of Sunnyvale, California Not Catholic. Not Women. |
The Catholic Womens Network of Sunnyvale, CA is not a new group. There are other groups all over the world using the same name. They are anti-Catholic, radical feminists. Their agenda is to stay within the Catholic Church and to totally destroy everything that makes it Catholic. They claim they want equal rights with men in the Church Hierarchy. They want women priests, Bishops, and Cardinals. But what they really want (and we will prove) is a women god. Before we expose the Catholic Womens Network for what they are not, not Catholic and not women, we will first explain what a Catholic is and what a woman is. We will show what the Catholic Womens NETWORK says about themselves. Finally we will show that (by what they say about themselves) they are not Catholic, and they are trying hard to not be women. The sad thing is that the local Church has sanctioned them as Catholics. Since they use the word, Catholic, in their name, it is within the Bishops right and obligation to make them remove the name Catholic. Other Bishops have done just that. We will first appeal to the Bishop to stop his support which is more than just an implied support because of the name. It is in fact a direct support. If we cannot do that, we will go to the Nuncio and to the Vatican with the proof.
A Catholic is one who is baptized and holds to all the teachings of the Catholic Church. If a baptized person remains in the Catholic Church but does not hold a faithful believe in all the teachings of the Church, he or she is considered a heretic, and is excommunicated Ipso-Facto (by the fact). The excommunication does not require a formal statement by the Church. By the fact alone the person is no longer a Catholic. Pope John Paul II coined the phrase, cafeteria Catholics, which is Catholics who pick and choose what laws of the Church they want to believe and what laws they do not want to believe. Most Catholics have read that as many as 30% of Catholics in America do not even believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. They are only fooling themselves, they are by the fact (Ipso-Facto) not Catholics but heretics.
The Catholic Encyclopedia (Our Sunday Visitors - page 468) describes two types of heretics.
A baptized and professed person who is pertinacious, that is, one who knowingly, willingly and culpably refuses to accept the Churchs divine teachings authority. Such a person is considered a formal heretic. A material heretic is one who does not recognize this authority and consequently denies its ruling. (Page 84 Apostasy is defined in canon law as the total repudiation of the Christian Faith by one who had been baptized or received into the Catholic Church. An apostate from the Faith is automatically excommunicated.
So you can see that just claiming to be Catholic is not enough, that claim is tied to faith, a faith in the teachings of that same Religion. Christ gave us the law and the way to Heaven, and he gave us a peg of authority to hold that way together and to interpret it. For a Catholic to say that he or she knows what is best for their life, which is different from what the Church teaches is the same as saying that I am the Word of God. or I am God. which is New Age. Christ said He is the Way, and we must follow that way. When we have our own Way, we fall into the pit. The Catholic Church is the Body of Christ, and we are cells in that Body if we hold to the same faith He taught and we consume His actual physical Body and Blood. Then His Blood flows from one cell to another making us one Body, one Flesh just like a man and woman in marriage.
For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as also Christ doth the Church: Because we are members of His Body, of His Flesh, and of His Bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one flesh. This is a great sacrament; but I speak in Christ and in the Church. (Ephesians 5:29-32)
This is what a Catholic is and what a Catholic is not. A heretic is not a Catholic. An apostate is not a Catholic.
What is a woman? In the beginning God created the angels. He tested the angels, and divided the light from the darkness. Then He created the stars, the sun, the moon, the earth, the waters, the plants, the animals, and put all in order. Then out of the slim of the earth God created man. He then put Adam in a deep sleep. He reached inside of Adams body and pulled out WOMAN. On His own God has never created anything since. After woman, Gods independent creation ended. Why? After woman, there is no new mater being created. After woman there is no new energy being created. After woman, all creation only changes forms, there is nothing new.
Before answering that question, we will note that Scripture states, And God created man, male and female, He created them. We will also note that when Scripture lists the families or tribes, it lists the males only. We will also note that when Christ fed the people with bread and fishes twice, Scripture counts the males only, not counting women and children. These things we let you know we are aware of, and we are aware of the statements of Paul, regarding a woman talking in Church, or a woman without her hair covered, and a woman being subject to her husband. We also note that a woman caught in adultery is stoned but the man is not.
Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church. He is the Savior of His Body. (Ephesians 5:22-23)
. To the unlearned in theology it would seem that Paul and the rest of Scripture are placing woman in a inferior position to man. In fact many men interpret this that way also. This is not the case.
Why did God create woman last? Why does Scripture list men only and not woman and children? Why does the woman have to cover her head with a veil, but not man? Why is the man the head of the woman? Why are none of the Apostles or Disciples women? Why are woman not permitted to be priests? Why was Mary, the Mother of God, not a priest? Does this mean that women are degraded by Scripture? No!
God created woman last because He created her best. He left the best of all his creation for last. Think about what in Scripture is covered with a veil. The sacred Chalices were veiled. The sacred Tabernacle was veiled. The sacred place (The Holy of Holies) was veiled. In fact, everything that God considered sacred to Himself, was veiled, as we do today with the Chalice and the Tabernacle, and the images of Mary. What else is veiled? Woman and Mary! Why?
God created woman last because she was His greatest creation. Woman, not man, cooperates with God, to create something in the image and likeness of God, humans. Woman, not man, not angels, can create with God something that can never die. Woman with God creates something that (like God) has free will. Woman with God, creates something that (like God) is capable of love. Woman is Gods tabernacle of creation.
Lets face it, men, women are smarter than men. They mature faster than men. They live longer than men. They are stronger than men, in that they can take more pain. They are more social and man more animal. They are more beautiful. In fact even the bad angels are attracted to them. They can do almost everything that man can do, but more. Why then are men over the woman? Why then are women not listed in the genealogies? Why are women stones and not man?
Christ said to the Apostles that those who wanted to be leaders must learn to be the servants, and He showed them what He meant by washing their feet. To this day the Pope is called the servant of servants. Those in authority are the servants of those who are not according to Christian teaching. Men are the servants of the woman. Men are the protectors, that is why they were given greater physical strength. Men are the providers of women, that is why they were given a logical mind. Men are the final law in the family, that is why they were given an ability to make choices.
Woman and children are the diamonds of the family and man is the box that holds it all together. Woman is the heart, the love, the feeling, the socializer. Why then cant women ever be priests?
A priest is in persona-christi (In the Place of Christ). Christ came into the world to be the servant of mankind. The priest is the servant of the people. The priest is the one to shed blood, to offer a sacrifice of flesh and blood on the altar. The priest is the one to reenact the death of Christ. God would never let His greatest creation become a servant of the people and shedder of blood, Christs Blood. Why?
Because the woman has the Tabernacle of Creation in her. It is called a womb. The womb of woman is sacred to God. It is just a sacred as the Tabernacle on the altar that contains His Body. The womb of woman is Gods sacred ground of creating, in His own Image, beings that He can love and that can love Him forever.
When something sacred is profaned it must be destroyed because it can never be used again. If an unclean substance is put in a Chalice, the Chalice is destroyed because it can never be used again for the sacrament. The unclean substance is not destroyed by law. It can be cleaned and re-used but the sacred thing cannot. This is why the Old Testament demanded the woman, sacred to God, be destroyed, and the man, not sacred, was not.
The Scriptures list men only in the genealogies because they are listing families, and the number of families is more important than the total numbers. Family units are important to God. The heads of the families are listed because of the names. This is not degrading the woman or the children. As Christ said, the least shall be the greatest. Who is the greatest in Heaven? A Woman! God would never let His Mother be a servant or a priest.
When woman wants to be like men, they degrade themselves. When men let the woman act like men they degrade the woman and themselves. When the woman wants to be the box, the diamonds fall away. Two boxes make no gift to God. Two boxes are only good for the fire. Women, who love to be women, are beautiful.
Catholic Womens NETWORK is a non-profit educational organization. Their board of directors are: Mary Elaine McEnery, President, Helen Hansen, Sue Mallory, Mary Anne Revizza, Nancy Ransil, Theresa Torrence-Bui, Robin Worthington, Suzanne Young, Margaret Marcroft, Sister Mary Maleada Strange, SNJM, and its founder, Arlene Goetze. They have a strong supporter in Sister Patricia Marie Mupeters, PSVM, the chancellor of the Diocese of San Jose, the Vicar for Patoral Ministry, and the director of the diocesan Office of women in the Church.
CWN was founded ten years ago by Arlene Goetze. It distributes 10,000 Newsletters to retreat houses, bookstores, libraries, schools, and churches, mostly free. In networks out as far as Los Angeles with work groups. These work groups use cult methods of indoctrination. They require a facilitator to head the group at least for the first six weeks. If the facilitator finds a like minded person in the group, leadership will be turned over to that person.
CWN indoctrinates their members with some of the most notorious feminists, cultist and New Agers in the country. Sister Regina Cull teaches feminism and how to disobey the laws of the Church. Marianne Farina teaches Hindu and Buddhist spiritualism. Jeanine Kelsey indoctrinates them in sexual abuse, and womens play, whatever that is. Lean Mann indoctrinates them in body feelings and body language. Joan McMillen teaches them how to talk back. Cynthia Winton-Henry, an ordained minister, trains CWN how to transform from wisdom of mind to wisdom of body. Carol Bialock, a so-called spiritual director and retreat leader, trains women how to empower themselves against the world, especially men. Maureen Hilliard wants to have people pray with the body instead of the mind. She is a Liturgicalist - the terrorists of the Liturgy. Wendy Johnson indoctrinates CWN in Buddhist and Zen meditation. Louise Pare, teaches Eastern still spiritualism. Margie Will convinces CWN women in Sophia Wisdom or the Sophia goddess. Sophia is a Greek word for wisdom. This is Polytheism. Meg Bowman instills a touch of touch in the women. Margie Brown, is a female minister who teaches a feminist twist to Scripture. June Canoles imbues Chinese face and handwriting reading. Laura Champion brainwashes in ancient spiritual Mandalasism. Adriana Diaz convinces the women to free the spirit. Cris Jenkins propagates self-esteem (pride). Joan King instills spiritual imagination. Mary Ferguson instructs in imagination through art. Trish McMahon brainwashes in Body Theology - Stiles of Sexual Being: God and Us. Carol Mitchell comes in to play with depression. Janice OBrien implants Dream Awake methods. Cathy Waldron convinces women of the spiritualism of clay. Suzanne West instills spiritualism in writing. And Jennifer Wilsey comes to give Drum Massages.
These are the people they bring in to brainwash their women members. You will notice a few things: There are no teachers of the Catholic Faith. There are no men teachers. There are no teachers on how to be a better mother. There are no teachers on how to be a good wife. There are no teachers on how to be better at any kind of work. Everything is self: self esteem, self play, self understanding, self spiritualism, self body understanding, self pleasure. All these women are feminists. A feminist is not a feminine woman. A feminist is a woman who wants to be a man.
CWN also supports other people and organizations that are not Catholic, but in fact Anti-Catholic, such as Father William Larkin of Boston, who baptized a child with the inclusive feminist words, In the name of God the Creator through Jesus the Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. They champion ex-Catholic and ex-priest Matthew Fox, who writes his New Age in their Newsletter, We are all meant to be co-creators with God. Creation did not take place 15 million year age - it is an ongoing thing. It is happening now.
Religion has to decrease so spirituality can increase.
spirituality means our relatedness to the totality of all existing things.
Moses experienced God in a burning bush. With a new creation story, we learn we are a burning bush. New Age? We are god.
CWN succors Michael Crosby in their Newsletters, who sees the deadly disease to be addiction of the papacy and its extension in the hierarchy to the preservation of the male, celibate, clerical model of the Church.
Patriarchal clericalism metaphorically is the addiction to authority found in contemporary institutional Catholicism. He goes on to print in Network, Stop supporting the lie that demands unswerving obedience to the truths of the Church in the name of loyalty.
In is not necessary to go through clergy and institutional Church to find God.
Move from the reign of one god to the reign of another God.
They champion Carole Marie Kelly who states, The Vatican is like an elephant that jumps on a stool when a mouse appears. Its balancing there now, on one leg. What it is afraid of is women.
Come down off the stool, men. Were not mice. Were women. We didnt say, Eck! We said, Equality.
They print the writings of David Kertzer, who stated, Marriage laws of the Catholic Church s
tigmatized unmarried women and perpetuated a system which forced women to abandon or kill their babies.
They suck in the writings of Edwin McMahon: Let them (our children) live their won truths, not the truths parents project on them. Religion often traps people.
search for a deeper experience of Eucharist than we find in the Mass.
bio- spirituality moves us away from adoring a God object and draws us closer to a deeper understanding of our own wholeness
God is not something or someone but more a feeling of something sacred, a presence.
we gain a feeling of empowerment through mutual vulnerability.
We need to develop a body-listening priority, rather than a head-thinking one.
This is not to attend to what your mind thinks about an issue but how it feels in your body.
CWN allows the blasphemy of Randa: Have you had experiences with the image of a woman on the cross? (Crista) In art form or in dream form?
Consider the anti-Catholic statements of CWNs founder Arlene Goetze: Bless me mother, for I have sinned.
On their reprint of a National Catholic Distorter article which is petitioning for an excommunicated priest who denied the Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Mary.
They print the commentary of Carol Reber Murphy, who writes that the Fourth Commandment binds us to protect the greatest mother, at whose breast all are invited to drink lifes milk, the Earth. She thinks that the Commandment Thou shall not kill. means raping the earth. She says that The fourth, the seventh, and the fifth commandments bind us to care for mother earth.
The advertise Hatha Yoga, Relaxation Massage, Healing Hands Massage, tapes by Sister Joan Chttister, who is a Call to Action speaker, the Book Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic by Phillip Kaufman, and countless female spiritual directors.
They support The National Catholic Distorter, Call to Action, Carl Jung Psychology, the communist, Kant, Bio-Spirituality (Body worship), Wholly Mother Church, Nature Worship,
Enough, enough, enough, there is so much more, but what the heck, this should suffice to prove there agenda which is best explained by their founder, Arlene Goetze:
Society and the Church have both emphasized the marriage relationship as perhaps the ultimate, but on reflection, marriage should probably step aside for friendship.
Friendship between two women is what she means. Friendship, the ultimate relationship is the deadline of their Issue No. 40. The most adequate relationship is friendship, rather than marriage. They print. And they dont mean friendship without sex. We are talking about an all womens organization, and we quote: One does not check ones body at the door when one enters into friendship. View From The Pew reads this to mean that friendship that becomes a lesbian relationship is perfectly OK.
At one of their workshops a reporter from VFTP gave this account of Sister Regina Colls propaganda:
Feminist spirituality include different images of God or metaphors for God because the old metaphors no longer speak to women. God the Father, for example, is just too, too masculine and paternalistic. God the Mother also suggests certain controlling features. So Coll introduced a new metaphor: God the Friend.
Coll and others exhibited real disdain for the authority of Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium. Every mention of the American bishops pastoral on women caused a stir. Why are men writing a letter about women? Coll said.
since only women can really relate to women. The foundation of feminist theology, according to Coll, is this: you dont go to the Bible (so hopelessly patriarchal); or the Church (run by men); you base everything on womens lives and experiences.
Coll believes the sin of women is lack of pride (!!!). They have a poor self-image, lack self-respect and do not assert themselves, she said, Mary, the Mother of God, seemed so wimpy. I didnt want to be like her or have a relationship with her. Mary Magdalen, on the other hand, is more to her taste.
Maybe were honoring the wrong Mary, she suggested.
But speaking of Mary, the Mother of God, Coll proceeded to dismantle the Churchs teaching on Marys perpetual virginity. But Coll has a new definition of virginity to offer, a virgin is someone who is complete in herself. The Chapel at the conference was available for pray-ers, but in the chapel, front and center, was a Buddhist altar with a statue of Buddha, incense sticks, etc. In the back of the chapel was a display of Zen books.
The half-page photo of a naked female Jesus on the Cross published in CWNs paper, and the cartoon of a female baby Jesus at Christmas tell the whole story of CWN. There real agenda is not just for women priests, but for a woman God.
As we stated in What is a Catholic?, being a Catholic is more than being baptized. The reason we have a Godfather and a Godmother at an infant baptism is that they take the promise of Faith for the child. The reason it is almost impossible for an ex-Catholic or non-practicing Catholic to get a child baptized is the same promise of teaching the Faith. Without that Faith in all that the Church teaches, one is not a Catholic. CWN even admits that they do not hold to doctrines of the Faith, but we will give examples.
The best English version of our Faith is Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Dr. Ludwig Ott, published by Tan. A good book on canon law is The Code of Canon Law - A Text and Commentary by the Paulist Press. We use the Douay-Rheims Version of the Bible. This is our Faith, our obedience, and the source of both. A summary of all these is The Catechism of the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II.
I believe in God, the Father almighty. Not in God the Mother as Coll stated, God the Father, for example, is just too, too masculine and paternalistic. or as they printed in their newsletter: Move from the reign of one god to the reign of another God. They not only have no intention of worshipping a male God, they have no intention of worshipping a single god.
Creator of Heaven and Earth. Not in man as co-creator. and in His only Son, Jesus Christ. Not in (Crista) the half necked woman they show on the Cross, or as their founder prays, Bless me mother, for I have sinned.
. We believe that Mary is the Mother, who remained ever a Virgin, of the Incarnate Word, our God and Savior Jesus Christ, and that be reason of this singular election, she was, in consideration of the merits of her Son, redeemed in a more eminent manner, preserved from all stain of original sin and filled with the gift of grace more than all other creatures. Joined by a close and indissoluble bond to the Mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption, the Blessed Virgin, the Immaculate. (The Credo of the People of God by Pope Paul VI - CPG) What does CWN believe about Mary?
Mary, the Mother of God, seemed so wimpy. I didnt want to be like her or have a relationship with her. Mary Magdalen, on the other hand, is more to her taste.
Maybe were honoring the wrong Mary.
They (CWN) dont believe in Marys perpetual virginity, Her Immaculate Conception, Her Assumption, or Her Coronation.
And through Him all things were made. They believe that creation is still going on though them. He proclaimed and established the Kingdom of God (CPG) which is the Church. He purifies the Churchs members if they do not shun His grace
We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, built by Jesus Christ on that rock which is Peter
We believe in the infallibility enjoyed by the successor of Peter when he teaches ex cathedra as pastor and teacher of all the faithful, and which is assured also to the Episcopal body when it exercises with him the supreme Magisterium. (CPG) What does CWN believe about the Church and the Pope?
Michael Crosby - the deadly disease is addiction of the papacy and its extension in the hierarchy to the preservation of the male, celibate, clerical model of the Church.
Patrarchal clericalism metaphorically is the addiction to authority found in contemporary institutional Catholicism.
Stop supporting the lie that demands unswerving obedience to the truths of the Church in the name of loyalty.
In is not necessary to go through clergy and institutional Church to find God.
Move from the reign of one god to the reign of another God.
Carole Marie Kelly - The Vatican is like an elephant that jumps on a stool when a mouse appears. Its balancing there now, on one leg. What it is afraid of is women.
Come down off the stool, men. Were not mice. Were women. We didnt say, Eck! We said, Equality. Or Wholly Mother Church.
The Church on the Mass: We believe that the Mass, celebrated by the priest representing the person of Christ by virtue of the power received through the Sacrament of Orders, and offered by him in the name of Christ and the members of His Mystical Body, is the sacrifice of Calvary rendered sacramentally present on our altars. (CPG)
CWN on the Mass: Edwin McMahon: Let them (our children) live their won truths, not the truths parents project on them. Religion often traps people.
search for a deeper experience of Eucharist than we find in the Mass.
bio- spirituality moves us away from adoring a God object and draws us closer to a deeper understanding of our own wholeness
God is not something or someone but more a feeling of something sacred, a presence.
we gain a feeling of empowerment through mutual vulnerability.
We need to develop a body-listening priority, rather than a head-thinking one.
This is not to attend to what your mind thinks about an issue but how it feels in your body.
The Church on Marriage: Marriage was not instituted by man, but by God. Marriage is a true and proper Sacrament instituted by God. The primary purpose of Marriage is the generation and bringing up of offspring. The secondary purpose is mutual help and the morally regulated satisfaction of the sex urge. The essential properties of Marriage are unity (monogamy) and indissolubility. (FCD 260-262)
CWN on Marriage: David Kertzer: Marriage laws of the Catholic Church stigmatized unmarried women and perpetuated a system which forced women to abandon or kill their babies. Arlene Goetze:
Society and the Church have both emphasized the marriage relationship as perhaps the ultimate, but on reflection, marriage should probably step aside for friendship. --- Friendship, the ultimate relationship ---The most adequate relationship is friendship, rather than marriage. --- One does not check ones body at the door when one enters into friendship.
We are quite sure that they will not even deny that what they mean by friendship includes sex, and of course, this is an all womens group who are almost demanding this friendship with each other. Through this mutual support, the conferences, the small groups, the touchy touchy, the emphasis on feelings, on listening to the body instead of the mind, they are preaching lesbianism. Sex, sex, sex, but no men.
True love is much greater than friendship. In fact, sometimes love requires that we give up the friendship Love sometimes is hard. If you love someone you want them to stay out of Hell. If you love someone, you tell them they are sinning even if you loose their friendship. When friendship goes before love, condoning is the result. If we sanction the sins of our children in order to keep their friendship we have greatly sinned by compliance. The sin of compliance is just as great as the sin of the other person. Does CWN really mean to sanction sin in order to keep friendship? Yes!
Let them (our children) live their won truths, not the truths parents project on them. Religion often traps people.
There is of course room in the Catholic world for true friendship providing that it does not kill love. We meet life together hand in hand, as von Hidebrand expressed the nature of true friendships. They are grounded in realism. There is gratitude for one anothers gifts, a humorous assessment of shortcomings, good advice when needed, and at high points the most nourishing experience of union. (Varieties of Spiritual Friendships by Ronda Chervin) And this friendship does not require a physical presence and does not end in death. The true friend can say to the departed friend: In a way, I dont miss your physical presence, for God has given me the grace to have you in the substance of the soul, because you are there always with me, and this more vividly than when I see you. You have become such an inseparable part of my own inner being that these two inner beings are now one in the way they will be after this life is over.
In a way, this life is over in part, for the real me is now in heaven as is the real you, by means of prayer and by means of the love we have for each other in Christ the Lord. It is in that immortal state I have placed your dear self, to be kept safe for all eternity. (SF-D&L)
But when friendship becomes more important than love, it draws people down to Hell. Friendship is a feeling and feelings can be good or bad. Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment to give totally of oneself, even when the recipient does not deserve it. Love holds people together because it does not require that you always like them. What makes Marriage work is love not friendship. Sometimes in marriage two people are not friends. There are always bad times. But love holds on to the unity until the friendship returns. No! Friendship is not greater than marriage, because marriage, as Saint Paul states, is the human example of Gods love for His Church, which He gave His Live for. He showed his love for Peter, even when he called him Satan. He showed his love for the money changers when he took out a whip. Love is not always huggy huggy, but love is the greatest of all the virtues.
CWN teaches love, but they teach self-love, which is pride; and pride is the greatest of all sins because it is the mother of all sins. Is CWN Catholic? No! But they are more than just not Catholic, they are anti-Catholic. They are a cancer in the Body of Christ that we want to cut out.
Are the members of CWN women? Yes, from a physiological point of view. But to be a woman is more than the physical. Animals are strictly physical, but humans are body, soul, and spirit. We have three things that make us in the image and likeness of God. We have a brain capable of logic and free choice. We have a soul capable of unity with God and each other. We have a body and soul that can never die. These things make us like God, and why humans are different than animals. The Psychologists, Psycho-nuns, say that we must be natural, that we must not suffocate our natural instincts, that we should let go. This is what CWN teaches. They stress feelings in the body over the logic of the brain. But God calls us to control nature, to fly beyond nature, to become above nature, to be super-natural.
Because of the logic of the brain, everything that we do as humans is beyond nature and overcoming nature. The fact that we bring food to our month is not natural. The fact that we clothe ourselves for warmth and modesty is not natural. The fact that we build houses to keep out nature is not natural. The fact the we build fires to keep warm is not natural. It is beyond nature. It is the mind, the logical mind, the spirit, that takes us over and above nature. This always requires self-denial and self-discipline for a time. It is though self discipline that we win over nature. The extreme example of natural without self discipline is that man who goes to the bathroom in his pants. Humans wait. Animals do not. Wait is self discipline.
What is all this to do with CWN? They are nature worshipers, body worshipers. They want to get in touch with feelings, not logic. But there is a natural law that God is the protector of. Violation of the natural law is the road to Hell. All nature is good because God made it. It is the misuse of nature that is a sin. Soil is good because it makes the plants grow. That same soil (out of place) on your clothes is dirt. To use nature for other things than God created it is a mortal sin. God created sex for man and woman in marriage to express in a united way their love for each other and to receive a taste of Heaven as His reward. From this union of love, God receives His gift also, a soul that can love Him forever and ever in Heaven. When women take the love out of their brain and replace it with the animal lust, they are no longer women, but female animals. In fact they to not want to be women but animals who have no law by their natural instincts of feelings.
What then about sex between two men or two women?
(Romans 1:21-32) They are inexcusable. Because that, when they knew God they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
Therefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God [the natural law] into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature [self-worship] rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen
For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they likes not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense
Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.
The Catholic Womens Network is a lesbian network designed to make the natural woman into the un-natural feminist animal. The US branch was not the first. They are also in England. They are the offshoot of We are Church who support Gay and Lesbian Christian Movement and Jubilee People both homosexual groups.
Bishop Pierre DuMaine
As you can see there is nothing Catholic about CWN. However, the law of the Catholic Church requires that anyone using the name Catholic in the title of their organization must have the Local Bishops endorsement. Nothing can be done in the bishops geographical area under the name Catholic without his permission. He represents the Church and must protect the reputation of the Church in his area. In San Diego, when the bishop was not happy with comments make in an independent lay Catholic paper called San Diego Catholic Newsnotes, he demanded that the word Catholic be removed from the paper. It was. Now it is called San Diego Newsnotes. Not to mention the action of Bishop Bruskewitz.
The fact that CWN has existed for ten years in the Diocese of Bishop Pierre DuMaine with the name Catholic and has placed there Network newsletter in Churches, schools, convents, and retreat houses, and conduct meeting on Catholic property, makes us assume they have the bishops blessing.
But we can do more than assume. We have a few facts. Arthur Brew wrote to the Bishop on May 3, 1996 asking why the Bishop lets them use the word Catholic and to use Church property. He never got a response. But more than that, the San Jose Diocesan paper, The Valley Catholic printed a glowing report about CWN in their August 13, 1996 issue presumable with the Bishops consent. We also know that Jim Bowler, President of St. Francis High School responded to a request that CWN not use the school for its brainwashing by stating:
I have discussed this issue with the Diocesan Office and it is the feeling of that office that this network is within the larger Catholic umbrella and the Diocese does not oppose them.
It seems to us that it is the obligation of the bishop to condemn this group under Canons 1369, 1373 and 1374:
A person who uses a public show or speech, published writings, or other media of social communications to blaspheme, seriously damage good morals, express wrongs against religion or against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.
One who publicly either stirs up hostilities or hatred among subjects against the Apostolic See or against an ordinary on account of some act of ecclesiastical power or ministry, or incites subjects to disobey them is to be punished by an interdict or by other just penalties.
One who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or moderates such an association, however, is to be punished with an interdict.
The power to do this is in Canons 391, 1311, 212 and in 386 it makes it his obligation.
Canon 386: The diocesan bishop is bound to present and explain to the faithful the truths of the faith
and he is strongly to safeguard the integrity and unity of the faith to be believed -
This is our public appeal to the bishop to protect the faith. However, we as Catholics also have an obligation to protect the faith as spelled out in Vatican II and in Canon Law. Without ever being disobedient to the bishop, we will use the channels of law that are our right and our obligation to protect the faith of the Body of Christ. As Bishop Fulton J.Sheen said, The Church will be saved by the laity.
Defending the Honor and reputation of the Mother of God Rick Salbato "The Publican" Managing Editor & Director
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