An E-mail Conversation between Father Thomas Celso and a Former Student of Luisa Piccarreta’s Divine Will Movement


Submitted by Billy de Goat to Unity Publishing on 11/01/2006


[***For printing purposes: this webpage is 32 pages long.***]

To the reader,

I am a former student of the Divine Will Movement. I had contacted Father Thomas Celso with the intent of teaching Divine Will under his expert guidance. Father Celso has long been in the forefront of the Divine Will Movement. He has taught at many Divine Will seminars and is in contact with Father Bucci and the Archbishop of Trani in Italy.

I realized Luisa Piccarreta’s Divine Will Movement to be a cult after the first e-mail response from Father Celso. The remainder of the conversation was intended to derive information from Father Celso on the true teachings of Luisa’s Divine Will Movement—teachings kept hidden from most Catholics until now. The Church has the right to know what is happening on the inside of this cult because these teachings are endangering souls.

The Piccarretan Divine Will Movement is not to be taken lightly. The writings are spreading like blazing wildfire, especially in the Spanish-speaking world. All 36 Volumes of the Book of Heaven are available on the Internet in Spanish, while the first 19 Volumes are available to the English-speaking world.

The critics of this movement: Rick Salbato, the late Father Hardon, Father Terrence Staples and the late Reverend William Most have done excellent critiques of Luisa’s Divine Will, but they have only scratched the surface of this iceberg. Luisa Piccarreta’s Divine Will is more than heresy. It is an entirely new religion that appears to be a blend of Sufism (a form of Islamic mysticism), Zen Buddhism and Catholicism.

I hope this transcript will inspire those adhering to the highly heretical teachings of Luisa Piccarreta’s Divine Will to revert to the true teachings of the Catholic Church, as it was taught to us by Christ and the Apostles.

I had originally intended to publish this transcript using my real name. Fearing for my safety, my friends and family begged and pleaded with me to reconsider. I’ve chosen to honor their wishes. I’m using the name Billy de Goat.

I’d like to thank Rick Salbato for all his help. His example, in terms of his zeal and Apologetic nature, gave me the courage to defend the faith against this very dangerous movement. Frankly, I was afraid to publish this transcript. Unpleasant things tend to happen to people who expose cults. But, I figured if Rick exposes cults everyday using his real name, then I can at least do the same under a Ghost Name.

I am also indebted to the small army of anonymous souls who have helped me with this project.

The late Father Hardon is another hero of mine. He said these inspiring words, "Unless we recover the zeal and the spirit of the first century Christians --- unless we are willing to do what they did and to pay the price that they paid, the future of our country, the days of America are numbered."

The following e-mail conversation is listed in rough chronological order. My retrospective comments (comments written after this conversation concluded for sake of explanation) are in [brackets]. It is long, but it is a fast read. I promise it will be time well-spent. Please read all of it.

Now, Rick Salbato and I have a similar writing styles. We are both very Dogmatic. We both cut to the quick, except that Rick is more succinct than I. But Rick did not write this commentary, nor did he have this conversation with Father Celso. This is all my doing. If you wish to vent your rage, don't harrass Rick. Harrass me: Billy de Goat. Please don't opine until you've read all of the conversation---because by the end, you will no longer believe in the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, or you'll have serious doubts. After reading the entire transcript, if you’d like to email Billy de Goat, click here:

Billy de Goat

Billy de Goat and Unity Publishing reserve the right to publish any threats made against them. Written or verbal threats or attacks on their persons will be documented and published on this forum as evidence of cultus and will be forwarded to the Vatican against the cause of Luisa Piccarreta’s beatification.

If anyone wishes to provide testimonials against Luisa’s Divine Will Movement, we will leave it up to you to decide whether or not your testimonial be made known to the public. Your anonymity will be respected and encouraged.

If anyone wishes to write an essay using my ideas, please do so. All I ask is that you cite this essay in your footnotes or references.

I give permission to print this document and disperse it in the form of printed materials, e-mails or other webpages. The only thing I ask is that the content of this document remain unchanged. Please cite these webpages as a source, or link this document on your website if you choose this route.

"May the Perfect Love of God reign in our hearts!" —St. Louis De Montfort


Billy de Goat

Here’s the email transcripts:

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/20/06 11:27:09 
To: Father Thomas Celso
Subject: Teaching Divine Will---lots of questions

Father Celso,

I am very happy to make your acquaintance, through the help of _________, our mutual friend. Thank you so much for allowing me to speak with you.

I’ve been unofficially teaching a version of Divine Will to a handful of people through e-mail correspondence and have been very cautious in what I teach because I don’t have a spiritual director. No local priests understand DW Mysticism. My last SD understood mysticism, but I was forced to fire him because he decided that Pope Benedict XVI is an anti-pope (this one’s a long story).

Anyway here I am, asking for your help. I need someone to keep me on the straight and narrow, and to keep me free of error.

I’ll provide you with some personal background:

I used to be affiliated with SSPX, and my first catechism teacher was an SSPX priest named Father ___________. (I left the group about 3 years ago). He taught with the Baltimore Catechism and Mass Number 3 by Father Connell. Father _____ was a very good catechist---and he omitted the SSPX politics from our sessions. I miss his instruction very much, and I pray often for reconciliation with SSPX.

Father ____ taught me three rules with regards to studying mysticism:

1. Even the approved mystics contradict one another, so never regard any single mystic’s writings as gospel. I’m to look at the big picture.

2. Never replace dogma with prophecy or mysticism. The teachings of the Church are set in stone and any mystical writings are to be viewed through the lens of the Scripture and Tradition.

3. The Devil always stands behind Mary, waiting for an opportunity for deception. (This guideline was in reference to Marian Apparitions. My position is to not accept any Marian apparition that does not have Church approval. If an apparition is still under investigation or if it’s categorized as "supernaturalism cannot be determined" category, I do not have devotion to it).

These rules have influenced my view of the New and Divine Holiness (Divine Will) mysticism. I see each mystic as a piece of a larger puzzle.

Before being introduced to Luisa Piccarreta, I’d been practicing True Devotion to Mary via St. Louis De Montfort for approximately a year and a half. When I read some of the Book of Heaven volumes, something seemed familiar--but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I also was having difficulty understanding some of her writings as I progressed, so I I decided to educate myself further by reading other mystics, with the intent of finishing the rest of Luisa’s volumes later. (I’m still in this stage).

Hugh Owen’s book, New and Divine: The Holiness of the Third Christian Millennium, explains the New and Divine Holiness spirituality well, and he mentioned St. Louis De Montfort as one of the predecessors. Dina Belanger also mentioned in her Autobiography that she practiced True and Perfect Devotion to Mary per the same Saint. Archbishop Luis Martinez also mentions Perfect Devotion to Mary per De Montfort in True Devotion to the Holy Spirit (the abridged version of The Sanctifier). I re-read True Devotion to Mary and realized that the entire Divine Will mysticism is basically an expression of Perfect Devotion to Mary, when as St. Louis says on page 45, "There is nothing among Christians which makes us more absolutely belong to Jesus Christ and His holy Mother than the slavery of the will, according to the example of Jesus Christ Himself, who took on Himself the form of a slave for love of us (Phil 2:7); and also according to the example of the holy Virgin, who called herself the servant and slave of the Lord. (Luke 1:38)." He also says this on page 14, "The more the Holy Ghost finds Mary, his dear and inseparable spouse, in any soul, the more active and mighty He becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ."

The New and Divine Holiness is, in my own opinion, the fullest expression of Perfect Devotion to Mary. This is the familiar thing I’d noticed in The Book of Heaven. I practice Divine Will slightly different than Luisa: since my human nature will never be pleasing to God, any works done in this humanity risk being tainted by my humanity. To get around this conundrum, I offer up everything I do in the Divine Will (this is assuming Jesus is formed in me and I in Him) to Jesus through Mary. I offer up to Him what He has done Himself (the works that He, reproduced in me, has done) through Mary, who sanctifies everything done by her adopted children. This is the Divine Will that I teach. I do have some questions though:

1. How does Piccarretan Divine Will differ from De Montfortian Perfect Devotion to Mary? To me, they are essentially the same because if Jesus is reproduced in you, and you in Him, then His Divine Will automatically is reproduced in you along with His being, since He cannot be separated from the Will of the Father. They are One.[Here, I was actually speaking heresy out of ignorance. I'd not thoroughly studied the Hypostatic Union. I'd only studied it a little. Nor had I heard of the heresy of Monothelitism at this point. I'm surprised he didn't correct me!]. (The main difference I see is that Luisa realized the power of Jesus reproduced in a soul: that the prayers, actions, penances, suffering, etc… take on infinite, eternal and divine qualities, and because of this, prayers said by such a soul can be multiplied via the power of the Holy Spirit. I don’t think St. Louis realized prayer multiplication, or the ability to affect all souls past, present and future. Luisa did realize this, however). What is your opinion?

2. How does Perfect Devotion to Mary / Divine Will differ from the Transforming Union of St. John of the Cross and the 7th Mansion of Unity with God’s Divine Will per St. Terese of Avila? These, too, seem the same --- except that they, too, didn’t realize the greater efficacy of prayer as Luisa did.

3. To people familiar with Carmelite Spirituality, I say that the New and Divine Holiness / Divine Will is like unto an Upper Ballroom within the Seventh Mansion, where the Divine Banquet is served. Is this correct?

4. I also teach that one will never lose one’s human will because we servants will never be greater than our Master: Jesus Christ, Who has had, since the Incarnation two wills: Human and Divine. To me, Divine Will spirituality is like two burning candles: human and Divine, and that as we unify our human will with the Divine Will, the flames from the candles touch and then burn as one single flame--and that it is the flame that is emphasized in Divine Will spirituality, not the candles. I also teach that these candles can become separated through sin, and that great humility is required in practicing the New and Divine Holiness. Is all this this correct?

5. I also tell people that they should expect to experience all Seven Mansions. (I did and still do--though in a non-linear fashion). There is one difference though: that in practicing the New and Divine Holiness / Perfect Devotion to Mary, they will not go through the Mansions without a motherly hand guiding their every step--and that Mary will help them advance in holiness more quickly than if they‘d gone through without her. Is this also correct?

6. The main idea, too, that I teach is that Divine Will is really all about Love, for the Essence of the Divine Will is Love and Mercy Itself.

7. I've been uncomfortable promoting Luisa after reading this: Luisa Piccarreta - Status of her Cause

What are the exact guidelines for teaching DW for laymen, such as myself? I assume the only restriction applies only to the writings of Luisa Piccarreta? Are we allowed to teach using any of her writings for teaching purposes at this time? My interpretation of the restrictions has been that lay people can privately teach "living in the DW" without using anything from the Book of Heaven, and that there are no restrictions, private or public, on using any of the other exemplars of New and Divine Holiness. Since so much controversy surrounds Luisa, I teach those unfamiliar with this spirituality absolutely nothing about Luisa. I don't even mention her, because I've found that in doing so, some people totally freak out and say it's from the devil---and then they send me nasty e-mails. [Now, I understand why. Those people who sent me "nasty" e-mails were RIGHT to totally freak out!] For those already familiar with Luisa, I'll talk about her more freely. This poses for me a conundrum, one that I'm trying to solve. My present solution is to teach "living in the DW" through the other exemplars and through my own inspirations until such time a good English version of Luisa's writings is available with Imprimatur from the Vatican. What is your advice in this area?

Anyway, I’d really like your advice. I really need it. I’m also truly grateful to have the opportunity to bounce these ideas off someone who knows what he’s doing, for sometimes I feel like a bat who only has echolocation as a guide. Strange metaphor, but true. HA!

God Bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/20/06 11:49:31 
To: Father Celso
Subject: One Correction

Father Celso,

There is one correction I need to make in my previous email.


"I practice Divine Will slightly different than Luisa: since my human nature will never be pleasing to God, any works done in this humanity risk being tainted by my humanity. To get around this conundrum, I offer up everything I do in the Divine Will (this is assuming Jesus is formed in me and I in Him) to Jesus through Mary. I offer up to Him what He has done Himself (the works that He, reproduced in me, has done) through Mary, who sanctifies everything done by her adopted children. This is the Divine Will that I teach."

Should read as this:

"I practice Divine Will slightly different than Luisa: since my fallen human nature will never be pleasing to God, any works done in this humanity risk being tainted by my humanity. (Our human natures will only be pleasing to God after the General Resurrection when the bodies of the Just will be transformed into the image of the Risen Christ---to be fit Eternal dwellings for pure souls). To get around this conundrum, I offer up everything I do in the Divine Will (this is assuming Jesus is formed in me and I in Him) to Jesus through Mary. I offer up to Him what He has done Himself (the works that He, reproduced in me, has done) through Mary, who sanctifies everything done by her adopted children. This is the Divine Will that I teach."

God Bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

[He hadn’t responded yet, so I just sent him another email]

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/20/06 14:58:14 
To: Father Celso
Subject: Copies of my DW lessons

Father Celso,

I'm teaching two families New and Divine Holiness spirituality. Both families were familiar with Luisa before I began corresponding with them. Here are copies of lessons I sent them, for your review.

Thank you and God bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat


Dear __________,

I thought I'd periodically forward "tips" to praying in unity with God's Will. This is tonight's tip.

Blessed Dina Belanger said that when one is in unity with God's Will, one's prayers, actions, thoughts, etc take on three qualities: Infinite, Eternal, and Divine. She spoke of a level of spirituality that she termed, Divine Substitution, where Jesus was Substituted in her Being, while she was substituted in His.

One of the blessings of the New and Divine Holiness is the power of prayer multiplication. Jesus multiplied 5000 loaves and fish, so He can also multiply prayers. [For me, prayer multiplication was simply mathematics. I had never intended to insert the Divine Will or to activate the Divine Will that Luisa says is present in all Creation. That's not possible. The question becomes, is prayer multiplication a valid prayer? I'd say yes, it's valid. For example, say a tree has 3000 leaves on it, and to each leaf you attach one, "Our Father..." with the intent of that prayer being multiplied by 3000, offering up 3000 "Our Fathers..." instead of one. That's simply using Creation as a tool to multiply prayers. The question is: is such a prayer efficatious? Does God accept the 3000 "Our Fathers," or just one? My answer: I don't know. This is a question I'll defer to the Magisterium, for only they can answer it with Authority]. He multiplies prayers in two ways: 1) by praying in us, and 2) by inspiring our minds to formulate modifications to existing prayers.

Prayer multiplication is simple and easy. I like to work with time-honored Indulgenced prayers. For example, Our Lord told St. Gertrude that every time she prays the following prayer a thousand souls will be released from Purgatory. Later, the Church extended this promise to apply to the living, too.

St Gertrude's Prayer in original form:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, for those in my own home and in my family. Amen.

Here is St. Gertrude's Prayer modified to take on Infinite, Eternal and Divine qualities (praying in unity with the Divine Will). This enables one to free more than a thousand souls with one single recitation, because you not only unite with the masses said in one single day, but you also unite will ALL masses ever said, past, present and future (all time means past, present and future). I reasoned that if one unites with MORE masses, more than a thousand souls can be freed from Purgatory with this prayer. A small modification brings about the miracle of prayer multiplication, accomplished by Our Lord praying in you, using your faculties, while you pray in Him.

St. Gertrude's Prayer modified:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout all time and Eternity, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, for those in my own home and in my family. Amen.

Anyway, I thought you'd enjoy this. More to come. Stay tuned. Pass this on if you wish.





Dear _______,

Time for tip number two. This, too, is regarding prayer multiplication.

Whenever I say a prayer that has a Plenary Indulgence attached, I make a modification to the one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be said for the intention of the Holy Father.

For review, a Plenary Indulgence requires: the recitation of Indulgenced prayer with the intention of gaining an Indulgence, Communion, Sacramental Confession **, and one OF, HM, and GB said for the intention of the Pope. ** I have been told that one can gain a Plenary Indulgence 8 days before or 8 days after Sacramental Confession, a window of 16 days. (That's why I generally go to confession every two weeks). Sometimes there are other requirements for Plenary Indulgences (such as saying a prayer in a particular place or on a particular day). A good prayer book would help in this area.

The Prayer to Jesus Crucified is one of my favorite Plenary Indulgenced Prayers. It goes as follows (this is the older form. The new form can usually be found on the back of any Missal). A plenary Indulgence can be gained by saying this once a day in a church before an image of a crucifix, plus the usual conditions.

Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus. I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true contrition for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment; while with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five wounds, having before my eyes the words which David, the Prophet, put on Thy lips concerning Thee: "They have pieced My hands and My feet, and they have numbered all My bones" (Psalm 21. 17, 18).

Then, instead of praying, "For the intention of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI" and one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be...etc. I instead pray ,"For the intention of all Holy Fathers past, present and future, especially Pope Benedict the XVI," and one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be ...etc. This way, the graces of the Plenary Indulgence are multiplied to some degree, especially those that apply to Popes.

This can be done with any prayer that has a Plenary Indulgence.

Here is a link to the Our Lady's Warriors website Our Lady's Warriors This site has an short Enchiridon of Indulgences. It's a pretty good site. The web page is framed, so I can't link to anything but their homepage. If you look to the list of links on the left-hand side, click on "Indulgences." This takes you to many indulgenced prayers, plenary and partial. Not all the Not all the indulgenced prayers are there, but they have a good mix. Any good prayer book would also list Plenary and Partially indulgenced prayers.

Well, hope this helps.

God bless you all in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat




How are you today?

I have tip number 3---hot off the presses. HA!

Mother Teresa said: "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

I try to keep Blessed Teresa of Calcutta's quote in mind when I'm out grocery shopping, doing ordinary things. I deliberately make eye contact with strangers, and then I smile at them, praying silently, "May they be blessed infinitely, eternally and divinely. Amen." (Most people smile back).

In this way, Jesus works in me to spread His Love. It's a simple and easy thing to do.

God bless you and your family in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

[Father Celso still didn’t respond, so I sent him another email]

From: Billy de Goat

Date: 09/20/06 17:06:47 
To: Father Celso
Subject: A beautiful prayer in the rounds

Father Celso,

One of the ladies I'm teaching wrote this. I actually think she should be teaching me! She gave me permission to forward it to anyone. Hope you enjoy it. This prayer in the rounds is really beautiful and well thought out.

God bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

The Rounds of My Birth by [one of my students]

O Most Holy and Sublime Will of God come and contemplate in my contemplation. I put my "I Love You" and my "I Thank You" on every word that I type and on every stroke of my keyboard. Come Supreme Will and think in my thoughts, see through my eyes, hear in my hearing, speak in my speaking, breathe in my breathing, beat in my heartbeats, pulsate in my pulses, throb in my veins, circulate in my blood, work in my organs and walk in my footsteps.

I enter into the Divine Volition to the very instant when I was just a thought in the Mind of the Eternal Father and I place my "I love you" upon that Eternal Thought.

I place my "I love you" on the moment that Eternal Thought became The Eternal Word and I was called into being.

I place my "I love you" on the mutual act of my mother and father that resulted in my conception and on the very Act of God the Holy Spirit as He breathed His Life Force into that cell and gave it a Soul.

Given the Breath of Life and an Eternal Soul, I am now living and breathing inside my mother’s womb. I place my "I love you on every organ inside her body , on every cell of her body, on every muscle, tissue and tendon that her body is comprised of. I place my "I love you" on her heart that loved me and chose to keep me and upon her soul and spirit that prayed for my well being and my safety.

I place my "I love you" on the embryonic sac and upon each drop of the fluid that it holds, upon the placenta and upon the umbilical cord.

My Jesus, just as I am nestled safely in my mother’s womb and can only survive and grow by the food that she nourishes me with through the umbilical cord, so too, in the Divine Will I place myself securely and firmly in Your Most Sacred Heart. This time it is the Divine Will that is the Umbilical Cord that nourishes and feeds me with Your Food, feeds me with You. Just as I was completely dependant upon my mother for nourishment to grow, so too, am I completely dependant upon You to live and to grow - without You I will surely die my sweet Jesus.

As I grow inside my mother’s womb and make myself at home in there, I place my "I love you" on every limb and digit that is forming, on every organ taking shape as You have willed it too, and upon my little heart whose every beat is a yearning and a longing to give voice to the love that it feels for You.

While still in my mother’s womb, I pray in the Divine Will for all unborn babies especially those who have been aborted, will be aborted and are in danger of being aborted even as I type. I place my "I love you" on all those little babies especially on the ones that will never give voice to their love. In your Divine Will, I baptize the ones that have been aborted, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and I seal them with the Precious Blood of Jesus.

[Below, is Father Celso’s first response].

From: BThomas Celso
Date: 09/21/06 07:46:52 
To: Billy de Goat
Subject: Re: Teaching Divine Will---lots of questions

Dear Billy de Goat,

God bless you and your family in the Most Holy Divine Will.

Thank you for your e-mails.

We live in a time that does not yet understand the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta and why Jesus chose her.

Your teachings are good, holy and saintly but unfortunately they are not about the Divine Will as Jesus taught Luisa.

There are some who teach that many, including Luisa, Lived in the Divine Will.

This is not what Jesus tells Luisa.

Jesus calls Luisa "the little newborn of the Divine Will."

In the Higher Volumes [He's referring to the Book of Heaven] Jesus teaches that Luisa begins again the Divine Life that Adam lost 6,000 years ago.

Our Lady teaches Luisa how to Live the Way of Heaven and no longer the way of Earth.

Jesus being the New Adam and Our Lady being the New Eve have a newborn, spiritually speaking, Luisa Piccarreta. [This was the moment of clarity! I remember reading this e-mail while eating a 4-inch thick ham sandwich. When read this line, I yelled, "WHAT?!?!?!" This involuntary outburst hurled pieces of my sandwich out of my mouth and onto my computer monitor! That was the moment the blinders were removed from my eyes. The contents of this email made me feel sick to my stomach for the sake of the countless number of souls being led astray by this movement].

Luisa possesses the True Life of Jesus and the True Life of Mary.

No saint before could ever dream of that.

The saints had to go through the dark night of the soul, the dark night of the spirit, and the dark night of the flesh.

The saints had a saintly holiness of the human will.

Jesus gives Luisa a divine holiness.

Each day at Holy Mass the priest puts a drop of water in the chalice filled with wine and says may we share in the Divinity of Christ as Christ shared in our humanity. That has been fulfilled in Luisa.

Yet, we MUST wait until the Church makes its final pronouncement on this but this is what Jesus says to her. [I predict that the Church's final pronouncement will be the Resurrection of the Index of Forbidden Books and the placing of ALL of Luisa Piccarreta's writings on it.]

Jesus says that to possess the Divine Will one MUST be linked to Luisa, not with a cord or rope or chain but a Living Cord and to never be separated from her [I was never linked to Luisa. I simply considered Luisa just another Servant of the Lord, just like the rest of us sinners. For me, it was always, "To Jesus through Mary." NOT being linked to Luisa saved me from this deception, because I now believe Luisa died outside the graces of the Church. The reason for this belief lies in the Book of Heaven, Volume 16, November 5, 1923.


Luisa says, "I was feeling oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, with the addition that the confessor - because I had not had the trust to open up with him, and because I was bad - had denied me the absolution.  So, having received Holy Communion, I abandoned myself in the arms of my most sweet Jesus, and I said to Him:  ‘My Love, help me - do not abandon me.  You know in what a state I find myself because of your privation; and still, instead of help, creatures add pains upon pains.  Without You, I have no one else – either with You, or on my own, crying over my hard lot of having lost You.  This should push You more not to leave me alone - to at least keep company with a poor abandoned one who lives dying in her hard exile.  Therefore, You who are the Highest Priest, give me the absolution, tell me that you forgive the sins that are in my soul - let me hear your most sweet voice that gives me life and forgiveness.’ . . . "Jesus" (later in the message) responds, "And besides, my Will encloses all the Sacraments and their effects; therefore, abandon yourself completely in my Will, make It your own, and you will receive the effects of the absolution, or of anything else which you might be denied."


Here "Jesus" clearly tells Luisa that Sacramental Confession is unnecessary for those Living in the Divine Will. If Luisa believed this to her dying day, which I believe she did, then there is a good chance she died outside the Graces of the Church. I therefore believe that if I had linked to her in the manner described by Father Celso, I would have run the risk of demonic obsession or possession in this life, and I may join her fate in the next. Also, to those who think her to be holy---read her Letters, especially after the Condemnation of her writings and what she says of those who condemned them. See how possessive she is of her "Divine Will." I was surprised to find that she's not as holy as she's described to be in her very misleading biography, written by Father Bernardino Bucci.

One other interesting tidbit: I've read a lot of the Saints' writings. Most of them in their correspondence spoke of The Church Fathers, the Catechism or Scripture to help their friends grow spiritually. For Instance, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity quoted Scripture, the Church fathers and other Mystics very heavily in her major spiritual works. So did St. Therese the Little Flower. Contrast this to Luisa Piccarreta: NOT ONCE did Luisa mention any of these things in her Letters. In fact, I don't remember seeing scriptural, catechetic or references to the Church Fathers in any of her writings, well, excepting when she distorted Scripture to fit her spirituality. The only thing Luisa recommended to her correspondents for spiritual growth in her Letters was to read HER writings and practice "living in the Divine Will"]. or that person would be stillborn in the Divine Will.

So, reading and re-reading and putting into practice the 36 Volumes [Book of Heaven] are extremely necessary in order to be "Linked" with the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta.

In the 36 Volumes Jesus teaches Luisa Piccarreta how to form the Kingdom of God on earth as in Heaven. That is the fulfillment of the prayer that Jesus taught His Apostles, the Our Father.

In Volumes 1-10 Jesus teaches Luisa how to become a Divine Mirror of Jesus Himself.

In Volumes 11-19 Jesus teaches Luisa how to Live in the Divine Will through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

In Volumes 20-36 Jesus teaches Luisa how to receive the Divine Inheritance of Our Heavenly Father.

What a Great blessing the Church has been given - Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will!

The closer one comes to Luisa the clearer their understanding of who she is and what the Divine Will really means.

St. Padre Pio said that the world and the Church will focus on Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will in the Third Millennium and that there is a "New Sun" in Corato that will give "Light" to the whole world. [I have evidence to the contrary. The Capuchins say St. Padre Pio never had contact with Luisa Piccarreta here: Padre Pio and Luisa Piccarreta I wonder if they had a distant third person contact. After the Condemnation, Luisa says this of Padre Pio in her Letters "I am sorry for Padre Pio if he makes a dark face. We do not speak of what the Church has prohibited, but of what the Church Herself does not know. And the day will come when the Church will know."--Letter #132 to Federico Abresch. Maybe Padre Pio didn't approve?

A good website on Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will is found at Divine Will. [The 19 Volume English translation of the Book of Heaven and other Piccarretan writings are found here: Book of Heaven The 36 Volumes of the Spanish translation are found here: 36 Volumes in Spanish]


Fr. Thomas

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/21/06 21:41:34 
To: BThomas Celso
Subject: Re: Teaching Divine Will---lots of questions

Dear Father Celso,

Thank you so much for responding to some of my questions about Divine Will Your explanations brings to mind more questions. I must've missed something in my studies---and I'm trying to figure out what bit of information I'm missing.

You said that Luisa begins again the Divine Life that Adam Lost. I understand that the Human Will of Adam, before the fall was in unity, or in complete harmony with the Divine Will. Sin separated Adam and Eve from God's friendship--an act of the Human Will of both contrary to the Will of God.How does the Divine Life of Luisa differ from the Divine Life restored through Christ? Jesus said, "If you do not eat my flesh and drink My blood, you will not have life within you." In that 6000 year time-span, the Just were in Communion with Christ either by Sacrament or Desire, and therefore they too, had Divine Life, that is, sharing in Christ's Divinity. I'm just wondering how Luisa's Divine Life differs from that of all the previous saints?

Also, you say that, "Jesus being the New Adam and Our Lady being the New Eve have a newborn, spiritually speaking, Luisa Piccarreta." Could you clarify your meaning? I've not heard this metaphor before.

You also say, "Luisa possesses the True Life of Jesus and the True Life of Mary." No saint before could ever dream of that." Being of De Montfortian Spirituality, this seems to be the End Cause of True and Perfect Devotion to Mary, in that Mary conceives in our souls, Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit via Perfect trust and devotion to her---one prerequisite being the presence of Mary in one's soul. De Montfort said, "The more the Holy Ghost find Mary, his dear and inseparable spouse, in any soul, the more active and mighty He becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ." This is a Mystical Conception of Jesus. I'm wondering, how or why does Luisa's possession of the True Life of Jesus and Mary differ from the mystical conception of Jesus spoken of by St. Louis De Montfort?

You said, "Jesus says that to possess the Divine Will one MUST be linked to Luisa, not with a cord or rope or chain but a Living Cord and to never be separated from her or that person would be stillborn in the Divine Will." What do you mean by our need to be linked to Luisa? Are we linking to Luisa's suffering? Her life? Or are we simply linking to her by asking her to intercede for us (to pray for us)? And what is meant by being "stillborn" in the Divine Will?

Also, I'm wondering if you could take a look at my prayer book (I'll send in separate email). Some of the prayers you'll recognize as traditional church prayers. Others were composed by me based on the writings of Archbishop Luis Martinez, Dina Belanger, Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Louis De Montfort, and Luisa.

My spirituality is actually very simple. I ask Mary to surround me with her womb and through the power of the Holy Spirit to conceive Jesus within my soul and my soul within Jesus. (His Divine Will goes along with it). Then, I ask Mary to offer up the Child Jesus, replicated in me, up to God the Father immolated with the peoples of the whole world, past, present and future in His hands, for the honor and glory of God the Father and for the salvation of the whole world. (I got this idea from the Exemplars and from a statue in our Church depicting Mary holding up the Child Jesus. The Child Jesus has a blue globe in His hands, wrapped in the cross. Though it is probably His scepter, I imagine the blue globe (for purpose of a mental image) to be the Earth, wrapped in the cross. This was the idea for my personal devotion). That way, Jesus replicated in my soul is mystically "born again" in Heaven through the hands of Mary.

Anyway, the prayer book is below my signature. The only pages missing are the Consecration prayer to Father Di Francia (my confirmation saint) and the prayer booklet to Our Lady of America. Those in the hard copy. This prayer book is a work-in-progress, updated every six months. I'd like your advice.

Thank you and God Bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

[Prayer book was omitted because many of the prayers were written by me and are for private use only].

From: B Thomas Celso
Date: 09/24/06 10:46:40 
To: Billy de Goat
Subject: Re: Teaching Divine Will---lots of questions

Dear Billy,

God bless you in the Most Holy Divine Will.

I try to only repeat what Jesus tells the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta in her writings.

I'll respond in red.


Fr. Thomas

----- Original Message -----

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/21/06 21:41:34 
To: BThomas Celso
Subject: Re: Teaching Divine Will---lots of questions

Dear Father Celso,

Thank you so much for responding to some of my questions about Divine Will Your explanations brings to mind more questions. I must've missed something in my studies---and I'm trying to figure out what bit of information I'm missing.

You said that Luisa begins again the Divine Life (which is a life in God's image and likeness) that Adam Lost. I understand that the Human Will of Adam, before the fall was in unity, or in complete harmony with the Divine Will. The Original Sin (was giving life to the human will) separated Adam and Eve from God's friendship--an act of the Human Will of both contrary to the Will of God. How does (sharing in) the Divine Life (of Jesus)of Luisa (Sanctification) differ from the Divine Life restored (Redemption) through Christ? Jesus said, "If you do not eat my flesh and drink My blood, you will not have life within you." In that 6000 (NO, 4,000 before Jesus) [Here, he misunderstands me. The 6000 year reference was referring to the time from Adam to the present day. (The actual age of the Earth could be several million years old).] year time-span, the Just were in Communion with Christ either by Sacrament (No, 2,000years since) or Desire, and therefore they too, had Divine Life (No, the Sacramental Life through Holy Communion), that is, sharing in Christ's Divinity. I'm just wondering how Luisa's Divine Life differs from that of all the previous saints?

[In the following excerpts from the Book of Heaven, Celso’s emphasized points are in bold. He underlined areas of special emphasis].

Luisa Is the First to Live in the Divine Will: Volume 16; January 24, 1923

At this last word, Jesus looked at me and, all tenderness, told me: "My daughter Luisa, in My Eternal Will you (Luisa) will find all My acts, as well as those of My Mama Mary, which enveloped all the acts of creatures, from the first to the last which will exist, as though within a mantle. This mantle is as though made as two, and one of them rose up to Heaven, in order to give to my Father, with a Divine Will, all that creatures owed Him - love, glory, reparation and satisfaction; while the other remained as defense and help of creatures. No one else has entered into my Divine Will to do all that my Humanity did. My Saints have done my Will, but have not entered into It, to do all that my Will does, taking all acts, as though in a twinkling of an eye, from the first to the last man, and becoming actors, spectators and divinizers. By doing my Will one does not arrive at doing all that my Eternal Volition contains; rather, It descends into the creature as limited, as much as the creature can contain of It. Only one who enters into It expands and diffuses himself like solar light in the eternal flights of my Volition, and finding my acts and those of my Mama, he places his own. Look inside my Will: are there perhaps other acts of creature multiplied within mine, reaching up to the last act which is to be performed on this earth? Look well - you will find none. This means that no one has entered. It had been reserved that the doors of my Eternal Volition would only be opened to my little daughter so as to unify her acts with mine and with those of my Mama, and render all our acts triple, before the Supreme Majesty and for the good of creatures. Now, since I have opened the doors, others may enter, provided that they dispose themselves for such a great good."

Then I continued to go around in His Will together with Jesus, to do what was done by Him. Then we looked at the earth together: how many horrible things could be seen, and how the preparations for the war continued, such as to be horrifying. All trembling, I found myself inside myself. Then, after a little while, He came back and continued to speak about His Most Holy Will, saying to me: "My daughter, my Will in Heaven contained the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One was the Will of the Three Divine Persons; even though They were distinct among Themselves, Their Will was one, and being the only Will acting within Us, It formed all Our happiness, and Our equality in love, in power, in beauty, etc. But if instead of one Will there were three Wills, We could not be happy, and even less could We make others happy. We would have been unequal in power, in wisdom, in sanctity, etc. So, Our one Will, acting within Us, is all Our good, from which so many seas of happiness are released, that no one can penetrate down to the bottom. Now, in seeing the great good of acting alone in Three distinct Persons, Our Will wants to act alone in three distinct persons on earth; and these are: the Mother, the Son, the Spouse. Through them It wants to release more seas of happiness which will bring immense goods to all the pilgrim souls."

All amazed, I said: ‘My Love, who will be this fortunate Mother, this Son and this Spouse, which will conceal the Trinity on earth, and in whom your Will will be one?’ And Jesus: "What! Have you not understood? Two of them are already at their place of honor: my Divine Mama and I, the Eternal Word, Son of the Celestial Father, and Son of the Celestial Mother since, by incarnating Myself in Her womb, I became Her own Son. The Spouse is the little daughter of my Will. I am in the middle, my Mama is at my right, and the Spouse at my left. As my Will acts in Me, It echoes to the right and to the left, and forms one single Will. This is why I have poured so many graces in you Luisa, I opened the doors of My Will, I revealed to you Luisa the secrets, the prodigies which My Will contains: to open many ways, so that you Luisa might be reached by the echo of My Will, and, losing your own, you Luisa might live with My Will alone. Aren’t you happy?"

And I: ‘Thank You, O Jesus! And, I pray You, let it be so that I follow your Will.’

Volume 15; July 11, 1923

Now, while I was thinking of this and other things, blessed Jesus came, all goodness and love, and placing Himself near me, told me: "My daughter, the greater the work I want to do, the more necessary it is that the creature I choose be unique and singular. The work of Redemption was the greatest, and I chose only one creature, endowing Her with all gifts, never conceded to anyone, so that this creature might contain so much grace as to be able to become my Mother, and so that I might deposit in Her all the goods of Redemption. And in order to keep my own gifts safe, from the moment She was conceived until She conceived Me, I kept Her hidden in the light of the Most Holy Trinity, which was Her custodian and had the office of directing Her in everything. Then, when I was conceived in Her virginal womb, being the true Priest and the head and the first of all priests, I Myself took on the charge of keeping Her and directing Her in everything, even in the motion of Her heartbeat. And when I died, I entrusted Her to another priest – Saint John. A soul so privileged, who contained all graces, unique in the divine mind, unique in history – I did not want to leave Her without the assistance of a representative of mine up to Her last breath. Have I perhaps done this with other souls? No, because they did not contain so much good, so many gifts and graces, and therefore so much custody and assistance was not necessary.

Now, my daughter, you too are unique in my mind, and will also be unique in history. There will not be, either before or after you, another creature for whom I will dispose, as though forced by necessity, the assistance of my ministers. Having chosen you in order to deposit in you the sanctity, the goods, the effects and the attitude of my Supreme Will, it was appropriate, just and decorous for the very sanctity that my Will contains, that one of my ministers should assist you, and be the first depository of the goods which my Will contains, so as to let them pass from his lap into the whole body of the Church. What great attention is required of you, and of them!: of you, in receiving from Me, like a second mother to Me, the great gift of my Will, and in knowing all Its qualities; of them, in receiving them from you, so that the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven’ may be fulfilled in my Church. Ah! you do not know how much I had to give you to dispose your capacity, so that I might deposit my Will in you. I removed from you any seed of corruption; I purified your soul, your very nature, in such a way that neither do you feel anything for them, nor do they for you, because, since the seed is missing, it is as if fire were missing to firewood. And even though I did not exempt you from original sin, as I did with my dear Mother, by removing from you the seed of corruption I worked another prodigy of grace, never conceded to anyone else, because it was not decorous for my Will, trice holy, to descend into and take possession of a soul which would be shaded, even slightly, by the slightest corrupted breath. My Will would not have adapted Itself to taking possession of her, to communicating Its attitude to her, had It seen any seed of corruption in her, just as I, Word of the Father, would not have adapted Myself to being conceived in the womb of the Celestial Mama, had I not exempted Her from original sin. And then, how many graces have I not given you? You think it is nothing, and therefore you give it no thought; and instead of thanking Me, you occupy yourself with thinking about what I have disposed for you, and about those I have placed around you – while I want that you only follow my Will.

You must know that this fulfillment of my Will is so great as to be numbered among the greatest works which the Divinity has operated. And I want It to be known, so that in knowing Its greatness and the immense goods It contains, they may love It, esteem It and desire It. Three times did the Supreme Divinity decide to operate ‘ad extra’. The first was in Creation, and it was without the intervention of the creature, since none of them had yet come out to the light of the day. The second was in Redemption, and with it intervened a woman, the holiest, the most beautiful – my Celestial Mama. She was the channel and the instrument I used in order to fulfill the work of Redemption. The third is the fulfillment of my Will to be done on earth as It is in Heaven – that is, for the creature to live and operate with the sanctity and the power of Our Will; a work inseparable from Creation and Redemption, just as the Sacrosanct Trinity is inseparable. Nor can We say that the work of Creation has been completed by Us, if Our Will, as We decreed, does not act in the creature and live with that freedom, sanctity and power with which It operates and lives in Us. Even more, this is the most beautiful point, the highest, the brightest, and the seal of the fulfillment of the work of Creation and Redemption.

These are divine decrees, and they must have full completion. And in order to fulfill this decree We want to use another woman – and that is you (Luisa). The woman was the incitement, the cause for which man fell into his misfortunes, and We want to use the woman to put things in order, to let man out of his misfortunes and give back to him decorum, honor, Our true likeness - just as he was created by Us. Therefore, be attentive, and do not take things lightly. This is not about just anything – this is about divine decrees, and about giving Us the field to let Us accomplish the work of Creation and Redemption. Therefore, just as We entrusted Our Mama to St. John, that She might deposit in him, and from him to the Church, the treasures, the graces and all of my teachings which I had deposited in Her during the course of my Life, when She was entrusted to Me and I acted as Priest to Her - as I deposited in Her, as in a sanctuary, all the laws, the precepts and the doctrines which the Church was to possess; and She, faithful as She was, and jealous of even one word of mine, deposited them in my faithful disciple John, so that they might not be lost, and therefore my Mama has primacy over the whole Church - so I did with you: since the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua must serve the whole Church, I entrusted you to a minister of mine, that you may deposit in him everything I manifest to you about my Will – the goods contained in It, how the creature must enter into It, and how the paternal goodness wants to open another era of grace, placing His goods, which He possesses in Heaven, in common with the creature, and giving back to her the lost happiness. Therefore, be attentive, and be faithful to Me."

Volume 16: February 20, 1924 Had there been other souls in the Church to have lived in the Divine Will before Luisa, or other manifestations about It, Jesus would have made use of His power to make the sublime way of living in His Will manifest. To live in the Divine Will means to make the pure joys of the purpose of Creation return to God.

After all that my sweet Jesus has told me about His Most Holy Will, I was thinking to myself: ‘How can it ever be possible that there has not been one soul until now who has lived in the Divine Volition, and that I am the first one? Who knows how many others there have been before me, and in a more perfect, a more active way than mine.’ But while I was saying this, my always lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me: "My daughter, why do you not want to recognize the gift, the grace - your mission of having been called in a way all special and new to live in my Will? Had there been other souls in my Church before you, since the living in my Will is the most important thing, the thing which interests me the most and for which I care so much, there would have been the traces, the norms, the teachings in my Church from those who would have had the chance to live life in my Will. There would have been the knowledges, the attractions, the effects and the goods which this living in my Will contains. Had there been many other manifestations, I would have made use of my power, making the sublime way of living in my Will shine forth. In view of my great satisfaction, and in seeing Myself honored by the soul with the glory of my own Will, I would have put that soul in such a tight corner that she could not have resisted manifesting what I wanted. Just as there are sayings and teachings on living resigned, patient, obedient, etc., there would have been this also. It would have been quite funny and strange if I had kept the thing which I love the most hidden.

Rather, the more one loves something, the more one wants to make it known; the more satisfaction and glory a way of living brings Me, the more I want to diffuse it. It is not in the nature of true love to hide what can make others happy and rich. If you knew how I longed for this time in which my little newborn of my Will would come to the light, to make you live in my Volition; what a cortege of grace I prepared in order to obtain the intent - you would remain stunned and would be more grateful and attentive to Me.

Ah! you do not know what it means to live in my Will. It means to make the pure joys of the purpose of Creation, my innocent amusements of the reason why I created man, return to Me. It means to remove from Me all the bitterness that the perfidious human will gave Me almost at the dawn of Creation. It means a continuous exchange between human will and Divine Will, as the soul, fearing her own, lives of Mine, while Mine keeps filling the soul with joys, love and infinite goods. Oh! how happy I feel in being able to give whatever I want to this soul, because my Will contains such capacity as to be able to receive everything. So, there are no longer divisions between Me and her, but stable union in operating, in thinking, in loving, because my Will makes up for everything, so we remain in perfect accord and in communion of goods. This had been the purpose of the creation of man: to have him live as Our own child and to place all Our goods in common with him, so that he might be fully happy, and We might be amused with his happiness.

Now, to live in my Will is precisely this: to have the purpose, the joys, the feasts of Creation returned to Us. And you say that I should have kept it hidden in my Church, without letting it come out? I would have turned Heaven and earth upside down; I would have overwhelmed the hearts with an irresistible strength, in order to make known that which will be the fulfillment of Creation. Do you see how much I care for this living in my Will, which places the seal upon all my works, so that all of them may be complete? To you, perhaps, this may seem nothing, or that there are similar things in my Church. No, no. To Me, on the contrary, it is the All of my works, and you must appreciate it as such, and be more attentive in fulfilling the mission I want from you."

Volume 17; September 22, 1924

I continue: while I was writing what is said above, I saw my sweet Jesus placing His mouth at the place of my heart, and feeding me the words I was writing. At the same time, I heard a horrible din from afar, from some who were beating each other and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: ‘My Jesus, my Love, who is making such a din? They seemed to me like enraged demons. What do they want that they rage so much?’ And Jesus: "My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about my Will; and when they see you write more important truths on the living in my Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment all the damned even more. They fear so much that these writings on my Will might come out, because they see themselves losing their kingdom upon earth, which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his human will. Ah! yes, it was precisely then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if my Will could reign upon earth, my enemy, on his own, would shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they rage with such fury: they feel the power of my Will in these writings, and at the mere thought that they might come out, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to impede a good so great. You, however, do not pay attention to them, and learn from this to appreciate my teachings."

And I: ‘My Jesus, I feel that it takes your omnipotent hand for me to write what You say about the living in your Will. In the face of the so many difficulties they raise, especially when they keep saying to me: "How is it possible that no other creature has lived in your Most Holy Will?," I feel so annihilated that I would want to disappear from the face of the earth, so that no one may see me ever again. But, against my will, I am forced to stay in order to fulfill your Holy Will.’ And Jesus: "My daughter, the living in my Will brings with itself the loss of any right of one’s own will - all the rights belong to the Divine Will. And if the soul does not lose her rights, it cannot be called true living in my Will; at the most, it can be called living resigned, conformed. In fact, living in my Will is not merely that she does her action according to my Will, but that the whole interior of the creature gives place to neither one affection, nor one thought, nor one desire, and not even one breath, in which my Will does not have Its place. Nor would my Will tolerate even just one human affection of which It is not the Life; It would feel disgusted to let the soul live in my Will with her own affections, thoughts, and other things which a human will could have. And do you think it is easy that a soul would willingly lose her rights? Oh! how difficult it is! Rather, there are souls who, when they reach the point of losing all the rights over their own will, draw back and content themselves with conducting a life in the middle. In fact, losing one’s rights is the greatest sacrifice that a creature could do; but it is the one which disposes my goodness to open the doors of my Will for her, and, letting her live in It, to give her my divine rights in exchange. Therefore, be attentive, and never go out of the boundaries of my Will."

Volume 18, November 12, 1925 How one who is called to be the head of a mission must enclose all the goods pertaining to that mission in order to communicate them to others. It is the usual way of the Eternal Wisdom to establish the acts of the creature in order to give completion to the good which It wants to do to her.

I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Volition according to my usual way, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, clasped me all to Himself, placed Himself in the act of giving me a lesson and correction, and told me: "My daughter, be attentive in doing your acts in my Will. You must know that for one who is called to be the head of a mission, the more he encloses of the good pertaining to that mission, the more good he will be able to communicate to others. Those goods will be like many seeds which he will lend to others, so that whoever has the fortune of wanting to acquire those seeds, may become the possessor of the harvest of those seeds. This happened in Adam who, being the first man, was constituted the head of all generations; and, he being the head, it was necessary for him to possess the seeds in order to give to others what is necessary for the development of human life. Regardless of the fact that these seeds have been expanded, dilucidated, known more, according to the goodwill of the following generations, to the capacity and the application they have used over these very seeds; nevertheless, Adam had them all within himself, and it can be said that everything comes from him. So, it can be said that, in being created by God, he was endowed with all sciences. What others learn with so many efforts, he possessed as gift in a surprising way. So, he possessed the knowledge of all the things of this earth; he had the science of all plants, of all herbs and of the virtue which each of them contained; he had the science of all species of animals and of how he should use them; he had the science of music, of singing, of writing, of medicine – in sum, of everything. And if the generations possessed each one its special science, Adam possessed them all. See, then, how it is necessary for one who must be the head to enclose within himself all the good which he must share with others.

The same with you, my daughter. Since I have called you as the head of a special mission more than a new Adam – and here it is not about human sciences, but about the science of sciences, which is my Will, science all of Heaven – I want you to enclose within yourself all the seeds which my Will contains. And the more acts you do in It, and the more knowledges you acquire, the more rays of light you will place on the Sun of my Will, so that, with greater fullness of light, It will be able to diffuse more for the good of the generations; in such a way that, stirred by the fullness of light, they will be able to know with greater clarity the good which my Will contains, what it means to live in It, and the great good with which they are enriched.

It will happen as with the sun which, because it possesses such great fullness of light, can easily take the whole earth as though in its power, warm it, illuminate it and fecundate it, in such a way that all may know, some more, some less, the good it does by bringing its light to all. But if the sun, in the height of its sphere, were poor in light, the light which descends down below could not fully illuminate all the earth. At the most, some small portion of the earth which rotates closer to the sun. And if to the sun, which was to illuminate the earth naturally, I gave such fullness of light for the good of all generations, much more do I want to fill with fullness of light the Sun of my Will, which must illuminate souls, warm them, and cast into them the fecundity of the seed of Divine Sanctity. Just as I chose Adam as the head, just as I chose a point in the heavens in which to fix the center of the sun which was to illuminate the earth, so did I choose you as the center of the Sun of my Will; and the fullness of light must be so great, that all may be able to enjoy it and be invested by this light, and each one may make it his own. This is why your complete acts in my Will are needed, as well as the knowledge which I keep manifesting to you, in order to form the fullness of this light.

It is the usual way of the Eternal Wisdom to establish the acts of the creature in order to give completion to the good which It wants to do to her. So it happened for the coming of Redemption upon earth by the Eternal Word. It took the course of four thousand years; and during this time, all the acts which creatures were to do in order to dispose themselves to earn the great good of Redemption had been established, as well as all the graces and knowledges which the Supreme Majesty was to give in order to make known that same good which the descent of the Word would bring into their midst. And so, here come the patriarchs, the holy fathers, the prophets and all the good of the Old Testament, who, with their acts, were to cover the way, the staircase, in order to reach the fulfillment of the longed-for Redemption.

But this is not enough. As good and holy as their acts were, there was the so very high wall of original sin, which maintained the division between them and God. This is why a Virgin was needed, conceived without original sin, innocent, holy, and enriched by God with all graces, who made all the good acts of the course of four thousand years as though Her own. She covered them with Her innocence, sanctity and purity, in such a way that the Divinity would see those acts through the acts of this innocent and holy Creature, who not only embraced all the acts of the ancients, but surpassed them all with Her own; and this is why She obtained the descent of the Word upon earth. It happened to all the good acts of the ancients as to one who has much gold and silver, but the image of the king, which gives the value of money to that precious metal, is not impressed on it. So, even though it contains value in itself, it cannot be called value of money, which can circulate in the kingdom with the right of currency. However, suppose that that gold or silver were acquired by the king, and that, giving it the shape of coins, he impressed his image upon them: here is the right of currency acquired by that gold. So the Virgin did: She impressed Her innocence, Her sanctity, the Divine Will which She possessed as whole, upon them; She presented them all together to the Divinity, and She obtained the longed-for Redeemer. So, the Virgin completed all the acts which were needed in order to make the Word descend upon earth.

But this was not the end. So that the Redeemer might have His field of action upon earth, and whoever wanted to, might use those acts as coins with which to purchase Heaven for himself, the imprint of innocence, of sanctity and of the Divine Will was needed; and the imprint of the operating of the Word Himself was needed in order to make man rise to Heaven. If that of the Virgin was enough to make Me descend into the midst of creatures, in order to make man rise, my divine operating was needed. And so, this is why I embraced all those acts and I made them my own, I made up for all, I accomplished everything, and for all I placed the divine imprint on all the good acts, from the first to the last man who is to come upon earth. And this imprint was made by Me with unheard-of pains, and with the shedding of my Blood. And so, like magnanimous King, I gave to all the coins with which to purchase Heaven for themselves. All this had been established by the Uncreated Wisdom, and not even one act of all this could be missing in order for Redemption to take place.

Now, my daughter, just as it was with Redemption, so it will be with my Will. In order to make It known and to make It reign as prime act of life in the creature, the fulfillment of the acts is needed. You too, on the example of my Celestial Mama and of mine, must embrace in my Will all the acts done in the Old Testament, those of the Queen of Heaven, those done by Me, those which are done and will be done by all the good and the saints, up to the last day; and upon each one of them you will place your seal of requital of love, of blessing, of adoration, with the Sanctity and the Power of my Will. Nothing must escape you. My Will embraces everything; you too must embrace everything and everyone, and place my Will alone at the first place of honor upon all the acts of creatures. It will be your imprint, with which you will imprint the image of my Will on all the acts of creatures. Therefore, your field is vast; I want to see you in my Will, flowing over all the graces and the prodigies which I did in the Old Testament, to give Me your requital of love and of thanksgiving; and in the acts of the patriarchs and prophets, to make up for their love. There is not one act in which I do not want to find you. I would not be satisfied nor content if I did not find you in all the acts of creatures which have been done and will be done; nor would you be able to say that you have completed everything in my Will - you would lack something of the true living in my Will. Therefore, be attentive, if you want the fullness of light to be enough as to be able to illuminate all peoples with the Sun of my Will. One who wants to give light to all must embrace all as though in one single embrace, by making himself life and substitution of everything and of everyone. Is my Will perhaps not life of everything? And is this life not requited with so many bitternesses? Is there not the need, then, for one who would flow in everyone in order to sweeten these bitternesses, by substituting, as act of life with my own Will, for each act of the ungrateful creature?"

Volume 18; February 11, 1926 The human will is the wood worm that gnaws at all goods and the key that opens all evils. Each act of human will not connected with that of God forms an abyss of distance between Creator and creature.

I was thinking to myself: ‘Why so much fear in me, to the point of feeling my life missing in me, that – may this never be – I might not do the Most Holy Will of God entirely and completely? The mere thought of this destroys me; what would it be, then, if I came to the point of withdrawing, even for one single instant, from the Supreme and Adorable Will of my Creator?’ Now, while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and taking my hands in His, He kissed them with unspeakable love. Then He pressed them so very tightly to His breast, and, all tenderness, told me: "My daughter, how beautiful is my Will operating in your hands. Your motions are wounds for Me – but divine wounds, because they come form the depth of my Will, dominating, operating and triumphant in you; so, I feel wounded as though by another Me. With just reason do you fear. If you went out of my Supreme Will even for one instant – oh! how low you would descend. You would reduce yourself as though from the state of Adam innocent to the state of Adam guilty. And since Adam had been created as the head of all generations, his will, withdrawn from his Creator, formed the wood worm in the root of the tree of all generations. Therefore, all feel the ruins which the wood worm of the human will formed from the very beginning of the creation of man. Each act of human will not connected with that of God forms an abyss of distance between Creator and creature, and therefore distance of sanctity, of beauty, of nobility, of light, of science, etc.

So, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam did nothing but put himself at a distance from his Creator. This distance debilitated him, impoverished him, unbalanced him completely, and caused imbalance in all generations, because when evil is in the root, the whole tree is forced to feel the malignant effects, the bad humors, which are in the root. Therefore, my daughter, since I have called you as the first, and as the head of the mission of my Will, this Will of Mine must lay in you the balance between you and the Creator, and therefore remove the distance which exists between the human will and the Divine, so as to be able to form in you the root of the tree without bad humors, making only the vital humor of my Will flow, so that the tree may not be jeopardized in its vegetation, in the development and in the preciousness of its fruits.

Now, if you wanted to do an act of your will, not connected with Mine, you would come to form the wood worm to the mission which I have entrusted to you, and like a second Adam, you would ruin the root of the tree of my Will, which I want to form in you, and would jeopardize all those who will want to graft themselves to this tree, because they would not find all the fullness of my Will in the one in whom It had Its beginning. Therefore, it is I who cast this fear into your soul, so that my Will may always be dominant in you, and all the manifestations which I have made to you may always be in vegetation, in order to form the divine root, trunk, branches, flowers and fruits, without the shadow of your human will. In this way, you would return to your origin, into the womb of your Creator, all beautiful, grown and formed with the fullness of the Supreme Will. And the Divinity, satisfied in you of the work of the creation of man, would make Its chosen people of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven come out from you and from the mission entrusted to you. Therefore, be attentive, my daughter, and do not want to ruin the work of my Will in you. I love it so much and it costs Me so much, that I will use all my infinite jealousies; I Myself will guard my Will, so that yours may never have life."

I remained surprised, and I comprehended with such clarity what an act of human will means, compared to an act of Divine Will, and how the soul, by doing her own will, loses the physiognomy of her Creator; and stripping herself of the beauty with which she was created, she clothes herself with miserable rags, she barely drags herself in good, she acquires the diabolical likeness, she feeds herself with dirty foods. My Jesus, give us all the grace never to do our own will, which is like calling all passions back to life. So, almost trembling, I tried to plunge more deeply into the Supreme Will, and I called my Celestial Mama to my help, so that, together, in the name of all, we might adore the Supreme Will on behalf of all the human wills opposed to It. Now, while I was doing this, the Heavens opened, and my Jesus came out from within my interior, all in feast, and told me: "Daughter of my Volition, you must know that when my Will reigns in the soul, It integrates everything she does and the development of the Life of my Eternal Will in her. So, it was not you who called my Divine Mama, but it was my Will that called Her. And She, feeling called by a Divine Will which has always been whole and triumphant within Her, immediately perceived that one from the Celestial Family was calling Her upon earth; and She said to all Heaven: ‘Let us go, let us go. It is one from our Family that is calling us to fulfill the duties of the Family to which we belong.’ And here they are – look at them, all around us: the Virgin, the Saints, the Angels, to do the act of adoration which you want to do; and the Divinity, to receive it.

My Will has such power as to enclose everything and make everyone do the same thing, as if it were one single act; hence the great difference that passes between one who lets my Will reign within herself and one who lives of her own self. In the first one there is a Divine Will that prays, that operates, that thinks, that looks, that suffers. At each motion of hers, It moves Heaven and earth and connects everything together, in such a way that all feel the power of the Divine Will operating in the creature, and recognize in her the nobility, the likeness, the offspring of their Creator; and, as daughter of the Celestial Family, all protect her, assist her, defend her and long to have her together with them in the Celestial Fatherland. All the opposite for one who lives of her own will, which is the key of hell, of miseries, of inconstancy; whatever place it opens, it can open only there where evil is. And if she does any good at all, it is apparent, because inside of it there is the wood worm of her will which gnaws at everything. Therefore, even if it should cost you your life, never – never go out of my Will."

Volume 19, April 16, 1926

In fact, the Creation was the beginning of Our work toward the creatures, the Redemption was the means, and the Fiat will be the end; and when works are accomplished, they are loved more and they acquire their complete value. Until a work is accomplished, there is always something to do, to work on, to suffer, nor can one calculate its right value. But when it is accomplished, all that is left is to possess and to enjoy the work done; and its complete value comes to complete the glory of the one who has formed it. Therefore, Creation and Redemption must be enclosed in the Supreme Fiat. Do you see, then, how much you cost Me, and how drawn I am to loving you? The Fiat, operating and triumphant in the creature, is the greatest thing for Us, because the glory which was established by Us, to be received through Creation, is given back to Us, and Our purpose, Our rights, acquire their full power. This is the reason for my attentions, all for you; for my manifestations to you, and for my love for all Creation and Redemption, all centralized in you (Luisa)– because in you I want to see the triumph of my Will."

Volume 19, July 1, 1926

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Volition, and I thought to myself: ‘How is it possible that among the many Saints of the Old Testament who have so distinguished themselves with the power of miracles, like a Moses, an Elijah and the many prophets; and among so many Saints after the coming of Our Lord, who have rendered themselves so marvelous because of their virtues and miracles – none of these has possessed the Kingdom of the Divine Will and has lived in the unity of Its light? It seems incredible.’ Now, while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and clasping me to Himself, told me: "My daughter, yet it is really true that until now no one has possessed the Kingdom of my Will or enjoyed all the fullness of the unity of the light It contains. Had it been so, since it is the thing that interests Me the most, that glorifies Me the most and that, no less, will place all the divine rights in safety and will complete the work of Creation and Redemption - and not only this, but will bring to the creature the greatest good that can exist in Heaven and on earth - I would have acted in such a way as to make it known. Just as I have made known the many virtues and wonders of my Saints, I would have made known the one who had possessed the Kingdom of my Will, which I hold so dear, so as to transmit It to others, by imitating the one who had possessed It.

Now, the Saints of the Old Testament found themselves in the same condition as Adam: a Divine Repairer was missing who, while rejoining the human will and the Divine, was to pay the debt of guilty man in a divine way. However, both the ancient Saints and the modern ones have taken of my Will as much as they have known. The very miracles they performed were particles of the power of my Will communicated to them. So, all my Saints have lived, some in the shadow of my Will, some in the reflections of Its light, some submitted to Its power, some to the order of Its commands, because there is no sanctity without my Will. But they have possessed of It the little they have known - no more, because only when a good is known, does one then long for it and arrives at possessing it. No one can possess a good, a property, without knowing it; and suppose one did possess it without knowing it – that good is as though dead for him, because the life of knowledge is missing.

Now, since my Will is the greatest thing, which encompasses everything, and all things from the greatest to the smallest remain dissolved before It, so many things should be known about my Will as to surpass what is known about Creation, about Redemption, about all virtues and all sciences. My Will was to be a book for each step, for each act, a book for each created thing; the whole earth was to be filled with volumes of knowledges regarding the Kingdom of my Will, such as to surpass the number of created things. Now, where are these books? There is no book – only a few sayings are known about It, while It should be at the origin of each knowledge - of anything. Being the life of each thing, It should be on everything, like the image of the king impressed on the currency that circulates in a kingdom; like the light of the sun that shines over each plant to give it life; like water that quenches the thirst of burning lips; like food that satiates the hungry man after a long fast. Everything should be filled with the knowledges regarding my Will; and if it is not so, it is a sign that the Kingdom of my Will is not known, and therefore not possessed.

Would you perhaps be able to tell me which Saint said that he possessed this Kingdom and the unity of the light of the Supreme Volition? Certainly not. I Myself spoke little about it. Had I wanted to speak extensively about the Kingdom of my Will and about wanting to form It in man just as innocent Adam possessed It, since this is the highest point, the most proximal to God and the closest to the divine likeness, and since the fall of Adam was still fresh, they would all have become discouraged, and turning their backs to Me, would have said: ‘If innocent Adam could not manage, nor had the constancy to live in the sanctity of this Kingdom, so much so as to cause his own fall and that of all generations into miseries, into passions and irreparable evils, how can we, guilty ones, live in a Kingdom so holy? Beautiful, yes, but we can say that It is not for us.’ Not only this, but since my Will is the highest point, the ways, the means of transportation, the stairs, the decent clothes, the appropriate foods were needed in order to be able to dwell in this Kingdom. So, my coming upon earth served to form all this; each one of my sayings, works, pains, prayers, examples, instituted Sacraments, were ways that I formed, means of transportation to let them arrive more quickly, stairs to let them ascend. It can be said that I gave them the clothes of my Humanity reddened with my Blood to let them be clothed decently in this Kingdom of my Will, so holy, which, in Creation, the Uncreated Wisdom established to give to man as inheritance. So, even though I spoke little about this – because when I speak, I speak at time and circumstance, as the necessity and the utility of the good which my word contains must be enclosed in it – instead of speaking I did the deeds, intending to speak to you about the Kingdom of my Will.

Now, how could they possess It if they did not have full knowledge of It? On the other hand, you must know that all the manifestations I have made to you about It – Its prodigies, Its goods, what the soul must do to be able to settle in this Kingdom, my very expressed Will for man to return into my Kingdom, and how I have done everything – Creation, Redemption - so that he might come to possess my Kingdom which he had lost – are bonds of transmission, are doors to let him enter, are donations that I make, are laws, instructions on how to live in It, intelligence to make them comprehend and appreciate the good they possess. If all this was missing, how could they possess this Kingdom of my Will? It would be as if someone wanted to go to live in another kingdom without a passport, without knowing either its laws or its customs or its dialect. Poor one, his entrance would be impossible; and if he did enter as an intruder, he would be so ill-at-ease, that he himself would rather go out of a kingdom he knows nothing about.

Now, my daughter, does it not seem easier to you, more encouraging, more within the reach of the human nature, that after they have known the Kingdom of Redemption in which the blind, the lame and the sick can be healed - because the blind cannot enter the Kingdom of my Will, for in It all are straight and glowing with health - finding all possible means in the Kingdom of Redemption and the very passport of my Passion and death in order to pass into the Kingdom of my Will, animated at the sight of such a great good, they will decide to take possession of It? Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to constrain or reduce the goods which are in the Kingdom of my Will – and you do this when you do not manifest everything of what I make known to you – because knowledge is the bearer of the gift; and if now I abound in the knowledges about It, it is gifts that I make, and in these gifts I establish the more or the less to be placed in the Kingdom of my Will for the good of those who are to possess It."

Volume 19; July 14, 1926

Therefore I contented Myself with agonizing, suffering, waiting - more than a mother, so as not to expose this dear birth from Myself, my Kingdom, to any danger. And so, while agonizing, for I wanted to deliver of It to give It to the creature as gift, and to secure the interest of Creation and Redemption which were all in danger – in fact, until man returns into the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, Our interests and his will always be in danger, because outside of Our Will man is always a disorder in Our creative work, he is a clashing note that takes the perfect harmony away from the sanctity of Our works – I looked at the round of centuries, waiting for my little newborn in the Kingdom of my Will, placing around her all the goods of Redemption for the safety of the Kingdom of my Will. And more than a suffering mother, who has agonized for so long, I entrust to you this birth from Myself and the destiny of this, my Kingdom. And it is not only my Humanity that wants to deliver of this birth that cost Me so much, but the whole Creation is pregnant with my Will, and agonizes because It wants to deliver of It for the creatures, to establish once again the Kingdom of their God in the midst of creatures. Therefore Creation is like a veil that hides my Will, which is like a birth within It; but creatures take the veil and reject the birth present inside of It. The Kingdom of my Will is the sun, but while they take the effects of the sun which, like veil, conceals my Will and the goods It produces, they reject my Will, they do not recognize It, nor do they let themselves be dominated by It. So, they take the natural goods present in the sun, but reject the goods of the soul – the Kingdom of my Will that reigns in the sun and wants to give Itself to them. Oh, how my Will agonizes in the sun, wanting to give birth from the height of its sphere in order to reign in the midst of creatures! The Kingdom of my Will is the sky, looking at the creatures with its eyes of light, which are the stars, to see if they want to receive It so that It may reign in their midst. The Kingdom of my Will is the sea; It makes Itself heard with its roaring waves, and its waters hide It like a veil. But man makes use of the sea, he takes its fish, but does not bother about my Will, and causes It to agonize, like a birth constrained in the womb of the waters. So, all the elements are pregnant with my Will: the wind, the fire, the flower, the whole earth – they are all veils that conceal It.

Now, who will give this outlet and relief to my Humanity? Who will break these veils of so many created things that conceal It? One who will recognize in all things the bearers of my Will, and paying the honors due to It, will let It reign in her soul, giving It dominion and her subjection. Therefore, my daughter, be attentive, give this contentment to your Jesus, who has agonized so much until now to release this birth of my Supreme Kingdom; and together with Me, the whole Creation, as a single act, will break the veils and will deposit in you the birth of my Will that all things conceal."

Also, you say that, "Jesus being the New Adam and Our Lady being the New Eve have a newborn, spiritually speaking, Luisa Piccarreta." Could you clarify your meaning? check above I've not heard this metaphor before.

You also say, "Luisa possesses the True Life of Jesus and the True Life of Mary." No saint before could ever dream of that." Being of De Montfortian Spirituality, this seems to be the End Cause of True and Perfect Devotion to Mary, in that Mary conceives in our souls, Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit via Perfect trust and devotion to her---one prerequisite being the presence of Mary in one's soul. De Montfort said, ""The more the Holy Ghost find Mary, his dear and inseparable spouse, in any soul, the more active and mighty He becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ." This is a Mystical Conception of Jesus. I'm wondering, how or why does Luisa's possession of the True Life of Jesus and Mary differ from the mystical conception of Jesus spoken of by St. Louis De Montfort?

Forgot to mention, you have the Three Appeals, so you have the reference about the Pope being the first to live in the Divine Will (after Luisa). [At this point, I have no idea what he's talking about].

As far as the other Saints you referred to, since they were contemporaries (spelling?) of Luisa, they couldn't have, since Our Lord specifically told Luisa "My Saints have done My Will, but have not entered into It, to do all that My Will does, taking all acts, as though in a twinkling of an eye, from the first to the last man, and becoming actors, spectators and divinizers. (V 16; 1/24/23)", etc.

You said, "Jesus says that to possess the Divine Will one MUST be linked to Luisa, not with a cord or rope or chain but a Living Cord and to never be separated from her or that person would be stillborn in the Divine Will." What do you mean by our need to be linked to Luisa? By reading re-reading and putting into practice the Truths that Jesus taught Luisa. Basically learning the 36 Volumes of Luisa.

Are we linking to Luisa's suffering? No one could. Her life? Yes, by learning what Jesus taught her through the writings.Or are we simply linking to her by asking her to intercede for us (to pray for us)? And what is meant by being "stillborn" in the Divine Will?

Also, I'm wondering if you could take a look at my prayer book (I'll send in separate email). Some of the prayers you'll recognize as traditional church prayers. Others were composed by me based on the writings of Archbishop Luis Martinez, Dina Belanger, Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Louis De Montfort, and Luisa. Everything that you compiled are holy, good and saintly prayers. Jesus taught Luisa to pray the Round of Creation and the Round of Redemption

My spirituality is actually very simple. I ask Mary to surround me with her womb and through the power of the Holy Spirit to conceive Jesus within my soul and my soul within Jesus. (His Divine Will goes along with it). Then, I ask Mary to offer up the Child Jesus, replicated in me, up to God the Father immolated with the peoples of the whole world, past, present and future in His hands, for the honor and glory of God the Father and for the salvation of the whole world. (I got this idea from the Exemplars and from a statue in our Church depicting Mary holding up the Child Jesus. The Child Jesus has a blue globe in His hands, wrapped in the cross. Though it is probably His scepter, I imagine the blue globe (for purpose of a mental image) to be the Earth, wrapped in the cross. This was the idea for my personal devotion). That way, Jesus replicated in my soul is mystically "born again" in Heaven through the hands of Mary. Now we go to Jesus and Mary through Luisa.

Anyway, the prayer book is below my signature.We must become nothing so that God becomes everything. The only pages missing are the Consecration prayer to Father Di Francia (my confirmation saint) and the prayer booklet to Our Lady of America. Those in the hard copy. This prayer book is a work-in-progress, updated every six months. I'd like your advice.

August 1, 1926, Volume 19.

Jesus to Luisa: "Now, My daughter Luisa, having shown to you the outpouring of My constrained Love, I, Jesus wanted to move on to give you Luisa what I, Jesus contained within Me; I, Jesus wanted to communicate to you Luisa the Great Secret of the Kingdom of My Will, giving you Luisa the goods It contains. And when important secrets are communicated – and this is the most important Secret of the whole History of Creation – amusements, kisses and caresses are put aside; more so, since the work of the Kingdom of the Supreme Volition is exuberant, and the greatest that can exist in the whole history of the world. Therefore, manifesting My Secret to you Luisa surpasses all loves together, because in the Secret there is the sharing of one’s life, of one’s goods; in the Secret there is Trust, there is Reliance.

And do you think it is trivial that your Jesus has trust in you Luisa, and that you Luisa are the object of My Hope? But not just any trust and hope; rather, the Trust of entrusting to you Luisa the Kingdom of My Will, and the Hope that you Luisa will place Its rights in safety and that you Luisa will make It known for Me. Now, having entrusted to you Luisa the Secret of My Will, My Will being the Essential Part of the Divine LifeI Jesus would not know what to give you Luisa that is Greater than this. How can you say, then, that I love you less than before? Rather, you Luisa must say that this is the Great Work required of you Luisa and of Me Jesus in the Kingdom of My Will. You Luisa must know that I Jesus am always occupied and all intent on working in you Luisa: now I, Jesus expand your capacity Luisa, now I, Jesus instruct you Luisa, many times I, Jesus move on to work together with you Luisa, other times I, Jesus make up for you Luisa; in sum, I am always occupied, and this says that I love you Luisa more and more - but with stronger and more substantial love."

Thank you and God Bless you in the Divine Will


Billy de Goat


From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/21/06 21:58:32 
To: Father Celso
Subject: Prayer book

Father Celso,

Here's my prayer booklet, mentioned in my previous email. I tried sending it with the first, but the computer got fussy with all the copying and pasting. HA! The prayers composed by me are based on the writings of most of the Exemplars. I was greatly influenced by Archbishop Luis M. Martinez and Dina Belanger.

To explain the blank spaces ________. My current project is to pray for the nations of the world, one nation per Mass, in Alphabetical order. (I did Rwanda today). I attend Daily Mass often --- else this would take an Eternity. The blank space can actually represent any prayer Intention.

The only pages missing are the Consecration to St. Hannibal Di Francia (my confirmation saint) and the prayers from Our Lady of America. Those are in the hard copy.

Any advice would be helpful. I really appreciate your corresponding with me. Thank you very much, and God Bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

From: BThomas Celso
Date: 09/24/06 10:46:44 
To: Billy de Goat
Subject: Re: Prayer book

Dear Billy de Goat,

I'll reply in red.


Fr. Thomas

----- Original Message -----

From: Billy de Goat
To: Father Celso
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 12:58 AM 
Subject: Prayer book

Father Celso,

Here's my prayer booklet, mentioned in my previous email. I tried sending it with the first, but the computer got fussy with all the copying and pasting. HA! The prayers composed by me are based on the writings of most of the Exemplars. I was greatly influenced by Archbishop Luis M. Martinez and Dina Belanger.

I studied Archbishop Martinez in the 70's and taught his book the "Sanctifier" for 7 years and have read and studied Dina Belanger. Yes, they are beautiful, holy and saintly but they do not come close to what Jesus tells Luisa Piccarreta about Livining in the Divine Will. That is Luisa's job alone! Your prayers are good and holy but they are not the way Jesus teaches Luisa how to "pray." The way Jesus taught Luisa was they way Jesus and Mary prayed while on earth and that was by doing the Round of Creation and the Round of Redemption.

To explain the blank spaces ________. My current project is to pray for the nations of the world, one nation per Mass, in Alphabetical order. (I did Rwanda today). I attend Daily Mass often --- else this would take an Eternity. The blank space can actually represent any prayer Intention.

The only pages missing are the Consecration to St. Hannibal Di Francia (my confirmation saint) and the prayers from Our Lady of America. Those are in the hard copy.

Any advice would be helpful. I really appreciate your corresponding with me. Thank you very much, and God Bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

From: Billy de Goat
Date: 09/22/06 13:37:39 
To: Father Celso
Subject: Another question

Father Celso,

[In this e-mail, I probed Father Celso by deliberately proposing blatant apostate errors. I wanted to know how deep the cultus to Luisa was].

I've been thinking about what you said with regards to Luisa being a spiritual daughter of Jesus Mary, the fulfillment of the True Life of both of them, and the fulfillment of the drop of water within the Chalice on the altar.

Are you saying that as Jesus is the Word made flesh and Redeemer; that Luisa Piccarreta is the Holy Spirit made flesh and Sanctifier? That is, just as Jesus is the only Begotten Son of God, are you then saying that Luisa is the only Begotten Daughter of God? And as such, we're to join with her Sanctifying role in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in order to have true life in the Divine Will? Are you saying that not joining with Luisa's sanctifying role will make us be "still born" in the Divine Will? Is this all correct?

Thank you, and God bless you in the Divine Will.


Billy de Goat

From: BThomas Celso
Date: 09/24/06 10:46:45 
To: Billy de Goat
Subject: Re: Another question

Dear Billy,

I'll reply in red.


Fr. Thomas

----- Original Message -----

From: Billy de Goat
To: Father Celso
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 4:37 PM 
Subject: Another question

Father Celso,

I've been thinking about what you said with regards to Luisa being a "spiritual" daughter of Jesus Mary, the fulfillment NOT Fulfillment has the True Life of both of them, and the fulfillment of the drop of water THIS IS ANOTHER POINT - We are like that drop of Water, God is like that Cup filled with Wine and the water becomes one with the Wine by fusing itself into the wine within the Chalice on the altar.

Are you saying that as Jesus is the Word made flesh and Redeemer; that Luisa Piccarreta is the Holy Spirit made flesh and Sanctifier? NO, Luisa is a human.[I was actually very relieved to hear that Father Celso did not think Luisa was the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit].That is, just as Jesus is the only Begotten Son of God, are you then saying that Luisa is the only Begotten Daughter of God? NO, Luisa is the newborn in the Divine Will. And as such, we're to join NO, we are to Link with Luisa. her Sanctifying NO, this is the time for Sanctification by the Holy Spirit [It is my opinion that the Redemption of Mankind at Calvary and the Sanctification of Man through Christ and the Father's sending of the Holy Spirit were one and the same event. This has already happened. Christ Redeems because the satisfaction of His Sacrifice at Calvary Sancifies Man, making Man pleasing to the Father, opening the Gates of Heaven to all the Just]. role in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in order to have true life in the Divine Will? Are you saying that not joining NOT Linking with the person of Luisa by not reading, re-reading and putting into practice the Truths taught by Jesus to Luisa, the one who possesses the Divine Will, we become still born Luisa's sanctifying role will make us be "still born" in the Divine Will? Is this all correct?

[It's an infallible Dogma that once our souls are in Heaven, we cannot gain Merit. So, if all the previous saints are "stillborn" in the Divine Will, then what exactly does that mean? In the Higher Volumes (i.e. those Volumes above Volume 19), Luisa's "Jesus" speaks of the Children of the Divine Will entering into the lives of all the Saints of Old and Divinizing all their acts so that they, too, can be complete. Isn't this saying that the Saints of Old are to gain new Merits in Heaven? Isn't this a contradiction of that same Dogma? We, the Church Militant, can gain Merits for the Poor Souls in Purgatory, because they're not yet in Heaven. But the Saints of Old ARE in Heaven. The Church says so. So how are they to gain Merits through the actions of the Children of the Divine Will??? This doesn't make logical or reasonable sense to my Catholic intellect. The ONLY way this can be true is if the Saints of Old really aren't yet in Heaven, but are awaiting the Sanctifying Fiat's of the Children of the Divine Will to purify the acts of their lives---and this contradicts the teachings of the Church because the Saints of Old are in Heaven. The only thing left is the General Resurrection! I'll address this issue later with Celso in my discussion of Buddhism and Divine Will].

Thank you, and God bless you in the Divine Will


Billy de Goat

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