Sword of Truth - Unity Publishing's Internet Newsletter
 Vol. 2, No. 19
The Newsletter of Discernment
July 1, 1999
Loving those in error, loving the truth more, and never letting the truth become the enemy of Love  

Fallacies and Theological Errors of
"The Lady of All Nations"

(II) The Upcoming Dogma

Now that I have completed explaining the seven chief fallacies in the Amsterdam messages, I have to shed light on two major techniques -- employed by Satan in Amsterdam -- for obfuscating Catholics' understanding of the upcoming dogma of the Coredemption.

The first technique is to repeat a kind of empty slogan disguised as an explanation about the dogma. When we closely examine the contents of "the Holy Mother's" explanation of the dogma of the Coredemption in Amsterdam, we notice that the very contents of her explanations are Empty.

When we analyse each passage of these self-claimed "explanations", we cannot help discovering that the Lady of All Nations is merely pretending to explain the dogma.

"Not even a single one of the messages of Amsterdam" explains the true meaning of the Coredemption despite "Mary's" repeated assertions that these messages are the explanations of the dogma -- and despite her lengthy "explanations" about the dogma.

Here is an evidence. Let's look at one of the most detailed explanations given by the "Holy Mother" of Amsterdam about the dogma. (page 86, 34th apparition, 2nd July, 1951, the blue book)

The Lady... looks around her with a smile and says, "Now watch well and listen. The following is the explanation of the new dogma: "As Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate I am standing on the globe in front of the Cross of the Redeemer. By the will of the Father, the Redeemer came on earth. To accomplish this, the Father used the Lady. Thus, from the Lady the Redeemer received only -- I am stressing the word 'only' -- flesh and blood, that is to say, the body. From my Lord and Master the Redeemer received His Divinity. In this way the Lady became Co-Redemptrix".

Is this really an explanation about the Coredemption as "Mary" alleged on that day to Miss Ida? Of course, No. This explanation sidesteps the true meaning of the Coredemption. Still, this is one of the most detailed and lengthy explanations of the dogma which were delivered in Amsterdam.

This explanation given "by Mary" is a primitive form of a partial explanation of the hypostatic union. The Denzinger explains the meaning of the hypostatic union more precisely, as you know. Why did the "Holy Mother of Amsterdam" insist that this "message" is the explanation of her Coredemption? This explanation can even divert attention of Roman Catholics from the essence of the wonderful mystery of the Coredemption.

In NO part of the Amsterdam messages did the so-called "Holy Mother" say that the essence of her sufferings at the foot of the Cross was, in a mystical sense, the pains of childbearing.

In NO paragraph of the Amsterdam messages, the "Holy Mother" says that she became the mother of the Mystical Body of Christ to which true believers belongs as its limbs, because she underwent the mystical pangs of childbirth when she fully consented to, and offered up, her sufferings of losing her beloved Son Jesus.

In NO sentence of those messages, "Mary" says she gave full consent to the immolation of her Son Jesus, because she was aware, as the spouse of the Holy Spirit, that the Sacrifice of her Son Jesus was necessary for the Redemption of mankind.

In NO place of the messages of Amsterdam, "Mary" says that from all eternity, God had arranged for her to suffer the mystical pains of childbearing in Calvary, as God planned to give us the true heavenly mother who continues to care for our supernatural life until the end of the world.

In NO part of the Amsterdam messages, we can find any explanation of a following key point of the Coredemption -- First, the Holy Mother Mary conceived Jesus, the head of the Mystical Body of Christ, in her chaste womb, and then, through the process of her Coredemption in Calvary, she began to give birth to limbs of His Mystical Body of Christ, which is the community of generations of all "true Catholic believers destined to be saved".

The Lady of Amsterdam has failed to point out another crucial point of the truth of the Coredemption -- i.e. -- Because the mystical process of the application of the effects of Christ's Redemptive sacrifice to each believer continues until the end of the world, Mary's intercessory activities are also continuing, while she acts as a unique "subordinate" to the Holy Spirit and "in accordance with the wishes and will of Jesus".

These emptiness of the Amsterdam messages can inflict great damages to the Holy Father's plan to define and promulgate the dogma of the Coredemption, because the "The Lady of All Nations" has repeatedly claimed that her messages are the explanations of the dogma. The "Lady" said in a message, "This simple explanation is sufficient". NO. These empty explanations are far from being sufficient. They are sufficient only for the purpose of obfuscating the meaning of the Coredemption.

The second diabolical technique used in Amsterdam was to have followers of "The Lady of All Nations" bypass the Magisterial teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

A key general principle for discernment of the authenticity of an alleged Marian apparition is to check whether the "Holy Mother Mary" worked with and Through the Magisterium teaching authority in explaining the contents of a dogma or the truth in the Scripture.

A few years before the 1858 Marian apparitions in Lourdes, God entrusted Pope Pius XI with defining the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Four years after his 1984 ex-cathedra promulgation of the dogma, God sent the Holy Mother to Lourdes to confirm the truth of the dogma and to help ordinary laymen understand the difficult dogma.

When the Holy Mother appeared to Bernadette in Lourdes, the Holy Mother Mary only said, "I am an Immaculate Conception" without explaining the dogma. She did so only after the Holy Father promulgated the dogma.

God had left the crucial mission of defining the dogma to Pope Pius IX.

Whenever God arranges for the Holy Mother to appear to a visionary, God arranges for His Divine messages and His aims to be explained to the Catholic Church and parishioners through the Magisterium teaching authority. The Holy Mother Mary never bypasses the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

Why did the "Holy Mother" of Amsterdam herself "explain" the dogma of the Coredemption without awaiting a papal definition and promulgation of the dogma?

Why did "The Lady" of Amsterdam explain the dogma of the Coredemption without leaving the task to the Magisterium, in a clear cut departure from the humble manner respectful of the Magisterium, which was taken by the Holy Mother Mary in Lourdes?

We find in the "messages" of Amsterdam an endless series of repetitions of the following declaration: "Tell theologians that I wish to be and shall be the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate".

And this declaration or slogan is not accompanied by any substantial and precise explanation about the essence of the Coredemption.

And "The Lady of All Nations" even said in het message dated on May 31st, 1954, during her 50th "apparition", as follows:

"Now I have demonstrated these three concepts to your theologians. These three concepts as one whole. I am saying this twice because there are some who will accept only one concept. The Holy Father will agree to the former. But you will have to help him to achieve this. Make no mistake about it".

Exactly one year later to this date, she says to Miss Ida on het 51st "apparition" as follows: "Why do you not ask your Holy Father to pronounce the dogma the Lady demands"? (page 128, the blue book)

If this is the real Holy Mother, why does she demand something from the Holy Father? In the history of the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Mother Mary has never demanded a Papal promulgation or definition of a dogma.
The Holy Mother has always worked with and Through the magisterial teaching authority throughout its history. Why, only in Amsterdam did "her" demand precede a papal definition of a dogma?

The Holy Mother never bypasses or circumvents the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Rather, she always leaves the task of defining a dogma to the Magisterium.

In Lourdes, Fatima and Akita, the local ordinaries of the three dioceses issued respective pastoral letter, in which all of the three dioceses bishops recognised and declared the supernatural authenticity of the messages and apparitions of the Holy Mother with their clearest languages and in the form of a pastoral letter.

In Amsterdam, however, Bishop Henricus Bomers said in his pastoral letter, "The Church cannot give its decision concerning the supernatural character of the apparitions and the contents of the messages for the time being".

As Bishop Bomers said, however, "We do not have any objection against the public Marian cult under this title" in the same pastoral letter, these two statements constitute a clear cut contradiction.

He said he cannot declare the supernatural character of the messages, while saying that he does not oppose the "title" of "The Lady of All Nations" contained in the very same message.

Jesus once cautioned, "All you need say is "Yes" if you mean yes. "No" if you mean no; anything more than this comes from Satan.

In concluding this letter, please allow me to make one more suggestion necessary for discernment of the truth.

A rule for discernment is that we have to check whether God created any clear-cut objective miracles in order to corroborate and substantiate the supernatural truthfulness of an alleged apparition or presumed messages.

Jesus Himself gave the following advise to us in John 14-11, "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, and if not, then believe on account of the works themselves". In another place, he urged us to "at least believe in the work I do".

Everything that have allegedly happened in Amsterdam concerns subjective experiences of Ida Peerdeman. "There were no objective miracles that could be observed by other eyewitnesses in a series of Amsterdam visions and alleged apparitions there.

Did God work objective miracles in Amsterdam, such as the healings of incurable serious diseases, which were witnessed and documented by non-Christian scientists, or anyone who is not Miss Ida?

In Lourdes, there are the documented miracles of cures of people with serious or fatal diseases, whose authenticity were verified even by non-Christian medical doctors.


Defending the Honor and reputation of the Mother of God

Rick Salbato "The Publican"

Managing Editor & Director

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