“Anne, the Lay Apostle”


“Kathryn Ann Clarke”

Richard Salbato – March 05, 2007

Kathy Jennings attended Mother McAuley high school (Evergreen Park, Chicago area) and married shortly after.  By the time she was 20 years of age she was already divorced with a daughter. We do not know the name of her first husband. She then went to St. Xavier University in Evergreen Park, Chicago and received a BA in Criminal Justice and Counseling. For the next 20 years she worked in the domestic violence field and at South Suburban Family Shelter, Illinois. 


During this time she married again and became Kathryn Ann Clarke.  She had five more children. She became a Certified Law Enforcement Instructor, specializing in law enforcement liability issues, and then started writing a book on the subject because, as she claims, she was an abused wife in her first marriage.  During the writing of this book she continued to do counseling in person, by phone and by email with anyone who felt they had marriage problems. 


One of the people she gave marital advice to was a practicing Catholic woman, married to a practicing Catholic man and with five children.  She was suffering from depression but there was no existence of domestic violence - no physical abuse, no threats of physical abuse, no adultery and no substance abuse.  Their marital issues were minor compared to what most marriages suffer through and yet survive and thrive.  She made questionable claims of verbal abuse against her husband as the reason for separation and ultimately divorce.  Any expression of anger or frustration by her husband was summarily characterized as “controlling and abusive”. 


Throughout the entire time of separation Kathy Clarke’s confidant/friend/business partner was suffering depression and was taking Paxil as an anti-depressant. Because of “Catholic” Kathryn Ann Clarke’s advice, this woman had her tubes tied immediately after her fifth child, (which is against Catholic law - surgical sterilization) so that she would have no more children. Within 8 months of the operation, Clarke’s advise led to filing divorce and later moving 4 of the 5 children over 100 miles away from their home town, father and brother.  She is now seeking an annulment again at the advice of Kathryn Clark leading on to suggest that she plans to re-marry.  I wonder of Clark told her that even if she was able (after 5 children) to get an annulment, she would have to have another surgery to reverse her sterilization in order to get married in the Catholic Church. 


This woman now works with Kathryn Ann Clarke marketing and selling books and helping create and run her (now) two organizations.  She is listed on the website’s “About Us” as Chief Executive Officer She is paid a salary of $50,000 plus insurance and expenses. Kathy and this CEO travel extensively throughout the United States and overseas.  Over the past 5 years each of them has chosen to leave their children repeatedly for extended periods of time away from home, usually hiring nannies to watch the children and most of the time without even calling during these extended trips.  The children say that they will not hear from them sometimes for up to seven days. As an outward sign that things are not quite right with this CEO, her language has become more like a truck driver than a humble Catholic.


As to Kathy Clarke's advise to married women, her main message is that: 

 If the man has been verbally abusive [defined as the so-called victim sees fit], it is only so long before he becomes physically violent.  So, you must leave him.  This is the main message and teaching of Kathryn Ann Clarke.





With the help of this sterilized and divorced Chief Executive Officer, Clarke published the book “THE BREAKABLE VOW” and started up an organization called, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION, INC.  (DVP). The fictional character "Annie" in this book is the life story of Kathy Clarke’s first marriage but probably exaggerated to make the point of violence.  


She then moved to County Cavan, Ireland, her second husband's homeland, but kept DVP operating in the States. Mrs. Clarke currently resides in Ireland, with her husband and six children. The reason she and her family moved to another country and away from her DVP, Inc. company is not fully known.  She continues to work with DVP in the United States, providing counseling, granting interviews and speaking at formal engagements.  The main audience for DVP, Inc. is the public school systems of Chicago, Ohio and others. She started doing the same in Ireland.


Enter “Anne, the Lay Apostle”


However, on her 40th birthday something new happened that added a new dimension to her work.  She went to Medjugorje with her oldest daughter for 5 days.  In Medjugorje she got the idea or the spirit or whatever to expand her “counseling” with a much stronger tool, “God Said”.  Using a secret name, “Anne”, she now claims to be having “messages from Heaven”.


Her new books are the same as DVP, Inc., giving advice on living the single or married life but now under a fictitious name, “Anne, the Lay Apostle” and with a more powerful selling tool, “words from Heaven”.  She formed a new organization called “Direction For Our Times” and that is all that it is, an emotionally tainted woman’s views on living in our time, telling us how to live our lives in a modern society but pretending it comes directly from God.  The office of “DIRECTION OF OUR TIMES? is not in Ireland but in the former home town of Kathy Clarke in Illinois and with the same staff of DVP Inc.


Both Kathy Clarke and her CEO are Medjugorje believers and devotees having gone there at least five times.  Did they receive “the spirit” while on pilgrimages there?  If so, it is the spirit of division, divorce, deception, disobedience and pride.  This is not a Holy Spirit from God, His Son, the Blessed Virgin or Angels.  If this is not fraud, as I believe, then it is a demonic spirit disguised as an angel of light to destroy families and cause division.    


The picture above is Kathy Clarke on tour but when she goes out as the seer, Anne, the Lay Apostle, she pulls her hair back, takes off her makeup and dresses in conservative clothes.  Study both as I have and you will see that it is one and the same person.  I have also had other people who went to Anne talks and they say that it is Kathy Clarke. Strange that Clarke goes around publicly as herself and also goes around publicly as Anne, and until now no one noticed that she is  one and the same person.   


Since Kathy Clarke’s new bishop has always known who “Anne” is, we have to assume that he knows she wrote the book, THE BREAKABLE VOW, but he may not know that she advocates surgical birth control (sterilization) and divorce.  If he does not know she is the author of a divorce book, then his investigation into her claims was deficient because he is required by Canon Law to look into the background of the claimant.  The reason the bishop gives for keeping her name secret is to protect the family but she promotes openly breaking Sacraments and Church law.  All he is doing is keeping the two names separate and not protecting her family at all.  We must assume ignorance of her past but this is not an excuse for his approval of books claiming to be from God? I would like to know why he approved this and if he knows her background or even interviewed her ex-husband which I would like to do.  If someone would like to ask the bishop these questions, write to him at bishop@kilmorediocese.ie and let me know what he says. 


Study all her writings, both under Kathy Clarke and under Anne, and you will see that there is no real Catholic virtues like forgiveness, love, kindness, sacrifice, patience or any kind of love of the sinner.  There is certainly no love of the Sacrament of Marriage or care and love of children, viewed as a burden rather than precious gifts from God.  Don’t take my word for it, read her and her books.  You will also see that it is the same writing style and writing personality but if it was “words from Heaven” the writing styles would be different.  I have studied the style and personality of the True Virgin Mary and they are always simple, to the point and never cajoling.   


When Pope Benedict XVI spoke of cleaning the filth from the Catholic Church, he was not only speaking of Clergy abuse but of laity abuse.  This is psychological abuse in the name of God.  Lord, clean our Church of these people.


Links to Kathy Clarke:  





Links to “Anne” and DFOT:





Other Articles on “Anne”:




Pray for Families: 

A special prayer request for the families suffering as a result of this deception from Kathyrn Clarke - from the spirit of division, deceit, divorce, and disobedience.  Please pray through the following Bible passage and pray the Holy Rosary.  During Lent, please offer the Sorrowful Mysteries and during Easter, please pray the Glorious Mysteries in reparation for the pain and suffering the children in particular have suffered from this grand deceit.  Pray that the sin of pride is conquered and the humility of our Blessed Mother is restored in these families for the glory of her Son, our Savor - Lord Jesus Christ.


Ephesians, Chapter 6:10-20


Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power.


Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.


Therefore, put on the armor of God that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.


In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all (the) flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end, be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones and also for me, that speech may be given me to open my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains, so that I may have the courage to speak as I must.