101 Foundation
"Victorious" Queen Peace FrightRussia
The 101 Foundation was founded by Rosalie Turton after going to Akita, Japan and reading about the 101 times the statue cried. She had been working with the Blue Army of Fatima and wanted to promote Akita with Fatima. The Blue Army (now approved by Rome and with a Bishop in charge) insisted that they would remain a strictly Fatima Apostolete. John Haffert wanted to promote Garabandal in "Soul" Magazine along with Fatima and was also refused. In 1987 he was forcibly retired from the Blue Army, which he helped found, and ran for many years. It was at this time that he helped Rosalie found the 101 Foundation right on Blue Army property, which he claimed was his personal property along with a house that he lived in. Many believe both buildings were built with Blue Army funds but since Haffert controlled all the Blue Army books for many years this was difficult to prove. There was also a fight over the rightful ownership of the world famous Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, but the Bishop did not want the Blue Army in a lawsuit and gave the Statue to Haffert. I know of two documents that could have proven Blue Army's ownership. Nonetheless, Haffert, who had bought and paid for the Statue with his own money and had given it to the Blue Army, took it back by sending in the police. I have a personal interest in this Pilgrim Virgin Statue and its relationship to false mystics. In 1972 I flew to New Orleans where the Statue was crying. A false mystic was following the Statue around and giving messages from Our Lady. One of the things she said was that the reason the Statue was crying was that New Orleans was going to fall into the ocean the following year. The custodian of the Statue was not careful (It was not Kaszmarek at that time). Anyway Father Romagosa performed an exorcism on this mystic and she turned into a raving dog, cussing like a truck driver. I was there in 1972 and that is why I helped take the very valuable crown back from Haffert. I hope to re-crown Our Lady with that same crown here in Portugal someday.
Haffert had also formed a Pilgrimage Travel Business with the purchase of two 747 jet airplanes. Questions also arise as to where the money came from. Although John Haffert inherited millions from his father and could afford almost anything, even 747 jet airplanes, he always believed the Blue Army money was his own. (Haffert's father owned one of the largest publishing houses in the world.)
Now with Haffert's airplanes, Haffert's Pilgrim Virgin Statue, and the 101 Foundation that Haffert helped organize, we come to our story.
The Reason for a Flight
For those who dont know, the 101 Foundation came to promote every clamed mystic in the world no mater how stupid. Several of these visionaries claimed that if the 101 Foundation brought the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue (the most famous statue in the world) to Moscow, it would be converted. In their advertisements they also promised 10,000,000 conversions. They received permission from John Haffert to bring the famous Statue. The Statue was in the Hands of Luis Kaszmarek and the Blue Army. John Haffert was able to get the Statue away from the Blue Army as stated above by calling in the police. Vassula Ryden was the main visionary on the Flight.
Why the flight was called Victorious Queen Peace Flight instead of Queen of Peace Flight we also dont know. We are not making anything of this, put it has a Satanic ring to it. No human would make such an error. Queen Peace gives the name of the Queen as Peace, like saying Father God, instead of God the Father. It makes three different Gods out of one God. This is why semantics is so important in theology, as it was in the first Councils.
Anyway, Rosalie Turton of the 101 Foundation prior to the Trip sent out the following letter to all Marian subscribers:
Another visionary who will be with us on the flight and who John Haffert believed to be creditable, told me (Rosalie) through his (the visionarys) spiritual director that Jesus said that because of our prayers and sacrifices, we are enabling Our Lady to hold back the hand of the Father which was about to come down upon our country and the world, and thus, save many souls. Our acts of reparation are and will be pleasing to God. A certain International Congress of the Family is being planned for 1994. Jesus told this visionary that without the pilgrimage, that would have been too late. He mentioned earthquakes that could change our country into three separate masses of land and could affect the Philippines and Japan. I do not wish to frighten you. We all know that Our Lady said prayer, sacrifices, and fasting could even stop wars. We also know that without those efforts on our part, as Mary said at Fatima, nations will be annihilated. Aug/Sept. 1992
The "alleged" visionary was Mark Treanor of Ireland.
Refused to Go
Without her permission, it was advertised in all the flyers that Mirna Nazzour (see Miracle of Damascus) would also be on the flight. Dr. and Mrs. Monsour (who have been the primary promoters of Vassula) as much as guaranteed that they (the Monsours) could get Mirna to go. Tony Hanna, a close friend of Mirna, was on the trip. In spite of letters and phone calls from Claire, Tony Hanna, and Bishop Francis Quinn of Sacramento, Mirna refused to go. Why? We dont know. A letter from Rosalie Turton, director of the 101 Foundation promised Mirna all expenses paid from anywhere in the world if she would go. She still refused. (We have those letters.)
Mirna was not the only one who refused to go on the flight. Louis Kaszmarek, the custodian of the Statue and the foremost Marian Theologian in America, also refused to go with the Statue. Never had the statue been out of his hands in almost twenty years. Since the death of Father Patrick Payton, Louis has become the voice of Our Lady in America. Louis did not object to a flight to Moscow. What he objected to was having Our Lady in the same plane with six false mystics. In spite of his objections, Our Lady was taken on the flight. Louis stood behind and watched as his love, the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue, went away from him for the first time in almost twenty years. He could have gone, but that would have given his support to the false mystics.
The Actual Flight
There were five bishops and some Cardinals on the trip. None of the bishops were from the United States; they were from the Philippines, Europe and Russia. There were 50 priests. There were "many" seers. (This is what we were told and MANY was emphasized). Many of the people on the trip didnt know who all of seers were. Some priests and seers were picked up at various points of the trip in Europe. Christine Gallagher and Father McGinnity did not go on the whole trip. They were in Moscow and Rome only. The alleged seer, Mark Treanor from Ireland, who gave the original message about this pilgrimage, did not go. He said it would prevent this country from being split into three pieces, etc, etc.
There were two 747-jet airplanes. Plane one was called "the 101 Flight" (we were told by a woman who coordinated this trip with Rosalle Turton), because this one had all of the so-called "celebrates" (and we are quoting her) on it. Those on this plane were: Rosalle Turton, Vassula, Father Ken Roberts, all the Bishops, Cardinals, and most of the priests, except the one from this area (Texas), and the man who was appointed the escort of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue, as well as various other "alleged" seers.
Plane two was called "The Poor Flight" (and again we are quoting the woman who coordinated the trip with Rosalie). The group on this place included Estella Ruiz from Scottsdale, Arizona; Janie Garzia from Austin, Texas, and her spiritual director.
We were told that all the "alleged" seers on this trip were getting messages very frequently. However, they would state that it was not on a daily basis, but on some days several "alleged" seers reported messages from Our Lard and/or Our Lady.
The "alleged" seer from Austin, Texas, Janie Garzia, received a message from Jesus in which He (Jesus) was supposed to have had two "special" messages:
1: One for all the Flight CrewMembers of the two jets. Jesus is "allegedly" to have said that it was by no mistake that they were the crew for this particular flight, that each one of them was especially "hand-picked" for this flight. And that He (Jesus) wanted to personally thank them!!!!
2: The second "alleged" message Jesus is said to have given was to all those on the trip, that each one of them had been "called" and "chosen" to be on this trip!!!!
These people were told that this trip was the spark that would ignite Her (Our Lady) spark that will be sent around the world. These people were told that this was the beginning of the pilgrimage for which they had been "chosen" as prayer warriors, and to make sacrifices, and that this pilgrimage had not ended with this trip.
The people on this trip were told by "alleged" seer, Estella Ruiz, that the Blessed Virgin Mary said that She led them to the desert, and that the Holy Father (The Pope) knew about this trip and that he (The Pope) had blessed this trip.
Every passenger we were able to speak to all said that same thing; "It was a weird trip." These are their words. They stayed in weird places. We asked what they meant by "weird". They said that those on the first plane (known as the "celebrate flight) got all the best room accommodations, staying in the ultra hotels. The "poor" flight got the worse room accommodations. They were total "dumps". They were in the dangerous areas of the towns. They said that the facilities were "the pits". In some of the hotels they had to walk up two or three flights of stairs, carrying all their own baggage. Some people had bad backs, weak knees; some were elderly and had a hard time carrying their entire luggage up several flights of stairs. Some tried to help those in need, but everyone was responsible for themselves and their own luggage. If you left it behind you could loose it. They said it was a mess.
The woman who coordinated the trip told us that they stayed in the poorest of the poorest of the poorest. In fact, they stayed in "shanties". Their bus driver, in one country, couldnt even find the place they were supposed to stay. It took them two hours going threw many potholes in the roads, piles of garbage, etc. to finally find the place they stayed for the night.
Backing up a little bit, Plane #1 left New York about 30 minutes before Plane #2. This was so that both planeloads would not be landing in Paris at the same time. They traveled over Europe and to Russia in 20 buses. Each was assigned to a bus. People on the busses were supposed to be rotated so that everyone would have a chance to stay in the ultra-nice hotels but it didnt work out that way. There was no rotating. Once a person was assigned to a bus, thats the bus they were stuck with.
Regardless of these "hardships" they said that they would do it again, because they were told (and you can guess by whom) that on this trip for which they were "chosen" that they would learn: "discipline. Obedience, and how to fast". There were many places where there were no places for them to eat. Many times they had to get up very early and be gone before breakfast, or not back to the hotel in time for the evening meal.
Many, many people got sick. One lady broke her hip. A man died of a heart attack. One woman from Texas pulled all the blood vessels in her ankles and her feet began swelling and has a very difficult time the rest of the trip. She is still having trouble with her feet because of the trip. They had to do a lot of walking, and apparently the terrain was very bad.
We were told that Vassula was "front line" all the way. We asked what they meant, and were told that she was the "little darling" of the trip. She gave talks all the time. We were also told that Father Ken Roberts endorsed Vassula. We were also told that John Haffert, since he was the tour guide across Europe, also gave a lot of talks. He made the statement that this pilgrimage is something he has been wanting to do for many, many years.
While they were in Red Square the "alleged" seer, Janie Garzia from Austin, Texas had an apparition from Our Lady where Janie said that rays came from Her Hands and extended out over Russia and the World.
Were sure you all know the story of St. Stevens, now The Church of The Miracle. Well, this was one of the stops on the tour. A priest from the Houston area (who was on the "poor" flight) and who is pastor of a church in Alvin, Texas, said Mass at the chapel where the Monstrance with the miraculous Host is exhibited for perpetual adoration. He told everyone in the group that after the Mass he would allow everyone of them to pick-up, hold and embrace the Monstrance. We were very surprised when we heard this. That is a very Holy Sacramental, and only priests are supposed to touch the Monstrance, and then only with a cape, and especially with the miraculous Host in it. You cannot in your wildest imagination began to think up some of the things we were told from some of these people when they loved, kissed, held the Monstrance close to their bosom, all the "Graces?" they say they were given. One woman said that she thought she was going to levitate. People were seeing all sorts of things. They said that Jesus and Mary were pouring out many, many graces to them. Their bus was the only one that was allowed to hold and embrace the Monstrance like they did. The next busload had not gotten there yet.
There was much confusion and a big foul-up concerning this Miraculous Statue. First of all, we have different views from various ones as to the man who was appointed to be Our Ladys escort. At one point the statue got LOST. The escort took it somewhere and left it. When he came back for it, the statue was gone. No one knew where it was. It was not made clear to us "when" or "where" this man finally found it. We heard at one point that there was a large youth group from Stubinville, Ohio, and they had taken the statue with them when it was supposed to be somewhere else. So, We gathered it went on their bus with these students, unescorted. Someone had a small Fatima statue, so that is the one they used when they couldnt find the International one.
When they took the International Pilgrim Statue to Moscow, one lady said, "It was pouring down rain. Everyone in the square had umbrellas, except Our Lady. No one thought to cover Her or put an umbrella over Her. Our beautiful International Pilgrim Statue got literally drenched. She was out in the open, un-covered for hours. I only hope this does not cause it to crack."
When the statue was in Paris, somehow, and no one seems to know what happened, but the HANDS ON THIS FAMOUS INTERNATIONAL STATUE GOT CRACKED. "I do not know how bad, but I cannot believe that these turkeys were so careless with this most miraculous sacramental." said the same lady. We were told that on the return trip home, this statue was on Plane #2 (The Poor Plane). And that they would parade it up and down the isles and say the rosary. This is the most famous sacramental in the world. This statue converted the managing editor of Unity Publishing. Just being next to it converted "New Age" prophet, Mrs. Lovejoy. Its power rivals the Ark of the Covenant.
When the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady arrived back in the United States, Luis Kaszmarek was there to meet Her. This is a letter Kaszmarek wrote to a friend who went on the flight with the famous Statue.
November 30, 1992
Dear Dolores,
Jesus and Mary bless your beautiful heart and soul:
Thank you for your letter and for the comments and statements pertaining to the 101 flight. I am sorry for the people who went on this pilgrimage and were disillusioned. I am sorry too for those who had to suffer. I am mostly sorry for those who were fed all of the spiritual garbage that they were given.
I can tell you this, that when I picked up the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue in Peoria, Illinois, from the escort who took Her on the 101 flight (and I cant recall his name and dont care to), I was horrified! I never saw the statue look so horrible! They broke Her! She had a huge gapping crack running down the right side from Her waste down to Her ankles. I wanted to cry when I saw this damage. Not only that, She had bruised and scuff marks all over Her right side plus the fact that the hands were damaged too. When I asked the man how this happened, I was aghast at what he told me. He said he had put Her in "Baggage" in Paris, France, and that when he asked them to remove Her, they THREW HER OUT UNTO THE PAVEMENT WHERE SHE HIT HARD AND CRACKED. I asked him how he could have been so irresponsible and allowed this to happen, and he had no satisfactory answer. As I drove with Her from Peoria, Illinois, to Kansas City, Kansas, I was so upset that I was not aware that I was driving. I could have cried. MY HEART DID.
I no longer work for the Blue Army. I sent my letter of resignation to them just one week ago. I will now accept speaking engagements around the country speaking on my own.
I have heard from three people who made the 101 pilgrimage and all three have mentioned Satan in their comments. One person said, "Satan was with us all the way."
I keep you in my prayers. Please pray for me in my new endeavor.
For Jesus and Mary
Louis Kaszmarek
Louis Kaszmarek is now a recluse and sees no one. He spends six to eight hours a day in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. But this is not what Our Lady wants of him. He and the Statue belong together and God willing ......?
It is our understanding that Mother Angelica (EWTN) was showing this 101 Queen Peace Flight every week calling it "World Pilgrimage" by Father Ken Roberts, and was running it every Sunday at 9:00 PM. We also know that any shots or mention of Vassula Ryden have been edited out of the Video. We hope that Mother Angelica is innocent of the deceit in showing this flight. We are very sorry to have to use these words, but we have a great love for the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. We have a great love for Louis Kaszmarek. Both Our Lady and Louis have been permanently harmed by this flight. It was reported to us that it cost over $20,000 to repair the damage done to the statue. We have seen Her since and She is not the same. Louis Kaszmarek, has lost his Lady, and of course, is speaking very little anymore. Everyone is into spiritualism today. If he were willing to travel around with someone claiming to see visions, he would be speaking all over the world just like Wayne Weible Unlike Weible, Louis is an expert on Our Lady. He knows more about Her and the History of Her power than any man living today. But for now, he has been silenced by the loud cry of the Wolves in Marys clothing. To watch this flight shown on EWTN every week is like placing sWords into the Heart of Mary and Louis.
We have a sWord also
We must say "deceit" when it comes to the 101 Foundation, because they sold seats based on Mirna going, and she never agreed to go. We must say "deceit" when people were promised ten million conversions even before the flight left. We must say "deceit" when the presence of the "little darling" of the flight, supported by Father Ken Roberts is now edited out of the films of the flight as though she was never there. We must say "deceit" when threats of "earthquakes" and America being split into three continents is used to fill the plains.
Vassula Ryden; Mark Treanor of Bessbrook, Ireland; Christine Gallagher; Father McGinnity; Estella Ruiz from Scottsdale, Arizona; and Janie Garzia from Austin, Texas are the mystics who were "hand-picked" to take Our Ladys Statue to Moscow. They were "chosen" and "blessed" (as Father Ken Roberts would say), just as the man who died of a heart attack from the mistreatment of the "not-so-special" people. I wonder if Vassula went without an umbrella as Our Lady did. She and the people were treated like "baggage", and the marks will never go away from Her or the people. The description given us of a "weird" trip is a gross understatement. To have lay men and woman hold and embrace the Monstrance with Our Lord inside, is more than weird. Losing Our Lady is more than weird.
These "Turkeys" [the mystics and promoters] had Satan with them all the way, and some of them know it. This is spiritual garbage of the worst kind. If your mother was attacked, you have an obligation to protect her. Our Mother has been attacked. Her protector and servant, Louis Kaszmarek, has been attacked. We intend to protect and avenge Her with every ounce of our being, even to the last drop of our blood.
If you think that is not in keeping with our pledge to never let truth be the enemy of love, you are mistaken. For we must love truth first, and the sin of these false mystics has not stopped even with strong declarations of the Church. Sin must be stopped first, then we will love the sinner. If anyone think we have spoken falsely regarding this Satanic Trip, step forward, bring proof that we are wrong. We will dialogue publicly and publish in writing and on tape the outcome.
Until then, remember the word is a two-edged sWord.
Our Lady, and Louis Kaszmarek and we have been wounded by their edge, but its only a wound. By patience and love of truth our edge is getting sharp.
The Publican