and revelations” had taken
There are other troubling
issues that our author treats in some detail. He notes that the advocates of
Medugorje have too often ignored the 17 tape recordings of the interviews with
the seers that took place immediately after the alleged visions. These
recordings of June 27, 28, 29, and 30, 1981, reveal such inconsistencies,
contradictions, and bizarre comments in the seers’ testimony that even Fr.
Zovko himself was led to first deny the authenticity of Our Lady’s appearance!
These first tape recordings
are, moreover, at odds with later interviews held with the seers. Our author
notes the weight of evidence indicating that the influence of the demonic in
the apparitions cannot be excluded. The seers did see something but could the
Vision have been rather of Satan disguising himself as the holy Virgin ?
Certain grotesque aspects of “her” reputed appearance to the seers and the
negative fruits of the “apparitions” would suggest it.
There are the unbelievable
and absurd contents of some of the “messages”, lies, false predictions and
healings, the rampant disobedience to the Bishops of Mostar and even moral
lapses occurring among some of the Franciscan priests, the kidnapping and
beating of Bishop Peric by fanatical Medjugorje supporters, and Our Lady
declaring 13 times with respect to the case of the Franciscan Fr. Vego, who was
ordered expelled from his order by the Vatican for seducing a nun that the
Bishop (Pavao Zanic) was “wrong” in the matter.
Bishop Pavao
Zanic who was the local Bishop at the start of the reputed apparitions was
unshakeable in declaring repeatedly that “I am sure that Our Lady does not
appear…The ‘Messages’ cannot be of our Virgin. They are the fruit of a
fabrication, fraud, and disobedience to the Church.” The present Bishop of Mostar, Ratko Peric,
has been equally opposed to the authenticity of Medjugorje as a supernatural
event. He summed up well what he considered to be the negative fruits of
Medjugorje, and has deplored the
development of a veritable schism in his diocese:
“As the local bishop, I
maintain that regarding the events of Medjugorje, on the basis of the
investigations and experience gained thus far throughout these last 25 years,
the Church has not confirmed a single apparition as authentically being the
(June 15, 2006 Homily in administering the sacrament
of Confirmation/ Catholic News Service).
“The numerous absurd
messages, insincerities, falsehoods and disobedience associated with the events
and ‘apparitions’ of Medjugorje from the very outset, all disprove any claims
of authenticity. Much pressure through appeals has been made to force the
recognition of the authenticity of private revelations, yet not through
convincing arguments based on the truth, but through the self-praise of
personal conversions and by statements such as one ‘feels good’. How can this
ever be taken as proof of the authenticity of apparitions?” (quoted on p. 242)
Our author’s firm
conviction that the seers of Medjugorje
cannot compare with the integrity and holiness of the children of
Mr. Foley’s book also constitutes a plea that
the “genuine enthusiasm” and any positive measure of real devotion to the
Mother of God resulting from Medjugorje “should be harnessed to the ordinary
Marian ‘channels’ which exist in the Church, particularly those involving
Fatima”. There is one minor error on page 164 where the “Beast” in the
Apocalypse is identified as the Antichrist. However, there is no mention of the
Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. He rather appears in the Letters of St.
John and
Cardinal Vinko Puljic
Those who believe that
Medjugorje has proved to be one of the biggest hoaxes in the history of the
Catholic Church will find it difficult, if not impossible, to envisage any
other verdict than that of the negative judgments already issued in formal
statements by Medjugorje’s Bishops Zanic and Peric and that contained in the
1991 Zadar Statement of the entire Bishops’ Conference.
There are two matters
which readers of UNDERSTANDING
MEDJUGORJE will not find fully treated in this important volume. One
regards the swarm of false visionaries who have disturbed the peace and unity of the post-conciliar
Church in many countries (especially the
It would have been interesting to see identified the important
James Likoudis is a well known commentator on Church
affairs and the author of a trilogy of books dealing with Eastern Orthodoxy.
His latest and very topical work is “Eastern
Orthodoxy and the See of Peter” gives an account of his reconciliation to
the Church from Greek Orthodoxy in 1952 and contains various articles dealing
with doctrinal issues raised by Eastern Orthodox polemicists. His Website: WWW.CREDOBUFFALO.COM
The above article appeared in the British Catholic
publication “Christian Order”, January 2008.