Green Energy Myth
Solution to Economic Recovery
Richard Salbato
do not believe in man made global warming and have written many articles on the
subject (see below) but for the sake of this Newsletter, let us assume that CO2
does cause global warming and we are at fault. How do we solve this problem, if
in fact it exists?
us look first at what energy is and what it does for society. What keeps my body alive and able to do something is the calories
that I put in it. Without these calories I would die. What are calories? Calorie
is a pre-SI metric
of energy. Energy is the power to do something. At the time of our first
humans we used energy, the power of our own bodies to get food, warmth and
anything we needed. Later we found that we could use animals to do some of the
things we needed to survive. Later we invented the wheel to give both us and
the animals more power with less energy. This power is the heart of prosperity
and has always been. Power equals
prosperity and is the heart of all prosperity and nothing else is.
use of the animal, the wheel and tools were the main source of prosperity in
the world for 5000 years. Then came a fast pace of inventions that changed the
world, the use of wind power to move ships and pumps to lift water, the steam
engine and finally oil, gas, coal and electricity for energy. These energy
sources that produced massive amounts of power in very small spaces changed the
was the
around and see what your life would be like without electricity, gas, oil at
home, at work or at play.
the last ten years state and federal governments have done everything they can
to reduce our use of the very power that brought our prosperity. There reason
is dependency on foreign oil and/or global warming. I can show that at the turn of the century,
1901 to 1911 there was more CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now and we did
not have all these cars and airplanes. Nonetheless, the question in this
Newsletter is that even if that were true, what is the best thing to do about
it? Since global warming is a world problem, what can
Solar Panels
use of solar panels for electric power plants actually uses more gas or coal
than without them. Does that seem strange? Solar for individual houses can
reduce the use of power, but for solar to power in large communities it has to
have a back up system of fuel, such as coal or gas. Since these systems have to
be always ready to use and go off and on they actually use more fuel than they
save. The reason for this is that to start up a motor, or a large generator
takes more fuel than to just leave it running. This has been proved. Even for
individuals it takes 10 years to pay back the original costs.
only that but Environmentalists do not like solar because it takes so much land
for so little energy and it interferes with the natural use of the ground for
birds and animals. Solar produces an inconsistent 36 horsepower per acre. There
isn’t enough land in the world to make solar work. Even in individual homes it
is almost never cost effective. Not to mention almost all of them are built in
Wind Power
even greater myth is that wind power saves energy and helps the environment.
But first I want to express my greatest anger over wind power. In an area I am familiar, the Altamont Pass in California, it is
estimated that the wind mills just in
this one area kill 80 golden eagles per year, and 2,400 raptors and owls,
as well as 7,500 other birds. The Feds have never prosecuted these
companies for this in spite of the fact that they fined Exxon Mobil $600,000 for
killing 85 birds. It is estimated that 1.8 million birds will be killed by wind turbines per
year. That is the environmental impact, not to mention how ugly they are.
do they save energy. They take a great deal of steal and concrete to build, which
is done with oil and gas. They take a great deal of infrastructure, roads, power lines and back up gas generators. They cannot be built
close to where the energy is used. Generators have to be running all the time
even when not used because it is more efficient that way. When all this is
taken into consideration wind uses more gas than it saves. Not to mention the
fact that almost all of them are built in
Cellulosic Ethanol
Ethanol is made from grass, wood chips, sawdust, corn stalks, corn cobs etc.
However, when figured out this method would cost $24.00 per gallon. It would
wipe out the nitrogen that is needed in the soil for the farmers and was
already tried 90 years ago. It takes 42 times as much water
to produce and creates 50% more Carbon dioxide than gas and oil. To account for
10% of our energy use would take 42.1 million acres.
Corn Ethanol
Ethanol can be converted to gas for your car but the cost is .25 horsepower per acre as compared to gas at
148.5 horsepower per acre and that
is underground. Corn is used to feed all forms of live stock, cattle, pigs,
chickens, turkeys, etc. It is also used in 40% of all our packaged foods, the very use for fuel is already running up our food
costs. If we wanted corn ethanol to just account for our energy we get from the
Electric Cars
electric cars are a myth if you think it will make us energy independent. The
best batteries for cars add about 30% to the weight of the car. This weight reduces the miles per watt. The batteries use a rare
earth metal that is controlled by
only place batteries have worked is in very light golf carts, or motor scooters
which use normal batteries and these scooters cost less than $300.00 and the
batteries are $20.00. Electric scooters are a big boom in china. We have had
electric cars from the time of
government has given Fisher $529 million loan to make Electric cars.
government gave Nissan a $1.6 billion loan to make Electric cars.
government gave ETE a $465 million loan to make Electric cars.
government gave
government gave General Motors $195 million to build Electric batteries.
all $2.5 billion in tax payers money has gone into
electric cars and nothing has happened.
Government Tax
Money for Green Failures
green company, solar, wind, battery, or car has received government money or
subsidies and all have gone broke or will go broke. Loan Guarantees for green energy in 2009 was
$78 billion. I don’t have the figures for 2010 and 2011.
Mineral Rights
to Property
of the great things about
The Only Solution
to Prosperity and Climate
are in an economic depression and we are at fault. Throughout the history of
does government help innovation? Stay
out of the way. The great innovations of the last 15 years have been the cell
phone, Google, and facebook. All of these people say
they could not have done this with the regulations we have today.
are already no innovations (already invented) that from en economic point of
view are even greater than what we have done in the last 15 years. These are in
the energy field, gas and nuclear.
first innovation was in the new method of getting gas and oil out of oil shale
and the discovery that we have more gas and oil in this shale than all the
reserves in the world and enough to run our country for the next 250 years. This
required many other inventions first. A
new technology that is able to look miles into the earth to detect oil and gas,
then a new method of fracturing this oil shale to release the oil and gas. This
new method uses high pressure to fracture the shale, then injecting sand into
the fractures so they do not close up allowing the oil and gas to seep out into
the suction pipes. This method is so new and technical that
new innovation is deep offshore drilling. We have discovered that in the deep
waters there is great reserves of gas and oil and we
now have the methods to get to it.
us just ask a simple question, every oil well in
for the environment, gas is 30% safer than oil and that is greater than any
other green proposal except nuclear.
The Next Great
Innovations – Nuclear Power
spite of the problems in
I am not in favor of building more massive Nuclear Power Plants as we have now
because these require a massive amount of government involvement, a great deal
of power lines and cover too large an area that can be disrupted by accident or
terrorism. Massive power outages can be a thing of the past if we had smaller
power plants and this has already been invented and are being built.
great new inventions of the Nuclear Industry are Power Plants the size of a a
large truck producing 125 megawatts, whereas major power plants produce
1000 megawatts. That means that it takes a few of these plants to produce the
same megawatts as a big plant. However, these can be produced in mass
production in one locations, increasing efficiency,
and shipping them all over the world.
The fuel rods last 30 years and they are buried in the ground. They save massive amounts of power lines especially
for remote towns and/or military bases, factories far from cities, and as is
already used, for moving cities like large ships.
has already been developed a Nuclear
Power Plant the size of a Hot Tub that produces 37 megawatts and lasts 30
years. It is like a Nuclear
the great advancement in this Nuclear Power Industry is the use of Thorium instead of Plutonium. Thorium
is four times more abundant than Uranium and has been used in reactors for 60
years, but now it is the future. It produces far less radioactive waste than
salvation of the American economy will be in exports, gas, oil, coal, small Nuclear Power Plants, food, and
When we become the exporter
again we will have a great GDP and a zero unemployment.
This will happen when we export oil, gas, coal, Nuclear and food.
Although we are decodes of getting away from coal as an energy source, I want
to get away from it. I do not like strip
mining and it is a joke to say that there is any such thing as clean coal. I do
not mind shipping it to
Throughout the world millions of children and their parents are dying very
young because they cook with wood and charcoal in their homes. If this was
replaced with oil or gas, they would not be dying. Not only that
but oil and gas would be saving all the trees that they are cutting
down. Look at these poor areas of the world and you will not find a single
tree. I have that right across the border in
3. The
Oil, Gas and Nuclear jobs I am talking about cannot be sent overseas, like IPads.
It does not matter that I do not believe in global warming because even if it
was true, the best solution to it is Natural Gas and Nuclear Power.
The Truth about Global Warming
The Proof -
Global Warming - World Government
Finding Truth - The Birth
Certificate - Global Warming
All the information above came from the book,
HUNGREY by Robert Bryce