The DaVinci Code
Selling Modern New Age Gnosticism in a
Fiction Novel
After the great
Financial success of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", New Age writers found
a new way to attack the teachings of Christ and His Church. This new method is fiction novels, with
elements of truth mixed with fiction, and sold in a beleiveable way through
story form, a fiction story, but presented as a true story. "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" at least
used the real investigations of some reporters and simply added a little
fiction to the story to make it believable.
They then took the facts, black and white, and mixed them together to
come up with red. The fact that their
conclusions were totally asinine, escapes the reader, because it is presented
as a search for truth. This search was
for clues to the Holy Grail, but when they reached a dead end, they needed a
surprising ending so they just made it up.
They ended their search, by claiming they found that the holy Blood and
Holy Grail was in fact, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus. Such heresy could only be the result of
haters of Christ, or demonic.
Knowing that the
modern society was seeking justification for its deviant behavior or a
canonization of lust, feminism, homosexuals, abortion and uthanasia, Dan Brown
saw a way to make millions of dollars by attaching not only morals, but the
author of the natural moral law, Christ, Himself. His hatred for morals and truth gives him an open hatred for the
Catholic Church, but unable to win in a logical face to face dialogue, he
resorts to attacks through a fiction novel.
The DaVinci Code can be viewed as merely an
ephemeral product of popular culture, but its immense sales insure that it will
have influence on people who never read serious books. Dan Brown, the book’s
author, has found a formula for becoming rich — sex, sensationalism,
feminism, anti-Catholicism and the occult. But it is also obvious that he
sincerely hates Christianity and is engaged in an anti-crusade. The culture is
ripe for such a debased book, and even some professing Christians are intrigued
by it, because New Age philosophy has entered into Christian Churches, even
The essence of New
Age is the claim that people are free to invent whatever beliefs they choose,
because religion is nothing more than the subjective emanations of one’s own
soul. Millions of people read and will
read The DaVinci Code not
because they necessarily believe its absurd story but because it creates a myth
which serves certain emotional needs, allows them to be "religious" without
submitting to any of the demands of faith.
Modern secular
culture is fundamentally imperialistic, meaning that, despite all its talk
about "tolerance," it cannot tolerate a genuine diversity of beliefs.
The Enlightenment critics of Christianity were at least honest in setting forth
the issues. But the critics of our own day do not even concede that orthodox
believers are truly religious. Instead the New Age phenomenon has appropriated
for itself the "true" meaning of all religions and claims to understand
those faiths better than the faithful do.
Thoroughly modern
people, products of a prosperous and hedonistic culture, do not deny
themselves anything. Not believing in the teachings of the various
religions, they nonetheless consider it their right to experience the
satisfactions of those religions. They cannot tolerate orthodox Christianity
because it reminds them that, while Jesus preached the Gospel of love, it was
not love as the world understands it, and Jesus is a very demanding master.
For three centuries
the standard secularist criticism of religion was simple rationalism —
the denial of "things unseen." But human beings have never been able
to overcome their intuition that there is much more to reality than the mind
can understand and that the most important things, those which disclose to us
the meaning of life, are not accessible by empirical evidence.
As a result, secularism,
in its attempts to discredit traditional religion, now appeals to the same
human religious feelings which it used to deride. The new method now reaches back into history and claims that
what has been regarded as the Christian faith over the centuries was not
authentic and that its true meaning is only now being discovered, finding the
"real" Jesus not in the Bible but in apocryphal books admittedly
written later.
What is the DaVinci Code?
To put the matter
succinctly, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (Doubleday, $24.95) is
overwritten (454 pages), overplotted and overdrawn. And Christians are likely to find it offensive, although it is exceptionally
clever in an intellectual way. It distorts church history while putting a
modern dress on the hoary Arian heresy, weaving historical and
pseudo-historical threads through a contemporary mystery that is set in motion
by the murder in the Louvre of the famous museum's curator.
Brown's novel, his
second featuring the Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, has also been
overbought and overpraised, due at least in part to a marketing ploy which
found Doubleday distributing 10,000 free advance copies to the media. This,
according to The New York Times, was more copies than any of his previous books
On the surface, the
tale involves Langdon and a French police cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, in
efforts to unravel puzzling clues crafted by Jacques Sauniere, Sophie's
grandfather, as his life ebbed away after he was shot by a monkish albino
figure pursuing a religious secret of which Sauniere was the last surviving
guardian. Three other guardians were killed earlier.
Because Langdon's
name surfaces in Sauniere's cipher, he immediately becomes the chief suspect,
making it necessary for him, with Sophie as an ally, to evade the police while
following the clues. Which, of course, are also of interest to the killers
because Sauniere, before his death, sent them down a blind alley.
As you might
expect, however, nothing is as it seems. Sauniere, it turns out, is the head of
a secret society, the Priory of Sion, dedicated to protecting historical
documents challenging the divinity of Jesus. Moreover, the monkish figure is a
member of Opus Dei acting on behalf of the bishop who heads that society.
Behind them both is a shadowy character they know only as the Teacher.
(This is apparently
open season on Opus Dei. The leadership of the church society was also
portrayed as murderous in the recent spy tale, "The Confessor.")
Back to Sauniere.
His clues pinpoint the location of the documents. They refer the cognoscenti to
famous Leonardo da Vinci paintings at the Louvre, among them the Mona Lisa and
the Last Supper, in which other clues regarding the nature of the secret are to
be found, thus explaining the title of Brown's book.
Now if you have
strong feelings about reviews that give away too many details of a mystery (it
is in the details, after all, that a mystery achieves the status of a mystery),
then you had best stop here and go on about your business.
Brown's secret concerns the Holy Grail
However, the Holy
Grail is not the chalice of the Crusades and Arthurian legend but the
"cup," or womb, of Mary Magdalene.
As Brown has
Langdon explain to Sophie, in da Vinci's rendition of the last supper the
Magdalene is the figure generally thought of as an Apostle resting on the
breast of Jesus. She is doing so because Jesus, who is a great man but
nevertheless only a man like other men, is her husband.
Plunging further
into the land of make-believe, "The Da Vinci Code" then identifies
Sophie as a blood descendant of that union, this too being among the secrets
Sauniere had been guarding, even keeping this knowledge from Sophie.
Moreover, all of
this, including a "spiritual" sex ritual which led Sophie to shun her
grandfather for 10 years, is tied up with the church's suppression of the
"sacred feminine" side of Christianity. One aspect of this
suppression was the manipulation of Scripture by the early church, with
contrary writings being left out of the scriptural canon.
Through his
characters, Brown also posits this suppression as a factor in the development
of attitudes which led to the killing of 5 million women during the Inquisition.
One can argue, of
course, that in fiction the author has great interpretive leeway. As
indeed he does. But Brown mixes actual -- if arcane -- facts with speculation
and fantasy in such a fashion that the whole easily takes on that aura of
To a writer, this
is a skill of great value. But, like any skill, it can be put to
less-than-honest use. In "The Da Vinci Code" it is used to call into
question the basis of Christian faith and to attack the church in a format -- the
novel -- where one does not ordinarily expect to encounter argument
masquerading as historical truth.
Brown's fantasy is
taken from some early books called the Gnostic Gospels, Gnosticism was older
and wider than Christianity, affecting Judaism and other religions. It was a
"dualism," in which reality is thought to be composed of two
irreconcilable principles - light and darkness, spirit and matter. The heresy
was its belief that the universe is not ruled by one God, but that there are
two warring kingdoms which ultimately will be completely separated from one
Gnostics, the Origin of The New Age Movement
The first traces of
Gnosticism arise centuries before Christianity and are rooted in the ancient
religions of Syria, Babylonia, Phoenicia and Persia, and in the Greek Platonic
schools of philosophy. Gnostic communities existed throughout the Roman Empire,
and because of the religious apathy toward traditional religion and the
fascination with mystery cults, they caused some curiosity. In a sense, they
were like the "new-agers" of today’s society. With the founding of
our Church and the spread of Christianity, the Gnostics incorporated elements
of Christianity into their beliefs. Keep in mind that each Gnostic leader
supplied his own nuances to the Gnosticism. Nevertheless, the basic points are
as follows:
— Gnosticism is a
dualistic theological system. God is all good and the source of all goodness.
Everything spiritual is of God and therefore good. Light too is of God and
therefore good.
— Equal to God but
diametrically opposed is the devil who is evil and the source of all evil.
Everything material is of the devil and therefore evil. Darkness too is of the
devil and therefore evil.
— Regarding
creation, the Gnostics rejected Christian teaching. Instead, they posited that
a series of aeons emanate from God in descending order. These aeons are paired,
being called "syzygies," in almost a male-female sense: so the aeons
depth and silence produce mind and truth, which produce reason and life, which
produce man and state. All together they form the "pleroma."
— As these aeons
recede from God, they become less perfect. The last aeon, the Demiurge, creates
the material world due to some flaw, sin or passion. Man is created, but
because of some primordial fault, his soul has fallen to this world and is
imprisoned in the physical body. While his physical being is corrupt, his
spiritual soul is good. In a sense, the good soul is the prisoner of the evil
body; therefore, redemption is to release the soul from its bodily prison. To
release the soul necessitates awakening the "gnosis," (the wisdom)
within, a gnosis which "has fallen asleep" in physical matter.
— According to the
Gnostics, individuals fall into three categories: the pneumatikoi are
influenced by the spirit, have the necessary gnosis, and are assured salvation;
the psychikoi may be saved; and the hylikoi are so influenced by
matter that they have no hope of salvation.
Gnostic Teachings
The Gnostics
claimed to possess secret knowledge that only an elite could know the hidden
There are things in
Gnosticism that the modern mind finds repellent - elitism, weird stories,
peculiar rituals, above all its rejection of the flesh. If orthodox
Christianity is criticized for not cherishing the body, Gnosticism rejected it
Gnosticism is now
enjoying a vogue, however, partly because it was a religion in which women held
leadership roles. This was consistent with its rejection of the flesh, which
made sexual identity unimportant. The Gnostics did not accept the Incarnation
of Jesus and treated doctrinal orthodoxy as being too literal-minded. The
gospels were not to be taken at face value but as stories with hidden symbolic
Thus it was
possible to write new "gospels," since the Gnostics were not bound by
what may or may not have happened while Jesus was on earth. Mary Magdalene
could become Jesus’ intimate, and the New Testament could be dismissed as
essentially false. (Modern people like Dan Brown, who treat the Gnostic gospels
as history, miss the point - to the Gnostics themselves it was irrelevant what
actually happened when Jesus was on earth, if he ever was.)
The Gnostic gospels
are the work of the community condemned by the early Church as the heresy of
The Gnostic version
of Jesus is not the Jesus of Christianity. For the Gnostics, an aeon united
itself with the human person Jesus (just a regular human being for the
Gnostics) at the time of his baptism at the Jordan. The Gnostics thereby denied
the mystery of the incarnation, that Jesus is one divine person with a divine
nature and a human nature. Instead, the aeon united with the human Jesus,
appeared as human, and revealed the gnosis needed for redemption. At the
crucifixion, the human Jesus died on the cross while the aeon departed; in
other words, the human Jesus suffered and died, while the divine escaped. Redemption
then is freeing the soul from the body using the gnosis. This form of
Gnosticism is called docetism.
This teaching
impacted their morality. On one hand, since material things were considered
evil, many Gnostics refrained from eating meat, marriage and conjugal love
(because one would not want to imprison another soul). On the other hand, since
a person who had the gnosis and was under the influence of the spirit was
assured salvation, some Gnostics lived licentious lives of debauchery.
In the end,
universal salvation will come when the pneumatikoi achieve redemption,
the Demiurge is conquered and the material world destroyed.
One last point: the
Gnostics also had the Sophia or Wisdom myth. Sophia represented the
supreme female principle. In some of the myths she was once a virgin goddess
who fell from her original purity and is the cause of the sinful world. In
other myths, she is simply Wisdom.
Gnostics Condemned
in Second Century.
Here is Gnosticism
in a nutshell. Does this sound like Christianity to you? I hope not. Sure,
there are hints of Christian themes like body and soul, light and darkness, God
and the devil. However, the Gnostics corrupted genuine Christian belief,
denying fundamental truths, such as the goodness of creation; the saving actions
of our Lord’s incarnation, passion, death, and resurrection; and the
sacramental system. Rightly, the Gnostics were condemned by the early Church as
heretics. The great defender of the faith was St. Irenaeus (140 -202), who
decimated the heresy in his work "Adversus haereses" or
"Detection and Overthrow of the Gnosis Falsely So-called."
What are Gnostic Gospels?
Now let’s address a
few questions: What are the Gnostic gospels? The Gnostics did produce writings,
some of the more well known being the Gospel of St. Thomas, the Gospel of the
Birth of Mary, the Gospel according to the Egyptians, the Gospel of St. Peter,
Acts of Peter, and Acts of Andrew. These books were written between the years
150 and 250.
Why were they not
included in the Bible? They were not included for three primary reasons: First,
their origin could not be traced to the apostolic age and genuine apostolic
authorship. Second, they were not permitted to be read at Mass. For example,
none of these Gnostic writings appeared in the Muratorian Fragment (155), one
of the earliest attestations of the books of Sacred Scripture which were
permitted to be read at Mass. Third, these Gnostic writings were condemned for
their heretical teachings. Even though they had elements of genuine Christianity,
their substance was heretical. Great Church authors such as St. Justin Martyr,
Origen, St. Hippolytus, St. Irenaeus — to name a few — identified the errors
and condemned the works as heretical. Therefore, for these three reasons, none
of these Gnostic writings has ever been included in the canon of Sacred
Scripture defined and affirmed repeatedly by the Church.
Today's Gnostics even in Catholic Church
The Gnostic
writings have received more attention lately because they support a new form of
Gnosticism — a radically feminist form of Christianity, which is really
nothing more than neo-paganism. This movement uses the teachings found
in Gnostic writings to support their desire for female priesthood,
contraception, abortion, and deviant lifestyles. They focus their worship on Sophia,
the feminine god, not the Heavenly Father or Jesus, true God who became true
man. They blame the exclusion of the Gnostic writings on the
"patriarchical" Church, instead of admitting the real reasons stated
above. They even try to pervert the study of Sacred Scripture to meet their
needs, for example, stating that the gospels were not written until after the
legalization of Christianity in 313 to support a hierarchical Church. Once
again, Gnosticism tries to disguise itself as legitimate Christianity.
St. Irenaeus
taught, "It is possible, then, for everyone in every Church, who may wish
to know the truth, to contemplate the tradition of the Apostles which has been
made known throughout the whole world" (Adversus haereses, 3, 3, 1).
Read the Bible. Read the Catechism. Read the Church Fathers and the
great saints. Forget the Gnostic gospels.
Why Gnosticism is accepted today
For l50 years
people have been calling the historical reliability of the New Testament into
question. But now the Gnostic gospels, which were written later and were never
taken as historical documents, are treated as at last giving us a true picture
of the early Church. For example, Elaine Pagels, a scholar of Gnosticism,
theorizes that Thomas is presented as a doubter in the New Testament in order
to discredit the spurious Gospel of Thomas, a theory which is guesswork at
best, not scholarship.
Brown’s thriller
has had some impact even within Catholic circles. I have heard of a pastor who
found it necessary to warn against it from the pulpit, because it was being
studied by some of his parishioners. Those intrigued by the book perhaps do not
realize how much is being demanded of them. This is not merely another liberal
"revision." It is nothing less than the claim that Christianity has
been a deliberate fraud almost from its beginning, that the true story of Jesus
was suppressed, and that only now are we finally learning what it was all
Pagels explains her
attraction to Gnosticism because it teaches that "spirituality is
essentially within oneself." She calls herself a Christian because
Christianity "offers hints and glimpses of spiritual possibility."
This is about as
weak an act of faith as it is possible to make and, if such an understanding
had triumphed two millennia ago, Christianity today would be nothing but a
footnote in books written by historians like Pagels.
Gnosticism, the
ancient heresy now revived in, among other places, the best-selling thriller, The
DaVinci Code, is enjoying a vogue partly because it insists that the
Gospels are not to be taken at face value and the New Testament can be
dismissed as historically false, even as a conspiracy of lies.
Part of this
appeal, as is inevitable in our sex-saturated culture, has to do with sexual
behavior. Modern people are eager to discredit every kind of religious
authority, because by doing so they free themselves from every kind of binding
sexual morality.
Richard P. Salbato
P.S. Most of the
research and wording here was taken from four articles by Fr. Saunders