concept of entropy is one of the most useful terms for understanding just about
everything. While it has its origins in natural law – thermodynamics,
specifically – the concept holds true
pretty much across all closed systems.
In the simplest of terms, every closed system will ultimately degrade
toward a state of maximum entropy (destruction).
The current political system of the
was, perhaps, because of his own understanding of natural law that Thomas
fact that any closed system, no matter how well constructed, will degrade. To
expect the
The past Congress has not passed
a budget and this must be done. In June
we will have to raise the DEBT LIMIT and if we do not, the government will shut
down. I do not think we should. The government has shut down before and all
non essential government workers went home and were not paid. I think some states should go bankrupt like
In fact we have to save
A line item vote would see that
although congressmen only are paid $175,000 a year, they have unlimited office
budgets of millions of dollars that they raid. A line item vote would see
departments that no one knows what they do.
Important Idea to Reduce Debt and Government The Line Item Vote
1. Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve
(Reuters) -
Republican Representative Ron Paul on Thursday said he will push to examine the
Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions if he takes control of the congressional
subcommittee that oversees the central bank as expected in January.
"I think they're way too
independent. They just shouldn't have this power," Paul, a longtime Fed
critic, said in an interview with Reuters. "Up until recently it has been
modest but now it's totally out of control."
Paul is currently the top Republican on
the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees domestic monetary
policy, and is likely to head the panel when Republicans take control of the
chamber in January.
That could create a giant headache for
the Fed, which earlier this year fended off an effort headed by Paul to open up
its internal deliberations on interest rates and monetary easing to
congressional scrutiny.
Paul, who has written a book called
"End the Fed," has been a fierce critic of the central bank's efforts
to boost the economy through monetary policy.
"It's an outrage, what is happening,
and the Congress more or less has not said much about it," he said.
Paul said his subcommittee would also
push to examine the country's gold reserves and highlight the views of
economists who believe that economic downturns are caused by bad monetary
policy, not the vagaries of the free market.
Global organizations like the
International Monetary Fund also will come under scrutiny, he said.
"Eventually we're going to have
monetary reform. I do not believe the dollar can be the reserve standard of the
world," said Paul, who has called for returning the
Many economists say that the Fed's
decisive actions during the 2008 financial crisis prevented the deep recession
that followed from turning into a depression. But grassroots outrage over the
bank bailouts and other Fed actions helped propel many Republican candidates to
victory in Tuesday's congressional elections -- including Paul's son, Rand
Paul, who will represent Kentucky in the Senate.
"With a lot of new members coming
and the problems getting worse rather better, there's going to be a lot more
people who are going to be looking for answers," Paul said.
2. Dollar Crash
Dollar at Risk of Crashing, Triggering
Inflation: Strategist
Federal Reserve policies have put the US dollar the risk of crashing,
which will hammer consumers through higher prices, strategist Axel Merk told CNBC.
Investors should brace for a much weaker dollar
[.DXY 76.515 0.635 (+0.84%)
] by diversifying out of the greenback and into currencies of other
countries, said Merk, chairman and chief investment
officer of Merk Investments, of Portland, Maine.
the Fed said it will be
embarking on a program to buy $600 billion in Treasurys.
Consumers should prepare for oil
prices to soar to $147 a barrel and gas at the pump to more than $4 a gallon.
Asian exporters will raise prices. So we will have a cost-push inflation. We're not going to get wages to go
up. We'll get the price at the gas pump to go up instead.
We'll have a dollar that may crash in that process.
The issue here is that (Fed Chairman Ben) Bernanke wants to have a weaker
Cash is no longer safe. What
central banks do, they diversify to baskets of currencies.
Meanwhile, the price of
This amounts to a tax on US consumers, transferring
The dollar plunged yet again. That may have been the
Fed's the unstated purpose. If so,
3. Reaction
of the world to Federal Reserve
Li Deshui from Beijing's
Economic Commission said a string of Asian states share China's "deep
bitterness" over dollar debasement, and are examining ways of teaming up
to insulate themselves from the tsunami of US liquidity.
These countries cannot easily shield themselves from the
inflationary effect of QE2 by raising interest rates since this leads to
further "carry trade" inflows in search of yield. They are being
forced to eye capital controls, with ominous implications for the interwoven
global system.
4. Is the Fed Right or Wrong
"The Fed is gambling that the so-called
'portfolio balance channel effect' – pushing money out of government bonds and
into other assets – will lift risk asset prices. The gamble is that this boosts
profits and wages, rather than simply prices. We remain unconvinced. How will a
liquidity solution correct a solvency problem?" he said.
"A policy error," said Ulrich Leuchtmann from Commerzbank. The
wording of the Fed statement is "potentially dangerous" because it
leaves the door open to a further flood of Treasury purchases if unemployment
stays high. "It is a bottomless pit," he said.
Of course, it is precisely this open door that has so
juiced risk trades, from Australian dollar futures, to silver contracts, and
junk bonds. Goldman Sachs thinks QE2 will ultimately reach $2 trillion, with no
exit until 2015. Such moral hazard is irresistible. It is the Bernanke
Yet the reluctance of investors to leap back into the US
Treasury market as they did after QE1 is revealing. The 30-year segment of the
Treasury market is too small to matter, but symbolism does matter. Vigilantes
sniff stealth default. "If long bond investors continue to throw their
collective toys out of the cot, it risks upending the Fed's policy," said
Michael Derk from FXPro.
Mr Bernanke is targeting
maturities of 5 to 10 years with purchases of Treasuries. These bonds have
behaved better: 10-year yields fell 14 points on Thursday to 2.48pc. However,
Mark Ostwald from Monument Securities said foreign funds may take advantage of
QE2 to dump their holdings on the Fed, rotating the money emerging markets
rather than US assets.
Bond funds are already restive. Pimco's
Bill Gross says the great bull market in bonds is over, denigrating Fed policy
as the greatest "ponzi scheme" in history.
Warren Buffett has chimed in too, warning that anybody buying bonds at this
stage is "making a big mistake",
Fed chair Ben Bernanke uses the term 'credit easing' to
describe his strategy because the goal is to lower borrowing costs. If he fails
to achieve this over coming months - because investors balk - the policy will
No clear rationale for fresh QE can be found in orthodox
monetarism. Data from the
The Fed has used the 'Taylor Rule' on output gaps as a
theoretical justification for QE, but Stanford Professor
It has not been lost on markets that the Fed's purchases of $900bn of Treasuries by June (with reinvested funds
from mortgage debt) covers the Treasury's deficit over the same period.
The slipperly slope towards 'monetization' of public
debt beckons.
Global investors mostly accepted that the motive for QE1
was emergency liquidity, and that stimulus would later be withdrawn. But there
are growing suspicions that QE2 is Treasury funding in disguise.
If they start to act on this suspicion, they could push
rates higher instead of lower, and overwhelm the Bernanke stimulus. That would
precipitate an ugly chain of events for the
5. Retaliation
officials from the president down have slammed the Federal Reserve’s decision
to depress US interest rates by buying billions of dollars of
government bonds, warning that it could lead to retaliatory measures.
In depth: Currency wars - Oct-26
currency wars explained - Oct-20
thrives in currency squalls - Nov-03
Ms Rousseff added: “The last time there was a series of
competitive devaluations. . . it ended in world war two.”
industry is well and truly stuck in a rut, due in part to the recent strength
of the real,” Capital Economics, a London-based research firm, said in a note
to clients on Thursday.
“[The Fed’s
decision] is cause for concern. These are policies that impoverish those around
them and end up prompting retaliatory measures,”
With local benchmark
interest rates at 10.75 per cent – the G20’s highest after stripping out 5 per
cent inflation – international capital has flooded into
Emerging market fund
managers say the tax, paid on point of entry, has had some impact on short-term
bond investors – but not on long bonds held to maturity which, after netting
off the tax, still provide a yield of about 11 per cent.
higher than you can get anywhere else, especially for an investment- grade
credit,” said Kieran Curtis, emerging markets fund manager at Aviva Investors
who manages £1.3bn of emerging bonds.
agree that one reason why Brazilian interest rates are so high is loose fiscal
policy. Federal government spending has grown by 18 per cent this year. Ms Rousseff has pledged to trim
government spending, although there are doubts that she will be able to
push through cuts.
6. Fed’s Money Printing
Unbridled printing of dollars is the biggest risk
to the global economy, an adviser to the Chinese central bank said in comments
published on Thursday, a day after the Federal Reserve unveiled a new round of
monetary easing.
The Federal Reserve launched a fresh effort on Wednesday to support the
China must set up a firewall via currency policy and capital controls to
cushion itself from external shocks, said Xia Bin said in a commentary piece in
the Financial News, a Chinese-language newspaper managed by the central bank.
"As long as the world exercises no
restraint in issuing global currencies such as the dollar -- and this is not
easy -- then the occurrence of another crisis is inevitable, as quite a few
wise Westerners lament," he said.
"We must keep a clear mind. We must
not lead the world in financial regulation, nor simply follow the deeds of
mature economies. We must think 'what is good for us'," he said.
By closely managing the yuan's exchange rate,
German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said
on Thursday he was concerned at
Bruederle also said there was some truth to the criticism
that the
9. Fixing Social Security
The original Social Security Act
looks nothing like the version we now live under. The original program
was only supposed to tax the first $3,000 in earnings with employers and
employees both paying 1% of this figure into the program. And with 16
payees to every recipient the program was viable and effective for a
generation, perhaps two.
But in the late 1970's the birth rate had plummeted, life expectancy had
soared and Social Security taxes were inadequate for the demand placed on
the system by benefits recipients. So Congress did what they do in such
situations--they raised taxes!
Today, individuals and employers
each pay 6% on the first $108,000
in income. But not in
County retirees 2-3 times what
the SSA pays and
participants are able to leave their assets in the plan to survivors. They also receive disability and life
insurance under the plan. In fact, the surviving spouse of one
Commissioner who passed away in the late 1990's received over $250,000 between
her husband's plan contributions and his life insurance benefits.
Many other Counties including
Also, the insurance provisions in
Congressman Paul Ryan, ranking member of the Committee on the Budget
is a representative who appears to take his job – overseeing the federal budget
– seriously. In 2008, he introduced legislation
called “A Roadmap for
he does it while slashing taxes. Anyone want to file on a postcard? If the
Roadmap were adopted, you could. Single filers would pay 10% on income up to
$50,000 ($100,000 for joint filers) and 25% thereafter, with a generous
standard deduction and personal exemption. That’s it, no loopholes, deductions,
credits, or exclusions. But, in what must have been a delicious lighter moment,
he decided to allow those who love the present system to continue using it if
they want to.
income taxes, he also cuts corporate taxes, eliminates taxes on interest,
dividends, and capital gains, and abolishes the death tax.
don’t have space to go into all the aspects of the proposal, but interested
readers can get a capsule
version of the plan here.
the CBO’s most conservative
projections for continuing along the current path lead to unsustainable deficit
levels and bankruptcy for the country. debt will spike
sharply upward in 2015, rising – relentlessly and unstoppably – to over 700% of
GDP in 2080. Of course, the economy will be destroyed and government forced to
default long before then.
you’re in the mood to wade through all the details today, here’s
a link to the CBO report on the Ryan proposal.