What Political Issue?
Tax, Health Care, Religion, War,
the Rich?
Warren Buffet, one of the richest people
in the world, complained that his secretary pays a higher percent of tax than
he does. The reason for this is the many
write-offs that rich people can take advantage of and the use of Tax
Lawyers. Now I agree with Warren Buffet
and agree that rich people should pay more tax than the poor, although a Flat
Tax or a Consumption Tax would take care of that problem.
What I do not believe in is taxing
businesses at all. That might shock most people, but then I have that gift of
shocking people most of the time. Let me give you three reasons why you should
not tax businesses at all but in fact should do everything possible to help
business. I would eliminate the corporate tax all together and tax the dividend
to the stock holders even higher than now.
1. You cannot tax businesses even when you
try, because you just end up taxing consumers.
2. Businesses are not people and owners do
not always make money even when the business does.
3. Businesses are the source of all
wealth, even government wealth.
Lets start with the first one. If you tax a business for
their profit, the tax will be added to their cost. Costs are figured as Overhead, material,
labor, sales and tax equals cost of business.
Then they add 2% to 25% for profit depending on the type of business or
its volume. Let us assume a 10% profit. Assume cost without tax is $1000 and tax is
30%. That makes costs $1,300. Profit on $1000 is $100 but profit on $1,300
is $130. So you see the owner makes a
bigger profit when taxed. But the
consumer pays the tax. Without tax the
consumer pays $1,100 but with tax, he pays $1,300. The owner actually makes more money because
of the tax.
let us look at number two, businesses are not people. Let us assume the owner
made $100,000 profit last year but used $100,000 to add more equipment and hire
more people so that he could expand the business, but he, himself, did not take
one penny for himself. This often
happens in the first years of business or at expansion times.
If that $100,000 was taxed then he could
not expand the business as much as he wanted and not hire as many people as he
wanted. The tax slowed the very source
of tax, the Gross National Product, the production of all our work. With the same thinking as Buffet, if that
same owner takes money out of the business for his personal consumption, then
he should be taxed and taxed higher than the less productive.
Now let us consider number three,
businesses are the source of all wealth. Let us consider a town, a State and a Country and what they did in the past
25 years.
The first is a small desert town in
He went out and talked with computer
companies, who do not need natural resources and offered them free land, free
water and electric for the first 10 years, and all the roads and highways they
needed to move to this town. After some negotiations and over a period of time,
four computer companies moved into the town, and then followed many other types
of business. Construction of houses
boomed. Tax for the town increased 3000%
in ten years and the population increased almost the same. Today there is no
unemployed and almost no welfare.
The State of
The Country of Ireland was the poorest
country in
Since Americans do not save money I prefer
a consumption tax over a payroll tax but that is another story.
I also do not think the Federal Government
should be in things like Welfare, Schools and SSI but that also is another
story. The object here is to make people
think about the people they are going to vote for soon.
What’s a Billion?
The next time
you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about
whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is
a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of
putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.
A. A billion
seconds ago it was 1959. B. A billion
minutes ago Jesus was alive. C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in
the Stone Age. D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. E.
A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate
our government is spending it!
While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at
A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of
B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in
C. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.00
Tax Do You Pay?
Federal, State and Local Taxes are: Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax,
CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Federal
Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food
License Tax, Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax, Hunting License Tax, Inheritance
Tax, Inventory Tax, IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties
(tax on top of tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare
Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social
Security Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recreational
Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),
Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax,
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax, Telephone Minimum Usage
Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, Telephone State
and Local Tax, Telephone
Usage Charge Tax, Utility Tax, Vehicle License Registration Tax, Vehicle
Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers
Compensation Tax
Not one of
these taxes existed 100 years ago, and
our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the
world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
Government Health Care?
Is free government health care (run by FEMA) what we want in this country? You
should take a few minutes to see how this system is working in
Subject: Health Care
Hey Guys; I saw on the news up here in
First of all:
1) The health care plan in
2) I would not classify what we have as
health care plan, it is more like a health diagnosis
system. You can get into to see a doctor quick enough so he can tell you 'yes
indeed you are sick or you need an operation' but now the challenge becomes
getting treated or operated on. We have waiting lists out the ying yang some as much as 2 years down the road.
3) Rather than fix what is wrong with you
the usual tactic in
4) Many Canadians do not have a family
5) Don't require emergency treatment as
you may wait for hours in the emergency room waiting for treatment.
6) Shirley's dad cut his hand on a power
saw a few weeks back and it required that his hand be put in a splint - to our
surprise we had to pay $125 for a splint because it is not covered under health
care plus we have to pay $60 for each visit for him to check it out each week.
7) Shirley's cousin was diagnosed with a heart blockage. Put on a
waiting list, and died before he could get treatment.
8) Government allots so many operations
per year and when that is done, no more operations. Then you go to your local
newspaper and plead your case and embarrass the government. Then money suddenly appears.
9) The Government takes great pride in
telling us how much more they are increasing the funding for health care but
waiting lists never get shorter. Government just keeps throwing money at the
problem but it never goes away.
But they are good at finding new ways to
tax us, but they don't call it a tax anymore it is now a user fee.
My mother needs an operation for a blockage in her leg but because she
is a smoker they will not do it despite her and my father paying into the
health care system all these years. My Mom is 80 years of age. Now there is
talk that maybe we should not treat fat and obese people either because they
are a drain on the health care system. Let me see now, what we want in
11) Forget getting a second opinion, what
you see is what you get.
12) I can spend what money I have left
after taxes on booze, cigarettes, junk food and anything else that could kill
me but I am not allowed by law to spend my money on getting an operation I need
because that would be jumping the queue. I must wait my turn except if I am a
hockey player or athlete then I can get looked at right away. Go figger. Where else in the world can you spend money to kill
yourself but not allowed to spend money to get
13) Oh did I mention that immigrants are
covered automatically at tax payer expense having never contributed a dollar to
the system and pay no premiums?
14) Oh yeh we
now give free needles to drug users to try and keep them healthy. Wouldn't want a sickly druggie breaking into your house and
stealing your things. But people with diabetes who pay into the health
care system have to pay for their needles because it is not covered by the
health care system.
I send this out not looking for sympathy
but as the election looms in the states you will be hearing more and more about
universal health care down there and the advocates will be pointing to
Step wisely and don't make the same
mistakes we have.
Using the same math as above in the
example of
Moslem For President?
On "snopes.com", we read that
When Obama was 6
years old, the family relocate to
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a
Muslim. He is quick to point out that,
"He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school."
Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear
that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that
this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to
Lolo Soetoro,
the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham,
introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled
in a Wahabi school in
Since it is politically expedient to be a
CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the
ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT
use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.
Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite
the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While
others place their hands over their hearts, Obama
turns his back to the flag and slouches.
Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.
The Muslims have said they plan on
destroying the
Would you want this man leading our
country? ..... NOT ME!!!
A Mormon for President?
Just want you to
know in the Mormon Church there is a prophesy
concerning a Mormon who will become President of the
By contrast to Christian, Jewish or Moslem
Churches, the Mormon Church teaches that there are many Gods (Book of
Abraham 4:3ff), and that we can become gods and goddesses in the celestial
kingdom (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20; Gospel Principles,
p. 245; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 130). It also teaches that
those who achieve godhood will have spirit children who will worship and pray
to them, just as we worship and pray to God the Father (Gospel
Principles, p. 302).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that God the Father was once a man like us who progressed to become a God and has a body of flesh and bone (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22; "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!" from Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-347; Gospel Principles, p. 9; Articles of Faith, p. 430; Mormon Doctrine, p. 321). Indeed, the Mormon Church teaches that God himself has a father, and a grandfather, ad infinitum (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 373; Mormon Doctrine, p. 577).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that Jesus is the unique Son of God; he has always existed as God, and is co-eternal and co-equal with the Father (John 1:1, 14; 10:30; 14:9; Colossians 2:9). While never less than God, at the appointed time He laid aside the glory He shared with the Father (John 17:4, 5; Philippians 2:6-11) and was made flesh for our salvation; His incarnation was accomplished through being conceived supernaturally by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:34-35).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Jesus Christ is our elder brother who progressed to godhood, having first been procreated as a spirit child by Heavenly Father and a heavenly mother; He was later conceived physically through intercourse between Heavenly Father and the virgin Mary (Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 129; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 546-547; 742). Mormon doctrine affirms that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers (Gospel Principles, pp. 17-18; Mormon Doctrine, p. 192).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost are not separate Gods or separate beings, but are distinct Persons within the one Triune Godhead. Throughout the New Testament the Son and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Father are separately identified as and act as God (Son: Mark 2:5-12; John 20:28; Philippians 2:10,11; Holy Spirit: Acts 5:3,4; 2 Corinthians 3:17,18; 13:14); yet at the same time the Bible teaches that these three are only one God (see point 1).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate Gods (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 370; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 576-577), and that the Son and Holy Ghost are the literal offspring of Heavenly Father and a celestial wife (Joseph Fielding McConkie, Encyclopedia of Mormonism, vol. 2, p. 649).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the disobedience of our first parents Adam and Eve was a great evil. Through their fall sin entered the world, bringing all human beings under condemnation and death. Thus we are born with a sinful nature, and will be judged for the sins we commit as individuals. (Ezekiel 18:1-20; Romans 5:12-21).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that Adam’s sin was "a necessary step in the plan of life and a great blessing to all of us" (Gospel Principles, p. 33; Book of Mormon — 2 Nephi 2:25; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 114-115).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross we are spiritually "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1,5) and are powerless to save ourselves. By grace alone, apart from self-righteous works, God forgives our sins and makes us worthy to live in His presence (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6). Our part is only to cling to Christ in heartfelt faith. (However, it is certainly true that without the evidence of changed conduct, a person’s testimony of faith in Christ must be questioned; salvation by grace alone through faith, does not mean we can live as we please — Romans 6:1-4).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that eternal life in the presence of God (which it terms "exaltation in the celestial kingdom") must be earned through obedience to all the commands of the Mormon Church, including exclusive Mormon temple rituals. Works are a requirement for salvation (entrance into the "celestial kingdom") — Gospel Principles, p. 303-304; Pearl of Great Price — Third Article of Faith; Mormon Doctrine, pp. 339, 671; Book of Mormon — 2 Nephi 25:23).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the purpose of the atoning work of Christ on the cross was to provide the complete solution for humankind’s sin problem. However, those who reject God’s grace in this life will have no part in this salvation but are under the judgment of God for eternity (John 3:36; Hebrews 9:27; 1 John 5:11-12).
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that the purpose of the atonement was to bring resurrection and immortality to all people, regardless of whether they receive Christ by faith. Christ’s atonement is only a partial basis for worthiness and eternal life, which also requires obedience to all the commands of the Mormon church, including exclusive Mormon temple rituals (Gospel Principles, pp. 74-75; Mormon Doctrine, p. 669).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the Bible is the unique, final and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:1,2; 2 Peter 1:21) and that it will stand forever (1 Peter 1:23-25). God’s providential preservation of the text of the Bible was marvelously illustrated in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that the Bible has been corrupted, is missing many "plain and precious parts" and does not contain the fullness of the Gospel (Book of Mormon — 1 Nephi 13:26-29; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 190-191).
The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that the true Church was divinely established by Jesus and could never and will never disappear from the earth (Matthew 16:18; John 15:16; 17:11). Christians acknowledge that there have been times of corruption and apostasy within the Church, but believe there has always been a remnant that held fast to the biblical essentials.
By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that there was a great and total apostasy of the Church as established by Jesus Christ; this state of apostasy "still prevails except among those who have come to a knowledge of the restored gospel" of the Mormon Church (Gospel Principles, pp. 105-106; Mormon Doctrine, p. 44).
Conclusion: The above points in italics constitute the common gospel believed by all orthodox Christians through the ages regardless of denominational labels. On the other hand, some new religions such as Mormonism claim to be Christian, but accept as Scripture writings outside of the Bible, teach doctrines that contradict the Bible, and hold to beliefs completely foreign to the teachings of Jesus and His apostles.
Mormons share with orthodox Christians some important moral precepts from the Bible. However, the above points are examples of the many fundamental and irreconcilable differences between historic, biblical Christianity and Mormonism. While these differences do not keep us from being friendly with Mormons, we cannot consider them brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible specifically warns of false prophets who will teach "another gospel" centered around "another Jesus," and witnessed to by "another spirit" (2 Corinthians 11:4,13-15; Galatians 1:6-9). Based on the evidence presented above, we believe Mormonism represents just such a counterfeit gospel.
It has been pointed out that if one claimed to be a Mormon but denied all the basic tenets of Mormonism — that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that the Book of Mormon is true and divinely inspired, that god was once a man who progressed to godhood through keeping the laws and ordinances of the Mormon Church, and that the Mormon Church was divinely established — the Mormon Church would reject such a person’s claim to being a Latter-day Saint. One cannot fairly call oneself a Mormon if one does not believe the fundamental doctrines taught by the Mormon Church. By the same token, if the Mormon Church does not hold to even the basic biblical truths believed by the greater Christian community down through the ages, how can Christians reasonably be expected to accept Mormonism as authentic Christianity?
If the Mormon Church believes it is the only true Christian Church, it should not attempt to publicly present itself as a part of a broader Christian community. Instead it should tell the world openly that those who claim to be orthodox Christians are not really Christians at all, and that the Mormon Church is the only true Christian Church. This in fact is what it teaches privately, but not publicly.
Statements of 5 Christian Denominations on Mormonism
Christian churches teach belief in God as an eternal, self-existent, immortal being, unfettered by corporeal limitations and unchanging in both character and nature. In recent years, several Christian denominations have made studies of Mormon teaching and come to the conclusion that there are irreconcilable differences between LDS doctrine and Christian beliefs based on the Bible.
When evangelicals embraced Jimmy Carter
during the 1976 presidential campaign, they didn’t know he would repudiate the
Southern Baptist Convention a generation later. Today the very same
constituency has glommed onto Mike Huckabee, and I
can’t help but lament how history truly does repeat itself.
One can see why the man I dubbed “Huck the
Huckster” would appeal to evangelicals. He’s a pro-life Southern Baptist
minister with charm, wit and a good-ol’-boy,
yuck-it-up style. Yet this resplendent exterior only serves to obscure
the stain of liberal sin.
Huck would be a disaster – a
disaster – on immigration. In fact, in 2006 he compared those who
would crack down on illegals to antebellum slave masters, saying,
“One of the great challenges
facing us is that we do not commit the same mistakes with our growing Hispanic
population that we did with African Americans 150 years ago and beyond. We're
still paying the price for the pathetic manner in which this country handled
Outrageously, it seems Huck can’t
distinguish between denying citizens the protection of the law and requiring
non-citizens to follow it.
According to Roy Beck, president of the
immigration reform group NumbersUSA, this isn’t out
of character for Huck. Says Beck,
“He was an absolute disaster on
immigration as governor. Every time there was any enforcement in his
state, he took the side of the illegal aliens.”
This was evident when Huck condemned
Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids on chicken plants in
My response? Huck, if I were in another country illegally, I
would fully expect its citizens to demand I go home.
But I wouldn’t prevail on Huck. This
is the man who said that
But, much like Hillary and the flip-flop
over drivers’ licenses for illegals, Huck sees the writing on the wall and now
preaches holier doctrine. He has promised to complete a border fence and
just released a plan mandating that illegals must return to their native lands
to be considered for citizenship (this, too, is a form of amnesty, but Huck’s
version of accountability). Yet, in this interview, he is clearly tepid about even
the latter and seems to mock the idea of a border wall. What did he
stress instead?
A path to citizenship.
But that is the
Perhaps this is why Huck is sometimes
treated more kindly by liberals than traditionalists who really know him.
While left-leaning pundits Jonathan Alter and Gail Collins have praised him,
John Fund writes,
“Betsy Hagan, Arkansas director
of the conservative Eagle Forum and a key backer of his early runs for office,
was once ‘his No. 1 fan.’ She was bitterly disappointed with his record. ‘He
was pro-life and pro-gun, but otherwise a liberal,’ she says. ‘Just like Bill
Clinton he will charm you, but don't be surprised if he takes a completely
different turn in office.”
Expanding on the
‘He’s just like Bill Clinton in
that he practices management by news cycle,’ a former top Huckabee
aide told me. ‘As with
The kind of governance it did lead to gave
Arkansans a net tax increase of $505 million during
Huck’s tenure as governor, prompting some to call him “Tax Hike Mike.”
It’s the kind that caused traditionalist icon Phyllis Schlafly
to say,
destroyed the conservative movement in
Getting back to that pandering speech to
LULAC, Huck also said, “Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the
If he means Southern white guys exactly
like him, I can only hope they already are. Otherwise, he may just have
the votes to capture his party’s nomination. As to this, do we really
want a choice in 2008 between a former
If my evangelical friends can’t answer that
one, I can only say, forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.
Pro-Abortion for President?
By Selwyn Duke SD@SelwynDuke.com http://www.SelwynDuke.com
1980 was a
watershed year for the Republican Party. The importance of social conservatives
to the coalition Ronald Reagan was assembling was such that George H.W. Bush had to renounce his
pro-choice past to become Reagan’s running mate. Since that time, every
presidential and vice-presidential nominee of the GOP has been pro-life. There
is room for debate about what social conservatives have gotten from the GOP;
many now complain that they are consigned to the back of the Republican bus.
But there is no doubt what the support of social conservatives has brought the
GOP: electoral victory after victory, including the re-election of George W.
Bush in 2004.
Without the
support of social conservatives in
All of this
may be about to change: polls indicate that Rudy Giuliani is the frontrunner to be the next Republican
presidential nominee. If Giuliani becomes the party’s standard-bearer and is
then elected, the informal prohibition against pro-choice candidates within the
GOP will be shattered, and the power of social conservatives within the party
will inevitably decline. The bar for future candidates will be set not by the Gipper, but by the former mayor of
self description was accurate. As mayor, he marched in gay-pride parades and
proclaimed “Out in Government Day.” In
1997, he signed a bill providing to city employees in “domestic partnerships”
the same benefits enjoyed by married employees. Giuliani described the
legislation as a “significant step forward in the human rights continuum.”
With respect
to abortion, Giuliani opposed all
efforts to provide legal protection to the unborn. He spoke out in opposition
to requiring minors to obtain parental consent for abortions and favored
taxpayer funding. When asked on “Meet the Press” in 2000 if he supported
There is no
reason to expect anything substantially different from a President Giuliani. Whatever
grudging concessions Giuliani may make to social conservatives to get elected
will not result in a president willing to speak out in defense of traditional
morality or in support of innocent human life. And the compromises Giuliani has
offered so far are meager. His principal concession to social conservatives has
been his pledge to “appoint strict constructionist judges.” But waiting for
judges to win the culture war has not been a successful strategy, which
explains why some social conservatives have begun to wonder what they have
earned by steadfastly supporting Republicans. After all, David Souter, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Anthony Kennedy were all
presented as “strict constructionists” to the GOP electorate, and they are the
reason the Supreme Court reaffirmed Roe v. Wade in 1992.
In the first
GOP presidential debate this year, Giuliani explained that it would be “okay”
if a “strict constructionist” justice voted to overturn Roe v.
Wade, and “It would
be also [okay] if a strict constructionist judge viewed it as precedent, and I
think a judge has to make that decision.” Such a laissez-faire attitude to the
judiciary will not bring about the overturning of Roe v.
Wade. It is useful
to recall that Harriet Miers would most likely have
voted to reaffirm Roe, and the main reason Miers didn’t make it onto the Supreme Court was that George
W. Bush was so beholden to social conservatives that he could not ignore their
outrage over his nominee. Giuliani would feel no such pressure.
supporters trumpet the talking point that the abortion rate in
demonstrating how unimportant social conservatives had become to the GOP,
Giuliani’s nomination could well transform American politics. Millions of
Americans vote Republican in spite of the party’s economic views, not because
of them. There is no doubt a Giuliani candidacy would alienate many of these
voters, pushing some to their ancestral Democratic home, some to a possible
pro-life third party, and some to stay home on election day.
Those who remain in the GOP would be part of a party that viewed the war on
terror as the premier social issue, as Jonah Goldberg has argued it now is. Quite a descent from 1980.
dispiriting as it is to contemplate a Giuliani presidency as a social
conservative, it is even more depressing to consider it as a Catholic. The last
Catholic nominated by the GOP for national office was Barry Goldwater’s running
mate, William Miller, a dutiful Catholic and public servant untouched by
scandal, who returned to practice law in his hometown of
Now Vote?
I hope the above helps you vote but suspect that it just
makes things harder. What I do believe is
that the next president and congress will face civil wars in
Richard Salbato 1-1-2008 Mother of God Feast Day