The following articles have been compiled from a variety of independent sources. If you are genuinely interested in discerning the truth about this issue, please take the time to scan as many of the links as possible. All faithful Catholic are trying to be obedient to the Holy Father, to adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, to embrace true devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to practice the devotion to the Divine Mercy. The only issue that seriously divides many of these good Catholic people is Medjugorje.
All of the humble testimonies below reflect the most honest and heartfelt convictions. We respectfully present them for your consideration. Truth enters the mind quietly, by the strength of it's own truth. If you have a testimony of your own that you would like to submit - please send it!
Medjugorje Investigation by Richard Salbato
Official Facts on Medjugorje (complete outline)
Medjugorje, The Actual Situation Today 3-2010
Benedict's 2009 Crackdown on Apparitions
The "Saint" Jozo Zovko and his Sex-Affairs
The True Queen of Peace Shrine
Pope to crack down on Alleged Apparitions
Time to Tell the Truth about Medjugorje
Vatican on Father Tomislav Vlasic
Medjugorje and the Vatican 2008
Medjugorje Evaluated In New Study James Likoudis
Pope Benedict on Medjugorje 2-28-2006
The Vatican's Voice on Apparitions in 2006
In Defense of Medjugorje and My Response
The Great Apostasy by Dave Hughes
Meet the Deceivers - The Fallen Angels
To Believe in Medjugorje is like ... Being In Love By Mark Waterinckx
History of Medjugorje by John Loughman
Great Web Site
Years in Medjugorje Testimony
of a Local Medjugorje Resident
The Truth About Medjugorje By Bishop Zanic; Bishop of Medjugorje 1977 - 1993
Final Decision from ROME by Bishop Peric; Bishop of Medjugorje 1993 - Present (Decree Removing Franciscans)
"Throne of Wisdom" By Bishop Peric, 1995: Criteria for Discerning Medjugorje
Medjugorje: An Experienced Perspective by Rick Salbato
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 1
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 2
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 3
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 4
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 5
Medjugorje & Logic by Brian Hughes 6
Questions about Medjugorje by Mr. Craig Heimbichner
Medjugorje - Old Lies - New Admissions by Mr. Craig Heimbichner
Medjugorje and The Light Bearer by Mr. Craig Heimbichner
Composing Heaven's Messages: Fr. Vlasic caught authoring "messages" on film
After the War, Miracles and Mutiny by James Drake
Franciscans Plan To Separate From Rome
Medjugorje To Create Separate State
Fake Bishop performs bogus "Confirmation"
Communiqué from Chancellor Don Ante Laburic of Mostar
Falsehood on Film: The Chancery of Mostar speaks out against the film "Gospa"
Laurentin Visits Bishop Peric: Catholic information agency
Medjugorje "Messages" at the Service of the "Affair of Herzegovina"
Official Bulletin of the Province of Herzegovinian
The Medjugorje Miracle: Written by: Don Luka Pavlovic, General Vicar, Mostar
Private Visits to Inauthentic Apparitions
Medjugorje Bank Raided by Daytona Peace Keeping Army
Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama
Medjugorje and the Light Bearer
Better to Believe Than Not to Believe ?
A Dance on the Volcano by Mark Waterinckx
Medjugorje Franciscans Disobey Church
Porno Web Site For Priests & Medjugorje
Over 1000 Deaths In Uganda: The Africa - Medjugorje Connection
Bishop Zanic's Official Pronouncement on Medjugorje: 1987
'The Truth about Medjugorje' by Bishop Pavao Zanic, 1990
Bishop Peric's Pronouncement Concerning Discerning Medjugorje: 1995
Synopsis of Links on Medjugorje: History, Scandal and Logic
Strange but True: Authentic Mystical Discernment