The real meaning of the
feast of
Pope Pius XII declared May 1st the feast
Fatima predicted that Russia would spread its errors
throughout the world and this has not only happened but is getting worse since
the election of Obama, the meetings of Soros in England, the printing of
dollars by the Federal Reserve and the debts of Europe and America.
To understand these connections you have to
understand the history of May Day, the master plan of communism and the plan’s
1776 there was a Catholic seminarian named Adam
Weishaupt who came to believe in Lucifer as an equal god to the God we know
and love. His two god philosophy developed
into a way to worship this god, Lucifer, and a six point way to spread this
believe throughout the world. Lucifer promised wealth and power. He then went
and taught this philosophy to the richest man in the world at that time, Amschel Rothschild.
was presented to Rothschild on May 1, 1776 alongside with his organization called
the illuminati/illuminists He promised Rothschild that with Lucifer and
the plan on his side, he could rule the world.
The six points that Lucifer wanted in return for
wealth and power were:
1. Elimination of National governments
2. Elimination of
3. Elimination of the family
4. Elimination of patriotism
5. Elimination of inheritance
6. Elimination of private property
This plan would create a world state under the
control of the House of Rothschild.
Look at your schools, your government, TV programs,
Liberal News, the promotion of homosexuals, free sex, birth control, woman’s
lib etc. and you will see the above plan playing out in our societies.
Everything our government has done over the past two years plays into the plans
of Lucifer.
After Adam Weishaupt sold this plan to Rothschild Lucifer
paid him of quickly.
The Rise of Rothschild
Rothschild’s son,
Nathan, took over the Bank of England by insolent and
ruthless speculation and once said:
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the
throne of England….The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the
British Empire, and I control the British money supply",
and in 1818 Amschel Rothschild´s son James
took control of the French National Bank by ruthless speculation. Another son, Salomon , established himself in
"Permit me to issue and control the money
of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of a dynasty which may have as much
as half the money of the world at its disposal - and the political power which
ensues from that.
was the beginning of the House of Rothschild. Soon the Rothschilds
spanned Europe with railroads, invested in coal and ironworks, financed
Federal Reserve System
In 1911 he had to split his Standard Oil
Company into minor divisions due to Antitrust
legislation because of Rockefeller´s ruthless abuse
of his monopoly. In 1913 he and
Rothschild´s American Agent, J.P. Morgan and others created the
private Federal Reserve System (FED)
– a private Bank which illegally usurped the right to print dollars and to lend
them to the US government at interest rates which they fix themselves. Whereupon
the interest money flows tax-free back to the
“charitable” Rockefeller Foundation, also founded in 1913 -
made for this purpose. Recently it was stated that the Foundation in its
95-year lifetime had spent lousy 2 billion dollars for "charity" -
including the financing of Mental Hygiene, as well as Hitler´s
and Lenin´s revolutions.
Council on Foreign Relations
In 1921 these same circles founded the Council on Foreign Relations , which
has since WW2 nominated all US presidential candidates, Secretaries of Defence, Commerce and of State, !! As former World Bank director, James Wolfensohn,
said on David Rockefeller´s 90th
annivesary in 2005: “And this is a world when the
Council on Foreign Relations did not yet exist. So what a terrible, unguided
world it must have been not to have this group of people to guide it."
Bilderberg Meetings
In 1954 David Rockefeller was co-founder of the Bilderberg
Group called the High Priests of globalisation
Anybody wishing to become Prime Minister in Europe apparently has to be
accepted by these corporate Bilderbergers
(Andreas Rétyi 2006: Bilderberger,
Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg).
Ìn 1968 (or rather 1953, which is largely unknown) he co-founded
the Club of Rome and in 1973 with Brzezinski
the Trilateral Commission. In
his "Memoirs" David states on p. 405:
even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests
of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists'
and of conspiring with others around the
world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure —
one world, if you will. If that is
the charge, I stand
guilty, and I am proud of it."
David is no doubt the most powerful individual this world has ever seen
Control of Media
His domination over the media and politicians can hardly be overestimated
- and he states it to mean an end to democracy. And he describes his own
activities as shady. Here is David´s gratitude
to his loyal media expressed in an address to the Bilderberg Group in 1991:
are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great
publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop
our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity
during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared
to march towards a world government. The supernational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to
the national autodetermination practiced in past
European Union
According to declassified US
government papers, the leader of the CIA fore-runner, the
Ending Soviet
According to former Soviet
dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky
, who as Yeltsin´s witness in the process
against the Soviet Union had access to secret Soviet documents, in 1989
1. Party Secretary, Michael Gorbachev, had guests from the Trilateral
Commission: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, former French President Valéry Giscard d´Estaing and
former Japanese Prime Minister Nakazone. They asked
is a good friend of the Rockefellers
. His "World Political Forum seeks
to become a meeting point and crossroads for cultures, religions, and leaders,
an open forum for the whole world that, through analysis and discussion will
give guidance and provide new solutions to global problems and strive
toward a New World Civilization and a framework for a
democratic international order”
society influence on politics will grow, and it should have a major impact
on the architecture of the new world order. Our theme is the creation
of a realistic structure for the new world order, which would
ensure effective governance in a global world.
We should welcome the formation and strengthening of regional
systems in world politics. They are
an inherent part of the new world order."
counts on Jacques Delors, who is a member of the WPF and Bush sen among his
supporters. The same former Pres. Bush sen. who in 1990-91 5 times announced "A big idea, A
New World Order"
Mother Earth
is a nephew of David Rockefeller and cofounder of the Earth Charter alongside
with Right: Gorbachev and Maurice Strong.
The Earth
Charter is kept in the "
Gorbachev has launched the Earth
Charter ,
which he calls "the 10 Commandments of our time"!!- a project in collaboration with Steven
Rockefeller and illuminist, Maurice Strong. It is a religious , leninist
environmentalist project , which is obtaining status as a cult for
"living, breathing Mother Earth", Gaia, the
religious background for the global environmentalist hysteria and a substitute
has chaired the Globalist environmental movement, Green Cross
International since June 1993. Its tentacles reach into
countless areas of international law and politics, ultimately demanding the
submission of all nation-states to the sovereignty of a Global environmental
government - one of many efforts he is making to establish and enforce
supra-national powers.
The globalist anacondas have been hypnotizing us for a long time (like capivars) and are now lying in wait for a speedy
opportunity to devour us into their dictatorial world state.
of Deliberate American Bankruptcy
Incompetent Puppet President
Soros Cause the 2008 Crash?
Strong - Father of American Destruction
The Proof
- Global Warming - World Government
Government - The Actual Plan